Philippe Uchan

Philippe Uchan

Nacimiento : 1962-01-01, Toulouse, HauteGaronne, France


Philippe Uchan


Second tour
A disgraced political journalist placed in the soccer section, Miss Pove is asked to follow the presidential campaign in progress. The front-runner is a fifty-year-old heir to a powerful French family and a political novice. Troubled by this candidate, whom she has known to be less smooth in the past, Miss Pove embarks on an investigation that is as surprising as it is jubilant.
Golpe de Suerte
Fanny and Jean have everything: fulfilled in their professional lives, they live in a magnificent apartment in the high-end districts of Paris and seem to be as in love as the first day they met. But when Fanny crosses, by chance, Alain, a former high school friend, she is immediately hooked. They see each other again, and, very quickly, get closer and closer…
Un chalet à Gstaad
Françoise and Jean-Jacques Lombard, very wealthy tax exiles whose fortune is based on the inventions of their husbands, are preparing to receive a couple of friends, Alicia and Grégoire Lagarde. He is a daddy's boy industrialist, She is a rich and stupid aristocrat. Everything could well happen if Alicia had not become infatuated with a spiritual coach who accompanies them to dinner. And inevitably, the varnish will end up cracking, especially when the guru will tell them the worst: their fortune is threatened.
El despertar de María
Cuando María consigue un trabajo en el equipo de limpieza de la prestigiosa Academia de Bellas Artes de París, su vida da un vuelco. Inmediatamente se lleva bien con Hubert, el excéntrico conserje de la escuela, obsesionado con dominar los icónicos movimientos de baile de Elvis Presley. El vínculo que crece entre ellos rompe la soledad de María, que se redescubre a sí misma y a un mundo nuevo de emociones. ¿Se atreverá a dejarlo todo para disfrutar al máximo de la vida y el amor?
Rumba terapia
La historia de un padre que hará todo lo posible para conectarse con su hija.
Employee of the Month
Jean-François Porrier
Vincent siempre ha disfrutado de los beneficios del estatus de su familia. Cuando el gobierno vota sobre un plan de ahorro masivo, Vincent es expulsado. Cuando es trasladado al Polo Norte, conoce a Eva y encuentra el amor.
Estamos hechos para entendernos
Un profesor de historia de cincuenta años descubre que está perdiendo la audición y comienza a tener una vida de recluso debido a su discapacidad. Su encuentro con Claire, una viuda cuya hija es muda, lo ayudará a abrirse nuevamente al mundo.
Little Nicholas' Treasure
In the peaceful world of Little Nicholas, there is Daddy, Mommy, the school, but above all, his band of friends. They are called The Invincibles, but above all they are inseparable. At least they think so. But when Dad gets a promotion and announces that the family is moving to the south of France, Nicolas' world falls apart. How can he imagine life without his best friends?
Pierre & Jeanne
Family Roland lives in Etretat. Jeanne, the youngest, inherits Mr Marechal's fortune, a friend of the parents. Pierre the elder brother, bogged down in questions, questions the sacredness of the family. Is this money hiding a heavy secret?
¿Quién es quién?
Docteur Petrowski
Una mañana, los Morel se despiertan con un gran problema. ¡Descubren que sus mentes se han intercambiado y que cada uno de ellos está atrapado en el cuerpo de otro miembro de la familia! Chacha, de 6 años, está en el cuerpo del padre, el padre en el cuerpo de su hijo adolescente, el hijo en el cuerpo de la hermana mayor, la hermana mayor en el cuerpo de la madre y la madre en el cuerpo de Chacha... ¿Te has perdido? Ellos también. Y esto es solo el principio.
Tokyo Shaking
Dominique Besse
11 de marzo de 2011. El mayor terremoto que ha experimentado Tokio desencadena el desastre de Fukushima. Alexandra acaba de llegar al país procedente de Francia para trabajar en un banco y tiene que afrontar esta crisis nuclear.
Spring Blossom
Le chef décorateur
A 16 year old girl, bored with her own age group, becomes involved with an older man at a theater she passes.
French Tech
le chauffeur épuisé du VTC
Down-on-his-luck, unemployed Alexandre has two months to prove to his wife he can take care of his two young kids and be financially independent. Now, the thing is, although The Box, a user-friendly startup, wants to hire him on pro- bation, the company’s slogan is “No kids!” and Séverine, his future boss, is a short-tempered “killer”. So if Alexandre wants to land the job, he’s bound to lie... Will his meeting with Arcimboldo, an “entrepreneur of himself” and the king of online odd jobs, help the brave, disoriented Alexandre overcome all those challenges?
Adiós, idiotas
M. Kurtzmann
Cuando Suze Trappet se entera a los 43 años de que está gravemente enferma, decide ir en busca del hijo al que se vio obligada a abandonar cuando ella tenía 15 años. Su búsqueda administrativa le hará conocer a JB, un cincuentón en plena depresión, y al señor Blin, un archivero ciego con un entusiasmo impresionante. Los tres se embarcan en una búsqueda tan espectacular como improbable.
J'ai dix ans
M. Paquet
El príncipe olvidado
Bernard, le régisseur
Los extraordinarios cuentos que cada noche cuenta un padre a su hija cobran vida en un mundo paralelo que solo les pertenece a ellos: la hija como princesa, el padre como príncipe. Así será hasta el momento en que la hija comience la escuela secundaria y llegue para ella el fin de la infancia. De la misma forma que el padre tendrá que aceptar que su hija está destinada a crecer y mudarse de casa, el príncipe tendrá que enfrentar su aventura más épica encontrando su destino en un mundo al que ya no pertenece
Premier de la classe
Le directeur
Una íntima convicción
Olivier Durandet
Desde que Nora asistió al juicio de Jacques Viguier, acusado del asesinato de su esposa, está convencida de su inocencia. Por temor a un error judicial, Nora convencerá a un letrado para que lo defienda en su segundo juicio, en apelación. Juntos, lucharán en una feroz batalla contra la injusticia. Pero a medida que se le acaben las opciones, la búsqueda de la verdad de Nora se convertirá en una obsesión.
Nos vemos allá arriba
Noviembre de 1919. Dos supervivientes de las trincheras, uno un magnífico ilustrador y el otro, un modesto contable, montan una estafa sobre los monumentos a los muertos de la guerra. En la Francia de los años veinte, el proyecto se convierte en algo tan peligroso como espectacular.
La doctora de Brest
Dr Aubert, spokesperson for Servier
Narra la historia real de la doctora Irène Frachon, la mujer que en 2010 se atrevió a plantarle cara a la industria sanitaria y farmacéutica francesa, cuando se destapó el escándalo mediático en torno a la comercialización de un controvertido medicamento cuyos efectos secundarios provocaron la muerte de cientos de personas.
On refait le boulevard
It's Never Too Late
Couleur locale
Fabien de Mareuil
Marianne Riblon runs a small construction business in the south of France. Widowed and estranged from a daughter she hasn't seen in 15 years, she spends her time and working and has a life devoid of affection. An active member of the town council, she has strong conservative and racist convictions. One day, her daughter Charlotte calls her to tell her she's a grandmother. Her grandson, Nicolas, is 12 and is on his way to come see her. Charlotte wants her to take care of the child while she's being treated for leukemia. A the station, Marianne discovers the boy is half-black. The two learn to know each other...
Primavera en Normandía
Docteur Rivière
Martin es un antiguo burgués bohemio parisino que se ha instalado en un pequeño pueblo de Normandía como panadero local. Es un apasionado de las obras de Gustave Flaubert. Cerca de él se instala una pareja de británicos llamados Gemma y Charles Bovery. No sólo tienen nombre similares a los de la novela 'Madame Bovary' sino que tienen comportamientos similares a los de la obra de Flaubert.
Le petit flic
At 9:00, Laurent receives a worrying text message. 9:01, his mobile's stolen. 9:30, his son disappears. 10:00, his house burns down. 10:15, his wife leaves him. 10:30, his company goes bankrupt. 11:00, he's in custody. The day's got off to a bad start.
Libre y amodorrado
Le policier du jardin d'enfants
Sébastien tiene una ambición en la vida: no hacer nada. Pero hoy en día en nuestra sociedad si no haces nada, no eres nada... (FILMAFFINITY)
La rupture
Charles Pasqua
Upon the sudden death of President Georges Pompidou, the French right is taken aback. Who will succeed him? It is finally Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, aged 48, elected with the support of Jacques Chirac, who is then appointed Prime Minister. Their alliance seems strong, but it will quickly crack.
9 meses... ¡de condena!
Judge Godefroy De Bernard
Ariane Felder es una juez de estricta moral que descubre que se ha quedado embarazada de Bob Nolan, un delincuente en busca y captura por asesinato. Ariane, que es incapaz de recordar nada, intenta averiguar cómo es posible que haya pasado algo así.
La cocinera del Presidente
Inspirado en la extraordinaria historia real de la cocinera privada del presidente François Miterrand, el film cuenta cómo Hortense Laborie, un prestigiosa chef del Perigord, se convierte en la responsable de las comidas presidenciales del Palacio del Elíseo.
Jeux dangereux
Geoffroy Treille
Madame Sans Gêne
Maître Galuchon
Jean-Marie Bigard plays Clérambard, a ruined squire, his family's slavery slave, cat taster, parish priest eater. Converted after an appearance of Saint Francis of Assisi, he becomes as violent in good as he was in evil. A tailor-made role! He no longer touches animals, even if they are insignificant, he finds purity in girls of joy, pleasure in destitution and he will preach this message on the roads, in a caravan, taking his family on its crusade of love .
Un bébé pour mes 40 ans
Le mari de Ségolène
El concierto
Boss French Restaurant
En tiempos de Brézhnev, Andreï Filipov, el mejor director de orquesta de la Unión Soviética, estaba al frente de la célebre orquesta del Bolchoï. Pero fue destituido, pues se negó a despedir a los músicos judíos, entre los que estaba Sacha, su mejor amigo. Treinta años después, sigue trabajando en el Bolchoï, pero como hombre de la limpieza. Una tarde en que se queda trabajando hasta muy tarde, descubre un fax dirigido al director del Bolchoï, en el que el Teatro del Châtelet invita a la orquesta a dar un concierto en Paris. Entonces, a Andreï se le ocurre una idea peregrina: reunir a sus antiguos amigos músicos con el fin de que suplanten a los músicos oficiales del Bolchoï. Sería una oportunidad única de tomarse la revancha.
l'avocat général à Troyes
La chaîne du froid
François has had enough of people. He wants to be alone. One day, after shopping for groceries in a frozen goods store, he discovers a revolutionary reason for pushing aside the needy strangers who constantly get in his way in the street: the cold chain mustn't be interrupted.
Je t'aime à te tuer
A Canadian policewoman tracks down a 40-year-old man in France who is suspected of killing a woman in Montreal and who, in the meantime, has begun a relationship with a single mother.
Aux abois
Paul, a former insurer, is struggling to make ends meet. He agrees to meet Sarrebry, a loan shark introduced to him by his friend Daubelle. Paul mortally knocks out the disgusting crook and steals a large sum of money from him.
Laughter and Punishment
French director Isabelle Doval directs her husband, popular comedic actor José Garcia, in the comedy Rire et Chatiment (Laughter and Punishment). Vincent (Garcia) is a popular physician whose aggressive need to be funny and get people's attention annoys his girlfriend, Camille (Doval), to the point that she leaves him. He begins to suspect she might have been onto something when his behavior begins causing people to die.
Suffering from depression and marital problems, Alex mistakenly orders a life-size doll, whom he names "Monique". With the help of Monique, Alex turns his life around; however she soon becomes the envy of his friends and wife.
39 years old Jacques Monot is tired from the same vacation he and his family have every year so he decides to buy a boat.
André le magnifique
An actor who does not suffer fools gladly finds himself replaced by one in this comedy. The citizens of a French village decide to celebrate their history by staging a play that will chronicle memorable events from the town's past. The play's author, Alexis, casts his wife Janine (Isabelle Candelier) in the leading female role despite her odd way of delivering dialogue. However, for the male lead, Alexis hires an arrogant professional actor from Paris, Jean-Pascal Faix. The village simpleton, Andre , has volunteered to serve as a stagehand and prompter. When Andre mistakenly leads Jean-Pascal into a trash dumpster that's soon dragged away, he's convinced (falsely) that he's killed the Parisian actor -- and is determined to take his place so that the show will go on.
Le créateur
A playwright of note, Darius developed a drinking problem after his first major hit, and has taken time out from writing his follow-up to go to a clinic and dry out. After his release, Darius finds his producer has hired a leading lady for his next show, booked the theater and advertised the starting date -- all without Darius writing so much as a word of this new play. Darius desperately tries to come up with ideas, but nothing comes to mind, with an inflexible deadline staring him in the face. One day, Darius kills a neighbor's cat by accident; terribly depressed, he swallows some sedatives and falls asleep at his computer -- only to awake with the beginning of his play glowing on the screen. Darius is now convinced he must kill in order to create, and starts murdering an ever-expanding variety of creatures in order to satisfy his now bloodthirsty muse.
Les jumeaux vénitiens
le député Vallois
Bernie, un huérfano de treinta años, zafio y neurótico, abandona el orfanato donde lleva trabajando desde los dieciocho años. Su objetivo es descubrir la verdad acerca de su nacimiento. Para ello roba su expediente del Departamento de Asistencia Social y descubre la terrible realidad de que fue encontrado en un cubo de basura.
Life's Little Treasures
le vendeur de literie
This movie is about love affairs, simple pleasures of a few men and women who will gather for a few days in a villa, around a piano and the music of Gottschalk who is perhaps the main actor.
Docteur Charcot
The year is 2050, in this future giving birth is nothing more than a simple formality. But the birth of Désiré will be much more painful...
A Night in Versailles
A young man in Versailles invites a Parisian girl to his place for dinner. The evening is thrown into turmoil.
Strangers dans la nuit
Alex Bouin
El castillo de mi madre
Bouzigue, hunting whip
Continuación de "La gloria de mi padre". Como cada periodo de vacaciones, el joven Marcel regresa con su familia a la casa de la Provenza. Allí se reencontrará con su amigo Lili y hará un nuevo descubrimiento: una niña rica que vive con su madre en un viejo castillo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Comédie d'été
Adrien does not see eye to eye with his patrician father about much. It is 1912, and the old man still believes in the old rules which strait-jacket "men of class." He believes that the elite have the right to conquer where they can, that they should refrain from publicizing their improprieties, and he is rabidly pro-military. Adrian, kicked out of his military school for his own improprieties (and hiding that from his father), is naturally drawn to Vicky a beautiful divorced woman and friend of the family who is staying at their mansion. The family tutor, a man of ordinary background (with some ideas which seem radical in this household) is similarly smitten. On the basis of their shared attraction, the two men form a friendship. Meanwhile, the object of their affection finds it diverting to toy with them.
La vida y nada más
L'homme sans jambes
Alegato antibélico ambientado en las postrimerías de la Primera Guerra Mundial (1914-1918) que relata el penoso trabajo de un militar que dirige una sección encargada de la búsqueda e identificación de muertos en acto de servicio. Cosechó excelentes críticas tanto en Europa como en USA.
The Vengeance of the Winged Serpent
Un flic
An international intrigue with terrorists threatening to blow up the presidents of the most powerful countries.