This new documentary focuses on the moving, unforgettable stories of Nagasaki and Fukushima survivors. Their stories are interlaced with expert commentary illuminating the largely unknown connection between nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.
This new documentary focuses on the moving, unforgettable stories of Nagasaki and Fukushima survivors. Their stories are interlaced with expert commentary illuminating the largely unknown connection between nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants.
Director of Photography
Jake, the ruggedly handsome thief, is in search of the diamond of hope. He poses as a security technician to gain access to the Baron's house, where he finds his old girlfriend also there, posing as a maid to steal the Diamond. The situation turns deadly when another thief appears. Will they get out of there alive?
The struggle by a Vietnam war hero turned priest to find and reveal the truth about secret CIA torture training at a US military base.
The struggle by a Vietnam war hero turned priest to find and reveal the truth about secret CIA torture training at a US military base.
Human rights abuses by graduates of the U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA) are chillingly documented at the beginning of the campaign to close the school.
This film tells the story of the difficult transition from 36 years of military rule to a civilian president in Guatemala in 1986. It focuses on the pressing issues of continuing military power, land and human rights issues.
One million people. One voice: stop the nuclear arms race. The largest peace demonstration in history, a magical day when even the police were on the side of the marchers.
Gods of Metal is a 1982 American short documentary film produced by Robert Richter for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers on nuclear disarmament. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.
Gods of Metal is a 1982 American short documentary film produced by Robert Richter for the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers on nuclear disarmament. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.