Serena Rossi

Serena Rossi

Nacimiento : 1985-08-31, Napoli (Italy)


Serena Rossi
Serena Rossi


Beata te
Elisabeth Gay
Adaptación cinematográfica de las aventuras del personaje creado por Angela y Luciana Giussani en los años 60. Diabolik es un ladrón con miles de disfraces y con miles de trucos. Gracias a sus especiales máscaras de plástico, es como una especie de camaleón capaz de mimetizarse a su gusto y escapar de los adversarios hasta en situaciones muy peligrosas.
Il coraggio del leone
Serena Rossi
La tristezza ha il sonno leggero
7 horas para enamorarte
¿Cuánto tiempo se necesita para enamorar a alguien? Y una vez conquistada a la mujer de tus sueños, ¿Cómo hacer para que siga a tu lado? ¿Y podría una espectacular mujer caer a los pies de un torpe y tímido?
You Came Back
Marco and Anita discover they are expecting a child. Finally a ray of light in Marco’s life after his heartbreak following the loss of Leo, his first born with his former wife Clara. Suddenly, however Perla, the new owner where the couple lived until the tragic accident, bursts into Marco’s and his ex-wife’s lives. The mysterious woman claims she keeps feeling a strange presence and hearing the voice of a child that is tormenting her and her son. Marco therefore finds himself torn between the ties of the past and an unwritten future.
About Max
The intimate and passionate portrait of the late Max Croci in a documentary that recalls the human and cultural depth with the testimonies of friends and colleagues.
Good Gals
The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.
Mia Martini - I Am Mia
Mia Martini
The movie is a biopic about Mia Martini, an italian singer who died in 1995.
Caccia al tesoro
Love and Bullets
Musical sobre la mafia que gira en torno a un jefe de la Camorra que decide cambiar de vida radicalmente e intentar desaparecer del radar de cualquier forma posible con la ayuda de la astucia de su mujer. Mientras tanto, una enfermera que está en las nubes y un temido sicario están divididos entre el pasado y un futuro incierto. Sus caminos se entrecruzan por medio de la música, acción, amor y ráfagas de balas.
Il Coraggio di Vincere
Al posto tuo
Two very different men have something in common: the work. When their companies are bought by a bigger one, who will take the only place of boss of the new company?
Too Neapolitan
Debora Iovine
When Deborah's ex-husband, a popular neomelodic singer, loses his life in a stage dive, Deborah worries for her eleven-year-old son, Ciro, who is exhibiting signs of depression. Searching for a solution, Deborah takes Ciro to see Tommaso, a shy child psychologist. During the course of their visits, Ciro confesses that it's not his father's death that has got him down, it's his love for his classmate, the beautiful Ludovica. The two make a deal: Tomasso will help Ciro to win the affections of Ludovica, while Ciro gives Tomasso a hand at having a chance with his mother.
Ti sposo ma non troppo
ex ragazza di Luca
Un pareja que tras siete años de convivencia por fin se van a casar, un seductor fisioterapeuta a jornada completa y una chica abandonada en el altar son los protagonistas de esta divertida historia que, gracias al chat de Facebook, entrelazan sus vidas entre equívocos hilarantes, intercambios de identidad y confusiones emocionales hasta el sorprendente final.
Song'e Napule
The police infiltrates an unemployed classically-trained musician into a wedding band in order to drive out an elusive Camorra boss.
Adriano Olivetti - La forza di un sogno
In post–WWII Italy, inspired industrialist Adriano Olivetti oversees the creation of the first all-Italian electronic calculator while theorizing a revolutionary business model based on the idea that profit should be reinvested for the benefits of the whole society. An utopian vision that catches the attention of powerful interests...
San Agustín
Miniserie de TV de dos episodios. Los vándalos están asediando Hipona, en el norte de África, y el Papa teme por la vida de su obispo, Agustín. Por eso envía un barco para rescatarlo y traerlo a Roma sano y salvo. Una tropa del ejército romano atraviesa las líneas enemigas y llega hasta Hipona, consiguiendo reavivar la esperanza de un pueblo subyugado por el poder vándalo.
Eroi per caso
Lulù La Belle
Giacomo Puccini, hijo de un organista de la Toscana, logra el reconocimiento mundial como compositor de óperas y muere de cáncer de garganta en medio de una crisis artística, con tan sólo sesenta y seis años.
Rosa (Rosafuria)
Vita and Rosa are teenagers. The first lived in Genoa, in the Northern of Italy, then all her family moved in Naples, in the Southern of Italy. The two girls are very different in temper and disposition, but, after a first moment of almost hate, they became great friends. And Vita, younger and apparently weaker, will show herself the stronger of the two.