Timothy Balme

Timothy Balme

Nacimiento : 1967-01-18, New Zealand


Timothy Guy Balme (born January 18, 1967), also known as Tim Balme, is an actor and screenwriter from New Zealand. He's most well known for his roles on the long-running soap opera Shortland Street and Mercy Peak, as well as lead roles in the cult favourites Braindead and Jack Brown Genius. He most recently was a writer and actor on the television series The Almighty Johnsons. Balme is married to actress Katie Wolfe, with whom he has two children; daughter Edie (born 2001) and son Nikau (born 2005). Balme also has a son, Sam (born 1987) from a previous relationship. Balme graduated from Toi Whakaari in 1989, and his first lead role was in the 1992 film Braindead (aka Dead Alive). Balme and his wife, along with Simon Bennett and Robyn Malcolm, founded the New Zealand Actors' Company, which ran for three productions before being dissolved. An actor for the better part of twenty years, he has recently branched out into writing, and has scripted episodes for television series such as Diplomatic Immunity and Outrageous Fortune. Balme also wrote the short film Redemption, directed by his wife, which was selected as part of the short film line-up at the Sundance Film Festival for 2011. Balme worked as the head of development for South Pacific Pictures for three years before returning to freelancing. He currently writes for shows such as the popular Channel 7 drama 800 Words and is head writer for the murder mystery series The Brokenwood Mysteries. In 2015 he won the Best Television Screenplay award at the SWANZ (NZ Writer's Guild Awards) for Brokenwood Ep 2 "Sour Grapes". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Timothy Balme
Timothy Balme


Based on a true story, STOLEN is an emotional thriller about every parent's greatest fear. Kahu Durie - the adopted baby daughter of Maori High Court Judge, Justice Eddie Durie and prominent lawyer, Donna Hall - is snatched at gunpoint as Donna pushes the pram in the street. Nine tense days follow and the nation is gripped by brave television appeals for the baby's safe return. Following Donna Hall's emotional public plea, a letter arrives, demanding the highest ransom in New Zealand's history. The police work tirelessly and the net closes on a secluded house...Terence Traynor became intent on committing a perfect crime, motivated by greed and inspired by American TV.
No Reason
Pathologist #1
Suddenly Jennifer is torn from her comfortable and non-assuming life. While planning to move, Jennifer and her husband will experience anything but an ordinary day! It all begins with a strange visit from her soon to be ex-neighbor, the postman who mentions an urgent need. Later when Jennifer comes home from grocery, she discovers an elderly neighbor, who is her son's babysitter, has disappeared. She also receives a terrifying and disturbing letter which contains a macabre death poem, plus some compromising sex photos of her husband and the missing babysitter! To get over the initial shock, she decides to take a bath, and promptly falls asleep in the bathtub. When she awakes, she finds herself on the floor of her apartment covered in blood and body parts! Center to this surreal and horrific scene is a mysterious masked man who promises to lead Jennifer on the right path toward the sacred white light . The story continues as a tale of physical and mental torture!
A love story featuring two young Maoris. A story about growing up and an unusual relationship that is simple, moving and tragic. A boy, a girl… and a step too far into a personal abyss of violence and pain. Survival may not bring a happy ending.
For Good
Grant Wilson
A 13 year old girl is raped and murdered in a small country town. Ten years later, the murderer is up for parole and the victim's father has vowed personal vengence if the killer is released. Sometime journalist, Lisa, is haunted by the crime and in confronting the killer she starts a chain of events that puts her own life in danger.
El expediente Vector
Un thriller geopolítico donde Gerry Anderson encuentra que, a veces, todo el mundo está realmente dispuesto a atraparte. La hija de Gerry, Mattie, imprime accidentalmente un código de ADN que en las manos equivocadas puede acabar con la raza humana. La persecución está en marcha: los rusos, van detras del código de ADN que Mattie tiene en su mochila, y un grupo de terroristas compiten para obtener el código de la persona que todos asumen que lo tiene, Gerry. Con todo esto pasando, la esposa de Gerry, Margaret, está preocupada por la seguridad de su hija y se encuentra a sí misma como un objetivo más en la carrera para encontrar el código.
Un loco genial
Jack Brown
Hace mil años, en Inglaterra, el loco monje Elmer intentó volar usando un par de alas lanzándose desde una torre. Muere en el intento y su alma queda condenada al infierno por considerarse su muerte como un suicidio. En la actualidad, en Nueva Zelanda, Elmer tendrá una última oportunidad para demostrar que los hombres pueden volar y así salvar su alma. Jack Brown, un inteligente inventor, será poseído por el espíritu del monje loco para que centre todos sus esfuerzos en conseguir volar. Para ello Jack usará su última creación, pero este invento es también codiciado por su antiguo jefe y la amante de éste… Película producida y escrita por Peter Jackson, quien además fue director de segunda unidad.
The Last Tattoo
Jim Mitchell
In 1943, U.S. marines are stationed near Wellington. One of them is murdered by the boss of the Hotel Workers Union, who is sitting pretty, exempt from military service and living it up on black market profits. Girls under the control of the union - of whom the victim's fiancee, Rose, is one - give sexual favours to the Americans, in return for information. The marine assigned to investigate the murder, tries to find Rose through a public health nurse who traces VD infections. However they discover there it more going on than they realized, involving a conspiracy amongst the Union, the government and the U.S. military.
Braindead: tu madre se ha comido a mi perro
Un científico descubre en Skull Island un ejemplar muy extraño de mono rata al que acompaña una terrible maldición, según los nativos. El ejemplar es trasladado a Nueva Zelanda para su estudio. Por otra parte, Lionel es un joven que vive con su insoportable madre, que no aprueba la relación que acaba de comenzar con Paquita, la hija del tendero. Cuando los dos enamorados realizan una visita al zoológico, ella les vigila en secreto, y será mordida por el animal encontrado en la isla. Poco a poco, la madre de Lionel se va convirtiendo en una especie de zombie, sedienta de carne, y que convierte en zombie a todo el que ataca.