Kurt Sorge


Esperanto is TGR’s latest action-packed mountain bike film with an added twist. Mixing the rock stars of the sport with a cast of unknown and up-and-coming heroes, the film explores how we share our dreams through a universal two-wheeled language no matter what our native tongue may be. The sacred ritual of the ride might sound different all across the world – whether it’s a full-face getting pulled down to drop into a big jump line or wheeling a beat-up bike out of a mud hut to pedal to school – but it’s a universal process no matter what language we speak. There are more than 7000 languages spoken on Earth. In 1887 a Polish-Jewish doctor named L.L. Zamenhof created a new one, a universal second language based on a combination of existing widely-spoken European languages. Its goal, to help bring people together from different ideologies, beliefs, and nations and ultimately to help end war. The language was called Esperanto. Translated into English it means ‘one who hopes.’
Héroes por naturaleza: Where the Trail Ends
Documental que sigue a los ciclistas profesionales Darren Berrecloth, Cameron Zink, Kurt Sorge, James Doerfling, Andreu Lacondeguy y a otros seis de los mejores atletas del freeride de mayor nivel en un viaje de exploración, caos y cultura a algunos de los paisajes más impresionantes y remotos del mundo. "Where The Trail Ends" es la culminación de tres años de viajes por los lugares más recónditos del planeta, que incluyen: las faldas de Salta, en los Andes; el desafiante desierto de Gobi, en China; la casi secreta región del reino de Mustang, en el Nepal; las inexploradas orillas del río Fraser, en la Columbia Británica y de Virgin, en Utah, entre otros lugares. Sitios que pusieron a prueba a los atletas que participan en la película y que son la pura esencia del freeriding en bicicleta de montaña.
Follow Me
Deep in the coast mountains of BC, a small crew of filmmakers has spent the last eleven months huddled together, planning, scheming and brain-storming to come up with a concept for a new company and mountain bike film. The hard work has paid off and Anthill Films is stoked to announce the release of their premier film FOLLOW ME...
New World Disorder 10: Dust & Bones
Kurt Sorge
NWD 10 "Dust & Bones" is the final chapter in the epic saga known as New World Disorder. Shot in high definition with RED cameras you' ll witness the ultimate throw down segment by Darren Berrecloth, unbelievable back flip combinations from Greg Watts and the new school styles of Graham Agassiz. Follow the Clump, Stumps and Jumps Tour as they jam the west coast and entertain a Giants baseball game
New World Disorder 8: Smackdown
Kurt Sorge
Freeride has spent the last year travelling to such exotic locations as Israel, Argentina, Europe,Utah and of course BC to capture the most progressive and scenic riding in the world. Staring the big dogs of freeriding McCaul, Lacondeguy, Basagoitia, Berrecloth, Goss, Boyko, Bourdon and along with the rest of the world's best racers, freeriders and dirt jumpers have thrown down their best moves to