In the darkly phantasmagorical world of the carnival magician and sideshow hypnotist, the gruesome "illusions" of Montag the Magnificent are unique in that they seem to become retroactive reality long after the the tricks are done. Is it coincidence, or circumstantial evidence of the world's most diabolically ingenious murders? When an underground journalist begins to investigate the strange deaths, the truth proves to be far more bizarre and disturbing than anything he or his readers might have imagined.
Assistant Hotel Manager
Willy Beachum es un joven y ambicioso fiscal cuya carrera está empezando a despegar. Por otra parte, Ted Crawford es un ingeniero de mediana edad que acaba de disparar a su mujer a sangre fría. El destino querrá que ambos hombres se encuentren cara a cara en un camino de destino inescrutable. Crawford resulta ser tan complejo e impredecible como el crimen que ha cometido y, así, mientras el caso perfecto de Willy comienza a desmoronarse, el futuro del joven fiscal parece destruirse con él.
TV Girl
A young woman leaves a Chinese takeaway where she has been working and get confronted by a pervert with a pair of pants on his head. The woman gains power over him by exposing him to her sexuality.