Chris Pentzell


El método Williams
Another Incredulous Pro
Biopic sobre Richard Williams, un padre inasequible al desaliento que ayudó a criar a dos de las deportistas más extraordinarias de todos los tiempos, dos atletas que acabarían cambiando para siempre el deporte del tenis. Richard tenía una visión muy clara del futuro de sus hijas y sirviéndose de métodos poco convencionales, elaboró un plan que llevaría a Venus y Serena Williams de las calles de Compton, California, al olimpo de deporte convirtiéndolas en iconos legendarios.
El desenlace sexual, psicológico y moral de una madre suburbana obsesivo-compulsiva.
El reflejo de una obsesión
Karen, madre soltera, se centra en lograr que su hija Emily se gradúe y vaya a la universidad. Pero cuando ella contrata a Devin para mejorar las calificaciones de Emily, el tutor se obsesiona...
Love Addict
A womanizing attorney is unable to have sex after a hypnotherapy session to quit smoking goes awry and he seeks help from one of his clients, an uptight psychiatrist, who teaches him that there is more to women than just sex.
Paranormal Whacktivity
A couple who have just moved into a new home to consummate their relationship, find peril around every corner due to an evil presence that haunts them whenever they attempt to be intimate.
Halloween Party
Ben / Dr. Ben Dover
Ben and Julie's annual Halloween Party is about to go off the Richter scale, when their single, high maintenance girlfriend drags in a homeless guy, thinking he's a party goer, because SHE needs an escort. Not only has she dated everyone there; unbeknownst to her, Ben has invited her lame ex-boyfriend in hopes of reuniting them. As she spends the night avoiding her ex, and the other undesirable guys in attendance, she interacts with a colorful assortment of party peeps. Between disappearing fortune tellers and over crowded jacuzzis, she questions if real love is even possible. The irony; the only person she's the least bit attracted to, is the homeless man!
Simon Delpepper
Starting at a new high school can feel like the greatest challenge to a teenage girl. Popularity is social currency and not fitting in can feel like the end of the world. This revealing year-in-the-life documentary follows April Poplewski's student experiences through her eyes. Lumber in her shoes as she endures all of the peer-pressures, 'in-crowd' influences and struggles to make the most of her high school journey.