Kensuke Owada


Dorome: Girls' Side
Riku Minezaki
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Dorome: Boys' Side
Riku Minezaki
Drama clubs from an all boys high school and an all girls high school hold a joint training camp. The schools are set to merge the following year. At the training camp, horrific and unusual events take place. Soon, the students learn that Dorome an old mountain legend is responsible.
Scattered Blossoms: The Last Flight of the Ohka
A war drama based on the "Ouka," a small kamikaze aircraft created at the end of World War II that only charges enemy ships without propellers or fuel.
The "yutori" generation of Japan is accused of being one of the laziest in society. Being raised in a pressure-free education system, the "yutori" are often criticized for poor results and lack of drive in the workplace. Touma (Kensuke Owada), at age 27, struggles to keep a job, sleeps at an internet cafe, and complains about his every day with online friends. They blame society, and Touma, full of pride yet lost without a purpose, is about to drop out of it. Frustrated with the elder generations telling him what to do, he wishes all old people were sent away, like the folklore "UBASUTE" where they are abandoned on a mountain. He finds an intriguing blog on the topic, and messages the blogger, a positive woman claiming to be his age. Little does he know, his new friend is actually a 72 year-old woman. Touma slowly learns how to face himself and improve his lifestyle thanks to their online conversations, and they finally get a chance to meet...
Pecoross' Mother and Her Days
Masaki Okano
Laid-back baby boomer Yuichi (Ryo Iwamatsu) is a middle-aged manga artist and singer-songwriter when he isn't at his salaryman day job or watching out for his elderly mother. Suffering from increasing dementia since her husband's death, Mitsue (Harue Akagi) is a constant source of comic energy or annoyance for Yuichi, and he and his son must soon decide if they should put her in a home for the elderly. Jumping back in time, we see how Mitsue (played by Kiwako Harada) tracked the tumult of the latter half of the 20th century, being raised as one of 10 brothers and sisters, surviving the war, and having to push her alcoholic husband (Ryo Kase) along in life. "Pecoross" is directed by the oldest active film director in Japan, Azuma Morisaki, who creates an emotionally complex work that is only the more profound and life-affirming for its cartoonish portrayal.
Soul Flower Train
Amamoto travels from his small village to Osaka to find his estranged daughter. When he meets a friendly young woman, she gives him a unique guide of the big city and helps him in his search.
The Brain Man
En un pequeño pueblo de Japón, han tenido lugar una serie de explosiones. Cuando Midorikawa comienza a trabajar en el caso, Ichiro Suzuki (más conocido como "Brain Man) es acusado de cómplice. Ichiro tiene una memoria excelente, una gran inteligencia y un cuerpo perfecto, pero carece de emociones humanas. La neurocirujana Mariko Washiya, víctima de un trauma personal, cree que la naturaleza humana es bondadosa, de modo que se interesa por Brain Man e intenta descubrir la verdad. Basada en la novela "No Otoko" (Brain Man) de Urio Shudo.
Tokyo Nameless Girl's Story
Sota Kameyama
University student Nozomi tries to get a job. Back in her hometown, she was lazy, but now Nozomi is used to the quicker pace of Tokyo. Nozomi is also experiencing problems with her boyfriend Kameyama, who seems to be travelling at a different speed in life and work. Meanwhile, Saeko works very hard in the advertising field and she is faithful to her boyfriend Tomoya. Yet, on their first year anniversary, Saeko hear's woman's voice on Tomoya's cellphone. Based on the anthology manga of the same name.
Tomie Unlimited
Toshio Shinoda
Tsukiko, es un fotografo, miembro de un Club en la escuela, pero siempre se ha sentido menos que su hermana Tomie. Ella es linda y muy popular entre los niños. Sin embargo, un día, Tomie muere en un accidente horrible, por lo que Tsukiko,le provoca pesadillas escalofriantes. Un año más tarde, cuando Tomie se supone que cumpliría 18 años, y un día alguien llama a la puerta. Tomie está de vuelta. Poco a poco, Tomie comenzará a mostrar su lado más oscuro, por lo que Tsukiko vuelve a tener las mismas horrendas pesadillas.
Space Battleship Yamato
Kenjiro Ota
Space Battleship Yamato nos situa en el año 2199, cinco años despues que apareciesen unos misteriosos alienigenas llamados Gamilas y empezasen a atacar a la Tierra con meteoritos gigantes y dejar su superficie totalmente inhabitable por culpa de la radiacion post-bélica. A la raza humana apenas le queda un año de vida cuando se recibe un enigmatico mensaje proveniente del lejano planeta Iscandar, asegurando que poseen un artilugio capaz de eliminar la radiacion de la Tierra y ofreciendo su ayuda a los humanos. Decididos a salvar el planeta, las Fuerzas de Defensa reconstruyen el acorazado espacial Yamato para poder realizar el increíble viaje que les llevara a mas de 150.000 años luz de distancia en busca de un desconocido planeta que puede ser la ultima esperanza para la raza humana y para la Tierra.