Gerald Seth Sindell


H.O.T.S. es la hermandad femenina de estudiantes más popular de la universidad local. Esto es algo comprensible dadas las características físicas de sus integrantes y sus alocadas maneras para divertir al resto del Campus. Aunque no todo será diversión, también tendrán que demostrar que son capaces de resolver algún que otro problema. ¿Valdrá para ello su experiencia en competiciones de camisetas mojadas?
H.O.T.S. es la hermandad femenina de estudiantes más popular de la universidad local. Esto es algo comprensible dadas las características físicas de sus integrantes y sus alocadas maneras para divertir al resto del Campus. Aunque no todo será diversión, también tendrán que demostrar que son capaces de resolver algún que otro problema. ¿Valdrá para ello su experiencia en competiciones de camisetas mojadas?
A film company arrives in a small town to shoot a biker movie. The film's director encourages his actors to "live" their parts, and the results are clashes with the townspeople that end in murder.
A film company arrives in a small town to shoot a biker movie. The film's director encourages his actors to "live" their parts, and the results are clashes with the townspeople that end in murder.
A film company arrives in a small town to shoot a biker movie. The film's director encourages his actors to "live" their parts, and the results are clashes with the townspeople that end in murder.
Architect's life is plagued by his ex-wife, a master manipulator, whose constant clawing is about to drive off his new love, and his clientèle. As a hobby, he enjoys training a rare harpy eagle, with a Native-American pal, who empathizes with his plight, and a plan of action coalesces.
In the suburbs of a city still reeling from race riots, a Cleveland Orchestra cellist clashes with his artist wife over whether their son should be schooled in an integrated inner-city public school.
In the suburbs of a city still reeling from race riots, a Cleveland Orchestra cellist clashes with his artist wife over whether their son should be schooled in an integrated inner-city public school.