Koulis Stoligas

Koulis Stoligas

Nacimiento : 1910-01-01, Drama, Greece

Muerte : 1984-02-24


Koulis Stoligas
Koulis Stoligas
Koulis Stoligas


Ο Παπασούζας φαντομάς
Vengos the Crazy Kamikaze
Captain Nikolas
A breadwinner, Thanasis Trampas, decides to open a shop renting motorbikes. When the local bikers begin to bother him, he turns into a kamikaze to deal with them.
Ο Κώτσος και οι εξωγήινοι
Chief of Kronium
Taxidi Tou Melitos is about the fear that most elderly people experience: approaching death. Leon (Stavros Xenides) and Zaharoula (Betty Livanou) are heading out for their annual vacation at a summer resort. Instead of their usual carefree anticipation, their mood is subdued because their daughter has just married and is off on her honeymoon. Life is lonely without her and the couple cannot avoid the realization that death is not that far away for them. Once at the resort, Leon tries to overcome this nagging fear by taking a wild plunge in the ocean, naked, as he and Zaharoula are out walking on the beach. Taken up in the spirit of the moment, she joins him among the waves. The results, however, are not what they expected.
The Bald Student
high school director
Thanasis, a family breadwinner who has been working for 17 years at the Ministry of Measure and Station without any promotion, is trying to cover his expenses by doing a second job. When he learns that he can not be promoted because he does not own a high school diploma, he decides to go back to school.
Το Ξενοδοχείο Των Διεφθαρμένων
Ο Ανακατωσούρας
Detective Astrapomatis
Thomas Karatoulpanis (Dinos Iliopoulos) is a naive employee at a car show in the Thessaloniki International Trade Fair. Because of his modest personality he is constantly criticised by his mother-in-law, his uncle and his boss. The only one who supports him is his wife. But the appearance of a doppelganger who buys extravagant gifts in his name causes a ruckus. Thomas is an amateur singer and participates in the Thessaloniki Song Festival winning the first prize. This is when everyone realises that there are two people who look alike.
Εισπράκτωρ 007
Kosmas Dervisis
Meletis of the Flying Squad
Harilaos Horafas
The life of the kind-hearted policeman Study, and endless unexpected incidents faced
Ου Κλέψεις
Ένας ζόρικος δεκανέας
Col. Petros Pavlaras
O Ippolytos kai to violi tou
A poor violinist gets involved in a bizarre adventure, when a drunken customer at the night club where is working, asks to help him to go home and sleep at the living room.
Runaway Bride
police sergeant
In her delicate bridal gown and bent on finding her beloved, a determined would-be wife flees from a dreadful marriage of convenience and enlists the help of a kind wandering salesman. Can anyone stand in the way of a woman in love?
Ο Μιχαλιός του 14ου Συντάγματος
The King of Gaffes
police officer
A very clever detective is on a mission to find a shipowner's daughter, having as a sole research element a mole on the girl's buttock.
Οι Άσσοι της Τράκας
Το Κορίτσι Του Λόχου
Μη βαράτε όλοι μαζί
Έξω οι Κλέφτες!
When the general manager who possesses 70% of the shares of a steelworks learns that he is sick and has to go abroad to be cured, he hands his shares to Timoleon Adamantas (Orestis Makris), his brother, a teacher, with whom he hasn’t spoken for almost 30 years. Timoleon, being an honest and goodhearted man, aided by his brother’s secretary, Margarita (Martha Karagianni), with whom his son Andreas is in love, finds out a number of great administrative irregularities. Immediately, he throws out his brother’s number one assistant, Kleftodimos (Dionysis Papagiannopoulos) and Margarita as well and puts everything in order.
Cruise to Rhodes
Peter has lost all his property without getting frustrated now. Along with Takis installed in a large hotel of Rhodes and represents the great entrepreneur, hoping to meet with some rich. In the same hotel and Sofia Katrani, looking to find her daughter Vera, a wealthy groom. From the recommendations of the receptionist, Panagiotis has already identified Peter ...
Οι Δοσατζήδες
Η Μουσίτσα
The life and action of Laskarina Bouboulina. Captain Lascarina decides to organize the revolution in Spetses and to participate herself, despite her double widowhood. In the struggle for the liberation of Greece, she gives all her property and fighting along with her lads.
The Heirs of Karampoumpounas
A notary calls in the office three brothers: Theophrastus, Telis and Kokkovio Karampoumpouna and announces the death of their distant uncle from Chicago, who left their legacy sixty thousand US dollars, provided to start a company together. Telis, the most intelligent, has its own photography and aims, with the help of his fiancée Bubi, eat whole heritage. Two friends Bubi, Mirka and Jenny, are employed, diplaronoun naive and the plan seems to be going well.
Goodtimes and Show Off
Two friends, Pavlakis and Markos are permanently unemployed and foolish trying to be full of food and love. Pavlakis represents the subconscious and tries to engage in the rich Toto. But when his scam is revealed he will put it on his feet.
Χαρούμενοι αλήτες
Two jobbers meet an actor, when the sneak in a theater. The actor is homeless and they invite him to stay with them He will know and love their neighbor, who is studying classical dance.
Χαρούμενοι αλήτες
Telis Kontos
Two jobbers meet an actor, when the sneak in a theater. The actor is homeless and they invite him to stay with them He will know and love their neighbor, who is studying classical dance.
Αδέκαροι ερωτευμένοι
We Have Only One Life
Mr. President
Un preso no cesa de cantar y silbar todo el día una canción que reza "Sólo tenemos una vida, si no la disfrutamos, para qué la vivimos", ante tan desbordada alegría, un guardia de la cárcel le pregunta cómo puede estar tan alegre estando entre rejas. Así, el preso le narra la historia de cómo llegó allí. Era un simple empleado de banco, encargado de la caja. Harto de contar los millones de los demás y ser maltratado constantemente por su jefe, decide no avisar de un error en la contabilidad, y quedarse la fortuna...
Η φτώχεια θέλει καλοπέραση
Kleomenis Tsilimigras
Three Detectives
John Philips
The three blunders unspeakable detective thalassonoun all their affairs.
Πρωτευουσιάνικες περιπέτειες
Set in Athens, this Greek film concerns the trials and tribulations of two girls from the village of Korfu. Unschooled in big-city ways, our heroines are prime targets for every sharpster and lothario in the city. The results of their naivete are more comic than dramatic, culminating in lasting romance for both ladies. The plotline is periodically interrupted by the performance of Greek folk dances, easily the highlights of the film. Indicative of the frugality of the Greek film industry is the fact that, at $80,000, this was the country's most expensive production up to 1957!
Τα τρία μωρά
The Swindlers
Three friends living day by day on the streets of Athens by put-up jobs.
Heaven Is Ours
A small and poor girl who lives with her sick adoptive grandmother knows and falls in love with a apotakto Air Force. Friend is an Aviation Group Captain. He and his wife have lost their little girl for several years. It turns out that the poor girl was their daughter.
Άγγελος με χειροπέδες
Those Not Allowed to Love
Pavlos, a conservatory student dreaming of becoming a great artist of quality music, lives with his fiancée Kaiti in a small room, hosted by two friends. Due to financial tribulations, he is forced to join his friends' folk band and performs every night at a night club. That's were Mr Giorgos and his lover Liza frequent. Liza, a rich girl, falls in love with Pavlos and tries to seduce him. However, when she realizes how deeply he loves his fiancée, decides to help him get back together with Kaiti.
Double Sacrifice
A postwar melodrama of jealousy and rage.