El documental cuenta la historia de los 50 años de carrera de Sidney Magal. Los momentos más significativos en la vida del cantante, bailarín, actor y locutor que se ha convertido en un ícono de la música popular brasileña. El hombre detrás del ídolo, desde el punto de vista de los participantes de la historia.
The tragic true story of Jean Charles de Menezes, the innocent Brazilian shot dead by British police in 2005 at the height of the London terrorist alerts.
In search of a powerful hallucinogenic, five friends embark on a dangerous journey deep into the Amazon. But a bad trip isn't the only threat as they discover when they stumble across the hidden camp of the crazed Dr. Moreau and his murderous animal-human hybrid creations.
This beloved Brazilian parody of Shakespeare in Love tells the story of Miguel's relentless furiculite. For better or worse, it is his aim to conquer every single ass in the county, right up to the toughest of them all: the governor's.
Narra el viaje en bicicleta de Romão (Wagner Moura), Rosa (Cláudia Abreu) y sus cinco hijos desde el Sertao del norte del país hasta la tierra prometida de Río de Janeiro. Basada en la vida real de un hombre que perdió su trabajo y decidió recorrer el país en busca de una nueva oportunidad, el film es ante todo una historia de fe, ilusiones y esperanza.
The naïve young Renato arrives in Rio de Janeiro from Cachoeiro de Itapemirim with the dream of becoming a doctor. Without knowing anyone, he goes to a nightclub where he is mistaken for a male prostitute by Pedro, a homosexual nurse obsessed with Greta Garbo. That same night the two go to Pedro's apartment and after several arguments, they decide to move in together. Three months later, Renato introduces his girlfriend Gracinha to his friend, who doesn't know it, but Pedro soon realizes she is a prostitute.