Lone Widahl-Madsen is a clarinetist, composer and actress. She's best known for her role as Miss Grey, Willoughby's fiancé with a dowry, in Sense and Sensibility (1995).
Based on director Lotte Svendsen's own memories of her childhood on the Baltic island of Bornholm, but though it is set in 1981 the conflicts portrayed do not seem far away. At the start of the film Lars Erik and his wife Sonja are doing well on the Baltic island of Bornholm. Lars Erik is a successful fisherman, Sonja is a traditional housewife, proud of their new house bulging with consumer goods. Their love for each other is the sturdy footing on which their home is founded. Lars Erik employs three men on his trawler, and spends as fast as he earns, so when fishing quotas are cut he faces a crisis. One by one his men leave the boat, but he refuses to give up. Being a fisherman is like being a farmer - you depend on the wealth of mother nature herself. However, mother nature is like romance, highly capricious!
Inglaterra, siglo XIX. Dos hermanas completamente distintas: una, pura razón y sentido común; la otra, pura sensibilidad y pasión, se enfrentan al amor y a las adversidades de la vida. Al morir su padre, deben abandonar su hogar, que pasa a manos de un hermanastro, hijo del primer matrimonio de su padre. Se mudan al campo y, allí, tendrán experiencias amorosas que producirán en ellas un cambio profundo.