Guido Roncalli

Guido Roncalli


Guido Roncalli


Il morso del ramarro
Medico Legale
El asesinato de Yara Gambirasio, de 13 años, conmociona la pequeña ciudad de Brembate di Sopra, Italia. Para llevar al culpable ante la justicia, la fiscal Letizia Ruggeri solo tiene una pista tenue: un poco de ADN que no es de mucha ayuda sin una base de datos con la que compararlo. Basado en una historia real.
Permette? Alberto Sordi
Cetto c'è, senzadubbiamente
Cetto la Qualunque, having set aside all political ambition, is now nothing more than an entrepreneur. But the news of the worsening condition of his aunt leads him to return to Italy, where something from his past will be revealed and, “doubtlessly,” all of our lives will be forever changed.
I ragazzi dello Zecchino d’Oro
Padre Berardo
We are in the mid-60s, when a very young Mariele Ventre gave birth to the very first formation of the Piccolo Coro, originally composed of only eight children. In a few years the Piccolo Coro becomes a real school of choral singing. In its 56 years of history, there have been hundreds of small voices that have brought the music of Zecchino d’Oro and its repertoire around Italy and the world.
Balancing Act
Impiegato Banca
Having cheated on his wife, Giulio, a municipal employee, moves out, but has to find a solution on how to still support his family, and himself.
Juan XXIII: El Papa de la paz
En 1958, tras la muerte de Pío XII, el anciano Cardenal Angelo Roncalli, Patriarca de Venecia, viaja a Roma para participar en el cónclave que debe elegir al nuevo Papa, cónclave dominado por toda clase de maniobras políticas. En efecto, una vez en el Vaticano, Roncalli asiste atónito al enconado enfrentamiento entre las distintas facciones eclesiásticas. Durante el cónclave se van desvelando aspectos extraordinarios del pasado del viejo cardenal: su apoyo espiritual y económico a un grupo de trabajadores en huelga, cuando todavía era un joven sacerdote; su ayuda a los cristianos ortodoxos de Bulgaria, cuando estuvo destinado en ese país; sus hábiles negociaciones con el embajador nazi de Estambul para salvar un tren de prisioneros judíos, cuando era diplomático del Vaticano en Turquía; sus finas dotes diplomáticas para evitar que De Gaulle repudiase a treinta obispos que habían apoyado el régimen de Vichy.
Il grande botto
Algo en que creer
Maria viaja a Italia con la esperanza de curar su enfermedad terminal, y allí conoce a un pianista ateo que la ayuda.
Duke's Servant
Artemisia Gentileschi (1593-1653) was one of the first well-known female painters. The movie tells the story of her youth, when she was guided and protected by her father, the painter Orazio Gentileschi. Her professional curiosity about the male anatomy, forbidden for her eyes, led her to the knowledge of sexual pleasure. But she was also well known because in 1612 she had to appear in a courtroom because her teacher, Agostino Tassi, was suspected of raping her. She tried to protect him, but was put in the thumb screws...