En la Rumanía de 1925, la hermosa Marie-Therese Von Debretsy, casada con un capitán del ejército rumano, es seducida descaradamente delante de su marido en un baile de la alta sociedad por el Príncipe. Ante los celos del marido, éste pide el traslado a otra guarnición, así reasignan a la familia a un desolado y peligroso puesto avanzado en la frontera con Bulgaria.
Sanda spends all her time working in a plastic factory, raising her two small children and catering to an indifferent husband, leaving little room for herself. A chance encounter with another man may offer her an escape from her daily chores.
Dana, a young teacher, loses her husband in a car accident. Her four year old son misses a father a lot. Dragoș appears in their lives to fill the void.
A young girl is cast for a musical comedy, but she refuses after her father doesn't let her play in it. After that, more offers emerge, along with a hit song dedicated to her from a infatuated admirer.