In Rome, the Cassamortari are people who work in the funeral business. The Pasti family's agency was founded by Giuseppe, who is willing to do anything to turn a corpse into money, preferably in black.
Villa Primic was once a luxurious home. Now in disrepair, the Primic family home is up for sale by the owner, Rose, and her two heirs, Massimiliano and Adele. The head of the family, Valerio, is vehemently opposed to this. The reunion is going to be complicated...
A father and a daughter with the dream of becoming an influencer clash until they meet the famous webstar and idol of the girl.
Dj Steph is a young radio deejay on the rise, who gained a lot of popularity on social media and every evening hosts a radio show with a large following, during which he receives calls from his fans. One evening, a call chills him to the bone: a cold-blooded stranger announces on live radio that he plans to take his own life, making himself explode in the middle of the city.
The story of a gang of French female robbers disguised as men, who operated in the Avignon area in the mid-1980s.
Jack tiene cuatro años y dos hermanas. Por fin, una tarde sus padres le cuentan que va a tener un hermanito y que va a ser muy especial. Jack está muy feliz: para él, especial significa superhéroe. Después de su nacimiento se da cuenta de que realmente es diferente a los demás, pero no tiene súper poderes. De repente, descubre la palabra "Down".
A group of swingers decide to spend New Year's Eve in a chalet. Their goal is to welcome the new year in a very original way: having an orgy.
Two contrasting visions of life: on the one hand, the "rock" and adventurous of the brave Livia, cellist without maternal instinct; on the other hand, the reassuring routine of his sister Tina, shy urban vigilant with an ardent desire for maternity.
Sandro is very polite yet a little unsure of himself. Luciano on the other hand is bold and sharp but has a mysterious dark side to him. They meet at a restaurant where they both work as waiters. Like many of their peers, Sandro and Luciano have the feeling Italy has little to offer and decide to seek their fortune together in Cuba, the new frontier of hope where anything is still possible.
Members of the Camorra on the run and actors seeking for authority meet after a shipwreck on an island-prison. The theatre turns into a free zone where everyone may not be able to recover their social role but for sure their humanity. Somebody can even get love back. Shakespeare and Eduardo De Filippo blend together in a picaresque comedy full of coup de théâtre.
Marco, un joven cínico y ambicioso abogado, vive en Bari con su compañera Martina y su hijo de 8 años Mateo. Martina, latinoamericana, se mudó a Italia después de reunirse con Marco. Cuando el vínculo entre ambos se rompe, Martina querrá volver a su país con Mateo, pero Marco se opondrá ya que no quiere perder el profundo lazo que le une a su hijo. Martina decidirá de este modo emprender una huida con Mateo sin dejar pista alguna. Entonces, el tiempo empezará a fluir de modo más y más lento para Marco, quien no sabe nada de su hijo, y conducido por la angustia y la confusión decidirá ir a buscarle.
Un antiguo cura, don Costantino, está confinado en un remoto faro, lejos de miradas indiscretas, para evitar que se sepa que ha dejado los oficios. La idea ha sido de su madre, mamma Stella, que ahora se le suma otro escándalo: su hija Rosa María ha dejado a su marido fugándose con su amante (una mujer). Al viejo faro en desuso, que pertenece a la familia de Costantino y que debería garantizarles un aislamiento, comienzan a llegar personajes bizarros, transformándose poco a poco en un refugio de pecadores.
Virgil Oldman, un hombre solitario y excéntrico, es un experto en arte y un agente de subastas muy apreciado. Su vida transcurre al margen de cualquier sentimiento o emoción hasta que conoce a una hermosa y misteriosa joven que le encarga tasar y vender las obras de arte heredadas de sus padres. Esta joven, que sufre una extraña enfermedad psicológica que la mantiene aislada del mundo, transformará para siempre la vida de Virgil.
A music group and a journalist cross the region of Basilicata by foot to attend a music festival.