Rupert Henning

Nacimiento : 1967-12-24, Klagenfurt, Austria


Las expectativas iniciales sobre Elias son altas. Es el hijo del agricultor más rico del valle de Zillertal y se espera que pronto se haga cargo de las distintas propiedades de la familia. Pero cuanto más se esfuerza el joven de 18 años por estar a la altura de las esperanzas depositadas en él, más sufre. Todo cambia cuando se traslada a las montañas. Elías no tarda en instalarse en la naturaleza y la soledad, desarrollando una estrecha relación con el mundo natural.
Alle Nadeln an der Tanne
How I Taught Myself to Be a Child
Paul Silberstein, youngest son of an urbane but deeply strange old Austrian dynasty of confectionery millionaires, discovers the power of love and humor - and also his own extraordinary ability to shape his realities. Based on the motives of the short story with the same name by André Heller.
How I Taught Myself to Be a Child
Paul Silberstein, youngest son of an urbane but deeply strange old Austrian dynasty of confectionery millionaires, discovers the power of love and humor - and also his own extraordinary ability to shape his realities. Based on the motives of the short story with the same name by André Heller.
Pequeña gran voz
Benedikt es un niño de 10 años, hijo de una austríaca y un soldado estadounidense de raza afroamericana. Su madre murió cuando él tenía 4 años, nunca conoció a su padre, y ahora vive con sus abuelos maternos. Aunque sólo es un niño, soporta constantemente las actitudes racistas de sus vecinos e incluso de su propio abuelo por el color de su piel.
Amanecer sobre Birmania
Inge, una estudiante austriaca, acude a una prestigiosa universidad americana. Allí conoce a Sao y se enamoran. Pero solo en la boda, Inge descubre que en realidad es el príncipe gobernante de Shan.
Kebab mit Alles
New York November
Airport - FBI Agent #1
A man arrives at JFK-Airport in New York on a cold November morning. In the airport bathroom he cuts his hair and changes his clothes. He owns a small and odd looking linen bound book. The printed pages are covered in notes, written in a woman's pale handwriting. He has carried this book for many years. He had no idea that it will bring his entire past into question.
Der Täter
Cordoba - Das Rückspiel
A multicultural satire about the German guest workers and numerus clausus refugees in Austria, about the mysterious tension between German prepotency and feelings of inferiority and about the clash of cultures - told and performed by a single actor.
Cordoba - Das Rückspiel
A multicultural satire about the German guest workers and numerus clausus refugees in Austria, about the mysterious tension between German prepotency and feelings of inferiority and about the clash of cultures - told and performed by a single actor.
Cara norte
Durante el verano de 1936, dos militares bávaros, Toni Kurz y Andi Hinterstoisser, deciden lanzarse a la conquista de la cara norte del Eiger, en la más pura tradición del alpinismo alemán. Conocida por ser una de las escaladas más difíciles de la cordillera de los Alpes, esta legendaria ascensión en condiciones climatológicas adversas será narrada por varios periodistas entre los cuales se encuentra la novia de Toni, que trabaja para una publicación alemana. Por si fuera poco, Goebbels no dudará en transformar a ambos alpinistas en héroes del Tercer Reich, a pesar de que ninguno de ellos era miembro del partido nacionalsocialista.
Jetzt bringen wir unsere Männer um
Two humiliated wives decide to kill their husbands - each other's. But despite an ingenious plan, they fail to implement it. Now they decide to turn the tables: they want to appear as if they were the victims of assassination attempts by their husbands. The murderous castling really does go as planned, but then the men suddenly change their plan.
Zwei unter einem Dach
Small war among pensioners: The charming chaotic Walter Hofer and the pedant Eberhard Gatzweiler have had a love-hate relationship for decades. Not even their grandson Martin can change that. During the lovable tug-of-war for the favor of Martin's attractive teacher Hanna, the waves get even higher, but Hanna has completely different worries.
Oh Baby, a Baby
Sandra and Iris are experiencing a down point in their relationship and decide that having a baby is what's required. While Sandra in uncertain, Iris locates a potential father, Antonio, a workmate of Sandra's. What Iris doesn't know is that chemistry is developing between Sandra and Antonio.
Die Ehre der Strizzis
David Blum
A crime comedy directed by Peter Weck. The movie follows "Geliebte Gegner" (1998).
junger Arzt
Heinzi Boesel and Kurt Fellner are two Austrian health inspectors forced to work together, traveling through Austria. Over time a beautiful friendship evolves between the odd couple who couldn't stand each other initially; a friendship that even overcomes the boundaries of great tragedy.