Fernando Previtali

Nacimiento : 1907-02-16, Adria, Veneto, Italy

Muerte : 1985-08-01


Carrusel napolitano
Nápoles, año 1950. Un juglar que vive con su numerosa familia en un viejo carromato. Un golpe de viento esparce sus partituras, cobrando vida sobre un escenario teatral imaginario los argumentos de cada una de las canciones. Una inolvidable cabalgata por la historia de la pintoresca ciudad portuaria y con las mejores canzonetas napolitanas.
Easy Years
A Sicilian professor who moves to Rome gets lost in the maze of Roman ministries and gives in to corruption.
The Suitcase of Dreams
In the movie La valigia dei sogni (The Suitcase of Dreams, Italy, 1953) directed by Luigi Comencini, some sequences from Cenere are inserted. The protagonist is a former silent film actor who has saved old movies of his time from destruction, and uses them to set up recreational performances at schools. After an accidental fire and the risk of prison, he meets a rich producer who helps him to build a film museum.
Rocco y Agrippina acaban de casarse. Cuando se dirigen a su casa en el campo, suena un disparo y él cae muerto. Un inocente es condenado por este crimen. El verdadero asesino, el Marqués de Roccaverdina, se confiesa al padre Silvio: los celos le habían enloquecido.
Giacomo Puccini, el hijo de un organista de la Toscana, logra el reconocimiento mundial como compositor de óperas y muere de cáncer de garganta en medio de una crisis artística, a la edad de sólo sesenta y seis.
The story of a woman who marries the brother of a guardian who was killed by her brother.
Toto and the Women
Totò se siente abrumado por una esposa que, según él, no para de hacerle la vida imposible. El único lugar que constituye para él un remanso de paz es el desván del edificio en el que viven; allí se dedica a reflexionar sobre los medios que utilizan las mujeres para agobiar a los hombres.
Heroic Charge
In 1941 an Italian regiment known as the Savoy Cavalry is sent by Mussolini to Russia to assist the German invasion. After crossing an extensive area of Soviet territory the men arrive at a village that seems deserted. A patrol sent on reconnaissance comes under machine-gun fire from the top of a bell-tower.
El alcalde, el escribano y su abrigo
De Carmine es un gris escribano que trabaja en el ayuntamiento. Sus compañeros se ríen de él, es torpe, el alcalde le trata a la baqueta y además su abrigo es un harapo con un agujero enorme. Con sus ahorros de años decide hacerse un abrigo nuevo que le transforma el carácter, gana popularidad y se atreve a ir a la fiesta de Nochevieja a casa del secretario general y bailar en ella con Caterina, la amante del alcalde. Pero al salir, se lo roban...
El jeque blanco
Una pareja provinciana con pretensiones burguesas viajan de luna de miel a Roma. Allí la novia pasa la mayor parte del tiempo con su ídolo de una fotonovela, un hombre egocéntrico y mujeriego que demuestra una completa carencia de encanto.
Proceso a la ciudad
Un respetable ciudadano es asesinado en Nápoles. El juez Spiccaci, encargado de la investigación, descubre que la víctima, un hombre de inofensiva apariencia, pertenecía a una vasta organización criminal que domina Nápoles. Las fuertes presiones que Spiccaci sufre por parte de importantes personalidades del mundo de la política y de la aristocracia, implicadas en el caso, e incluso por parte de los familiares de la víctima, están a punto de hacerlo claudicar. Sin embargo, tras la inesperada muerte de una persona inocente, se convence de que debe llegar al fondo de la investigación, aunque para ello sea preciso procesar a la ciudad entera.
Red Shirts - Anita Garibaldi
The story of Giuseppe Garibaldi's 1849 campaign to free Italy from Austrian domination.
Il capitano nero
El camino de la esperanza
Un grupo de sicilianos que se han quedado sin trabajo y viven en la miseria parten hacia el norte con intención de llegar a Francia. El hombre al que han pagado para que los introduzca clandestinamente en el país no es más que un estafador que los abandona a su suerte al pie de los Alpes. A pesar de su desesperada situación, los emigrantes no se rinden, pero su viaje se convertirá en una dramática odisea.
Side Street Story
A combination of a satire on war and a comedy with war as the background. It tells of the ordinary people living on a Naples sidestreet, from 1940 to 1950 under the dominance of the Fascists, the Nazis and then the Allies occupation forces. Primary among the citizens is Gennaro Iovine (Eduard De Filippo)who has a penchant for innocently getting into trouble, and his friend Pasquale (Toto.) The latter is a rail-sweeper who becomes a professional stand-in...a corpse used to conceal contraband...serving jail time for those who don't care to spend the time to do the time...a substitute at a political rally when violence threatens the scheduled speaker
El lobo de la Sila
Pietro y Orsola se aman y debido a que Rocco, hermano de Orsola, se opone a este amor, han de verse a escondidas en una cabaña. Una tarde matan a un hombre; Pietro, de regreso de la cabaña, es arrestado acusado del asesinato. Él proclama su inocencia, pero para no poner en peligro a Orsola, se niega a confesar donde ha pasado la tarde. La madre de Pietro habla con Orsola para que interceda por su hijo; pero Rocco lo rechaza brutalmente.
La sposa non può attendere
On his way to his own wedding, a young man saves a woman who attempted suicide by jumping into a river and falls for her.
Arroz amargo
Perseguida por la policía, la cómplice de un ladrón se une a un grupo de jornaleras que se dirigen a las plantaciones de arroz del valle del Po. Una vez allí, se reúne con ella su amante que proyecta apoderarse, con la ayuda de unos amigos, de la cosecha.
Woman Trouble
Driven by the constant quarrels with his wife and humiliated by a rich Milanese industrialist after asking him for a job, an unemployed person decides to steal a car from a garage guarded by a friend.
L'eroe della strada
Felice Manetti is a poor tramp in Turin who, due to his ingenuity, often finds himself in trouble.
On his way to Africa, Don Pietro, a young missionary priest has his suitcase stolen in the station of Naples. While trying to retrieve his baggage he realizes how miserable the city of Naples is. Then he decides that his mission is there in Naples, He creates his 'The Boys' Town' a shelter for poor kids, aka the 'scugnizzi' (street urchins), with a view to putting them back on the right track. Some of the kids, though, do not play by the rules just using that 'home' as a convenient place for hiding the product of their thefts...
Les Misérables - Storm Over Paris
The story of Jean Valjean, still pursued by Javert, continues with a love developing between Cosette and radical student Marius, a blackmailing attempt by suspicious innkeeper Thenardier, and a climax on the barricades of Paris.
Lovers Without Love
This flashback heavy melodrama is a loose adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s novella The Kreutzer Sonata named after the Beethoven piece. The story concerns marriage, divorce, love, carnal lust and jealousy.
Les Misérables - Manhunt
Jean Valjean, pursued through the years for a minor infraction by the implacable policeman Javert, attempts to create a life for himself and for his adopted daughter Cosette amid the revolutionary struggles of France.
How I Lost the War
Leo Bianchetti has just finished his military service but then is again called to arms; after 10 years on various fronts, he finds himself again in Italy to guard a bridge destroyes by the Germans that he doesn't want to leave.
Tragic Hunt
Immediately after the war, bandits attack a truck that is transporting newlyweds Michele and Giovanna and the accountant of an agricultural cooperative charged with bringing four million lire into office.
The Captain's Daughter
Original Music Composer
A peasant leader under the enlightened despotism of Empress Catherine the Great, and a love story.
El delito de Giovanni Episcopo
Giovanni Episcopo es un modesto empleado de archivo que vive tranquilo y feliz, dividiendo su vida entre el trabajo y la habitación en una pensión regentada por una modesta familia. Una noche tras salir a dar una vuelta con los compañeros del trabajo, conoce de manera rocambolesca a Giulio Wanzer, un "aventurero" que vive de su ingenio y que lo único que busca es ascender socialmente. Wanzer se hace amigo suyo ya que sabe que Giovanni tiene unos cuantos ahorros, y le convence para mudarse a su pensión, donde Giovanni se enamora de la hija de la dueña. (FILMAFFINITY)
Rome: Free City
In a post-war Rome (1946) a cat burglar inadvertently saves the life of a would-be suicide man who returns from the war to find that he has been betrayed by his fiancée while fighting in the war. From that moment the thief takes the ex-soldier under his wing. They leave house together for a night full of misadventures. In a streets of Rome they meet the struggling typist who can’t pay her rent and opts to street life; a wandering amnesiac who lost his memory and keeps asking everyone “Do you recognize me?”. Thieves, gamblers, hookers, policemen, soldiers and endless chain of cigarette-smoking and alcohol/espresso-drinking.
Professor, My Son
During Fascism and after WWII, a school porter sacrifices himself so his son, who is slightly ashamed of a lowly background, can become a respected professor.The film also takes a few jabs at Italy's rapid governmental reshuffles.
Original Music Composer
A neorealist tribute to the Italian resistance fighters of World War II.
The Misery of Mr. Travet
The ordinary life of the prudent employee Mr. Travet accelerates as he and her wife meet his new chief.
Giovanna (Clara Calamai) es una hermosa joven malcasada con el viejo propietario de un restaurante. Su sórdida vida cambiará con la aparición de un vagabundo que se convierte en su amante y al que inducirá a matar a su marido. Adaptación de la novela de James Cain "El cartero siempre llama dos veces".
The famous composer's life and his career. His love story with Isabella Colbran, the soprano who was to become his wife and the singer in all his operas up to the unfortunate day she lost her voice.
The Betrothed
Renzo and Lucia's love story is jeopardized by Don Rodrigo, a wicked nobleman, who is interested in Lucia. When she refuses his attentions he has her kidnapped and brought to a convent whose prioress is a nun as wicked as he is. The two youths will have to go through a lot of misfortunes before being reunited and being able to marry.
Tiempos pasados
Music Director
Franco, un hombre joven de ascendencia noble, decide casarse con Luisa, hija de un humilde oficinista, contra la voluntad de su abuela. Pero una terrible tragedia trastorna la vida de la pareja de recién casados: su pequeña hija Ombretta se ahoga en el lago de Como y Luisa va al borde de la locura.
En la Roma de 1800, la cantante de ópera Floria Tosca se enamora del pintor Cavaradossi. Cuando el artista es arrestado por ayudar al hermano de Floria, un líder de la resistencia, a escapar del policía Scarpia, Tosca deberá entregarse al agente a cambio de la libertad de su amado.
Umberto Solaro loses the love of his life Speranza, a noble but poor girl who has been forced to marry a rich Austrian army officer. Heartbroken Umberto becomes a riding instructor but during a competition his horse dies and he decides to give up equitation and become an aviator.