Una veterinaria, infeliz en su vida y en su matrimonio con un ministro, trata a un perro cuya condición es tan grave que puedeque tenga que ser sacrificado. Resulta que el animal pertenece a un viejo amigo de la universidad.
Anna está divorciada y su vida transcurre entre su trabajo en un laboratorio, sus clases de piano y el cuidado de su hija Molly, a la que procura educar de manera liberal y armoniosa. Nunca se ha sentido satisfecha como mujer, pero Leo Cutter, un artista irlandés, contribuirá a cambiar su vida.
Alexandra McKay is a woman who's been blind for twenty years and is afraid that people will just try to get close to her because of her condition, so she ultimately stays to herself and her trusty guide dog, Emma. When Richard Chapman enters her life, a romance develops and McKay begins to let the outside world in to her private world. The prospect of an operation arises that will restore McKay's eyesight, but the fear of what it will do to her relationship with Chapman and the concern over the fate of her guide dog weigh heavily upon her decision to do the procedure.