Isa Crescenzi


Love in Four Dimensions
(segment "Amore e vita")
Cuatro episodios: un tímido siciliano viaja a Milán para encontrarse con su novia; la esposa de un famoso director de teatro le engaña con su mecanógrafo; una viuda irascible complica la vida a la gente que visita un cementerio; una mujer que quiere obtener el divorcio de su marido cae en su propia trampa.
The Commandant
La coinquilina
The retired general Antonio Cavalli is a nuisance to his family: to his wife Francesca who still works, to his son and to his daughter-in-law. Then he finds a job in a building firm. Only by chance Cavalli finds out that his salary is paid by his wife to keep him busy. But the general is well known as a very reliable man, and Sandrelli, the firm's owner, uses him and his name to win a valuable contract. When Sandrelli is arrested, the general finds the money to honour his debt but he is robbed while he is going to the bank...
Outlaws of Love
This film is very much a docudrama which portrays the difficulties of Italian life circa 1963 due to the absence of a divorce law. Five scenarios with different actors portray realistic situations where divorce is clearly warranted but, because marriage was strictly in the purview of the Catholic Church at that time, which strictly forbade divorce, these people are shown to suffer the consequences in their daily lives. Italy got its first civilian divorce law in 1970.
Day by Day, Desperately
The Warrior Empress
Peasant Woman
The poetess Sappho led an uprising against the corrupt government of the island of Lesbos.