Richard Berg


The Wednesday Woman
Executive Producer
Muriel Davidson, a successful mystery author in a vulnerable stage of her life, falls for a charismatic ex-con. As they begin to bond over their traumatic pasts, Muriel's life slowly begins to resemble one of her darker novels.
Un negocio peligroso
Narra la historia de los hermanos Mitchell, autores de la conocida película X "Tras la puerta verde", un filme que impulsó el cine porno en Estados Unidos.
Harry Arno is a Miami Beach bookie who finds himself in trouble with his mob bosses for reasons he can't quite figure out. When an assailant attempts to kill him, he decides that it's time to retire, so he relocates to Greece.
Bloodlines: Murder in the Family
Executive Producer
Stewart and Neil Woodman plot to have their parents murdered.
Jóvenes ardientes
Matt Larkin (Andrew McCarthy) es un niño bien que estudia en un buen colegio de Cincinatti, tiene buenos amigos y una buena chica. Un día Larkin cruza el puente que enlaza Ohio con Kentucky y se encuentra con Jewel (Molly Ringwald), una chica campesina distinta a las de su clase. Matt no puede sustraerse a la sensualidad de Jewel, ya que ella posee un carácter seductor y una enigmática sensualidad que lo desarman. Entre ellos surge una apasionada relación, una relación que enfrenta a dos mundos diferentes en el corazón de la América rural...
American Geisha
Executive Producer
On a trip to Japan, an American student watches the lives of the Geishas in a tea house.
Are You in the House Alone?
Executive Producer
A beautiful high school student becomes the target of a terror campaign that eventually leads to devastating consequences.
Night Cries
Executive Producer
A young woman whose baby died in childbirth refuses to believe it and has dreams that her child is still alive and in danger. A scientist who is conducting experiments about dreams tries to help her.
A Love Affair: The Eleanor and Lou Gehrig Story
Executive Producer
Legendary ballplayer and humanitarian Lou Gehrig and his relationship with his stalwart wife, Eleanor, are portrayed in this film that focuses on the Hall of Famer's life off the baseball field. Featuring unflinching looks at the Gehrigs' relationship, as well as Lou's feud with Babe Ruth. This film is for anyone interested in baseball. [imdb]
Control mental
Executive Producer
Rita Matches, una adolescente de 15 años de vida normal, está poseída por un poder sobrenatural que horroriza a la gente que le rodea. Rita es víctima de crueles tormentos por parte de sus compañeros. Sólo su madre y su profesor de gimnasia parecen entender lo que le sucede a Rita, pero ella se ve involucrada, sin quererlo, en la misteriosa muerte de una amiga.
Correo especial
Una banda de ladrones planea un audaz atraco a un banco, huyendo por los tejados de Los Ángeles. La policía rápidamente es avisada, sin embargo Murdock, uno de los ladrones, consigue escaparse. Por desgracia, se ve obligado a volcar el dinero robado en un buzón de correo, que luego se encuentra cerrado hasta la medianoche, eso le obliga a esperar hasta que el cartero llegue por la noche. Mientras espera, descubre que su escondite ha sido observado por otras personas, los cuales quieren una parte del botín.
When boredom, pride and a mad second of misjudgement leaves a hunter shot dead by one of five combat veterans also hunting in the Canadian hills, it is expected a police investigation will follow, but when the veterans discover the incident has not been reported, the leader of the team, Major Rex suspects the other party maybe plotting revenge. Convinced that he, his party, and their families will be targets themselves he decides to beat his suspected assailants at their own game, grouping together more army comrades and stocking up an arsenal of weapons for the forthcoming battle.
Executive Producer
When boredom, pride and a mad second of misjudgement leaves a hunter shot dead by one of five combat veterans also hunting in the Canadian hills, it is expected a police investigation will follow, but when the veterans discover the incident has not been reported, the leader of the team, Major Rex suspects the other party maybe plotting revenge. Convinced that he, his party, and their families will be targets themselves he decides to beat his suspected assailants at their own game, grouping together more army comrades and stocking up an arsenal of weapons for the forthcoming battle.
Someone I Touched
Executive Producer
A woman learns that her husband has been unfaithful and that he has acquired a venereal disease. Then she learns that, after years of trying, she is finally pregnant
Hard Day at Blue Nose
Executive Producer
Backwoods officers try to uncover clues about the mysterious death of a young woman at a dude ranch.
Murder and the Computer
Executive Producer
After coming under suspicion for a computer technician's murder, six hackers team up to try to find the real killer.
A Chant of Silence
Executive Producer
A murdering skyjacker parachutes to safety and poses as a novice monk in an isolated New Mexico monastery.
Class of '63
Executive Producer
A jealous husband uses a college reunion to gauge whether or not his wife is still in love with her old flame.
Heat of Anger
Executive Producer
A woman attorney and her young associate defend a wealthy contractor accused of murdering an ironworker who was having an affair with the contractor's daughter.
Castillo de naipes
Leschenhaut y Morillon están preparando un golpe de estado para derrocar al gobierno francés y crear una nueva organización fascista. Sus planes se ven interrumpidos por Davis, un boxeador americano, tutor del joven Pauul de Villemont. (FILMAFFINITY)
Una tumba al amanecer
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), una famosa orquesta sinfónica norteamericana, formada por civiles, que está en Europa para entretener a las tropas aliadas, es capturada en el frente belga por los alemanes. Los músicos son trasladados como prisioneros a un castillo medieval, cuyo jefe es el General Schiller (Maximilian Schell), autoritario militar y gran melómano. Schiller le propone al director de la orquesta, el prestigioso concertista Lionel Evans (Charlton Heston), la posibilidad de salvar sus vidas a cambio de que interpreten para él un concierto exclusivo durante una reunión de altos oficiales alemanes. Sin embargo, los principios éticos de Evans le impiden doblegarse a la voluntad de un nazi. Su obstinación pondrá en peligro a todos los miembros de la orquesta. (FILMAFFINITY)
Al encargarse profesionalmente del mantenimiento del campo de golf del Presidente Country Club después de un periodo de inactividad, Mike Banning se ve envuelto en una espiral de problemas y turbios asuntos. El interés de Banning por ingresar en el club se debe a la voluntad de ayudar a su amigo Doc Brewer, un jugador que adeuda una importante suma de dinero. Las mismas intenciones parecen perseguir a Cynthia, la esposa del director del club, Jonathan Linus.
A Small Rebellion
An angry young man of the theatre, who has written a play that could be a hit, if actress Sara Lescaut agrees to play the lead. Kolinos, however, is determined not to alter one word of his script to make it a more commercial vehicle.