Noah Haidle


Change is in the air as Violet prepares to bring twin boys into the world. Inside her womb, her unborn sons contemplate their future, while the world around her is in transformation: her husband is secretly planning to leave her, her father is slipping into senility and her daughter has taken a vow of silence. Haunting and slyly funny, Smokefall explores the lives of this family in a lyrical treatise on the fragility of life and the power of love.
Tipos legales
Val sale de la cárcel tras cumplir 28 años de condena. Doc, su mejor amigo, le espera a la salida para ir a ver a Hirsch, otro viejo colega. A pesar de la edad, los tres gángsteres deciden reanudar esa misma noche su vida de crímenes, drogas y sexo. Sin embargo, Doc tiene que hacer antes un trabajo urgente que le ha encargado el jefe de la banda: debe matar a Val para saldar una cuenta pendiente. El dilema es peliagudo, y dispone de poco tiempo para resolverlo.
High Street Plumbing
Two car thieves steal an FBI surveillance van and become invested in the marriage unraveling inside a bugged suburban home.
High Street Plumbing
Donut Guy
Two car thieves steal an FBI surveillance van and become invested in the marriage unraveling inside a bugged suburban home.