Mats Andersson

Nacimiento : 1953-05-03, Tollarp, Skåne län, Sweden


Dinero fácil III: Vida de lujo
JW, protagonista de la saga que ahora vive en el exilio, está decidido a averiguar qué ha sucedido con su hermana Camilla, quien ha desaparecido. Su rastro, le llevará de nuevo al mundo de la delincuencia organizada de Estocolmo. Por otro lado, Jorge está a punto de realizar el mayor robo en la historia de Suecia. Todo se complicará cuando mientras realiza los preparativos se tope en su camino con una mujer de su pasado, Nadja. Por último, Martin Hagerstrom es el elegido para introducirse de incógnito en la mafia serbia con el fin de encarcelar a su notorio jefe, Radovan Krajnic. Sin embargo, y tras un intento de asesinato entorno a la figura de Radovan, su hija Natalie se lanzará hacía la lucha por el poder dentro de la mafia serbia.
A short film about women who is comfortable in their role as victims.
Millennium: Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres
Esperando poder distanciarse de la acusación de difamación que pesa sobre él, el periodista Mikael Blomkvist se traslada a una isla remota en el norte de Suecia donde la muerte aún no resuelta de una joven atormenta a su tío cuarenta años después. Alojado en una cabaña de la isla donde el asesino puede estar aún rondando, la investigación de Blomkvist le lleva a dibujar los secretos y mentiras de esta poderosa y rica familia junto a una rara aliada, la tatuada y hacker punki, Lisbeth Salander...
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
Bus to Italy
Choir leader Ylva and her choir are on a bus bound for Italy. Some of the members on the bus are looking forward to meeting the local mayor, others are just hoping for a free vacation, and yet a few more are still thinking that they're headed to Italy to sing. Common to them all is that they are more than happy to jump on this chance to escape their every day lives. Ylva too is one them. She wants to get away as soon as possible because she caught her husband in bed with the babysitter. She'll find that the young Erik and Ruben who join the choir for her are more than willing to offer her an adventure. The rest is made up of a sex-crowded pair, the couple who have not been with each other for years, the divorced woman who long for a man and the lesbian who did not dare come out.