A live-action adaptation of Osamu Tezuka’s mature manga masterpiece MW (pronounced “moo,” like a cow), created to celebrate the 80th anniversary of Tezuka. When a top secret chemical compound called MW infects an island near Okinawa, the military is sent in to kill all the victims and cover up the incident. A survivor named Michio Yuki (Hiroshi Tamaki) grows up to become a highly-successful banker, but he is slowly being driven mad by the effects of MW. After committing a series of ruthless crimes to get revenge against the people responsible for the cover-up, he decides that the only way to truly get revenge is to unleash MW on the world and exterminate the entire human race. Takayuki Yamada stars as Father Garai, a priest desperately trying to save Michios soul—and possibly his own in the process—but not necessarily doing much to stop the crime spree.
El personaje principal es un hombre llamado Takashi Morioka, que ha perdido su trabajo y su hogar debido a una recesión. Él termina cayendo en una trampa del diabólico Yuki Michio, quien casualmente, sobrevivió a un incidente en una isla hace 16 años donde mataron a todos sus habitantes. Con el fin de proteger las cosas importantes para él, Takashi Morioka se ve obligado a manchar sus manos con el mal.