Tomasz Dedek
Nacimiento : 1957-09-20, Rawa Mazowiecka, Polska
Seguimos la vida de tres mujeres y un joven que están sexualmente liberados y tratan la monogamia a la ligera. Cuando comienza la pandemia del coronavirus, los protagonistas se encuentran ante la oportunidad de enderezar sus vidas.
Contado a lo largo de varios años, parte de la guerra constante entre la policía y los imperios criminales que se extienden por Europa del Este, seguimos la vida de un joven, su infancia y adolescencia y, en última instancia, su descenso al inframundo criminal. Su camino pronto se cruza con un policía que no se detendrá ante nada para atraparlo.
Generał Jaruzelski
Thriller político basado en una historia real sobre un joven estudiante asesinado a golpes por la policía en la Polonia comunista de la década de 1980.
Piotr and his girlfriend Weronika plan their future together. They don't expect one evening to change everything. Not only in their lives.
Basado en una historia real sobre un policía de segunda generación que tiene planes de convertirse en detective, pero sus objetivos se reducen al soborno, la corrupción y la adicción.
Funkcjonariusz UBP
In the spring of 1945, the commanding officer of the National Armed Forces in Mazowsze and older brother of 20-year-old Mieczyslaw Dziemieszkiewicz, is assassinated by Soviet soldiers. Mieczyslaw then joins the National Military Union. He becomes the commander of a partisan unit fighting for the next six years to free Poland from Soviet tyranny by terrorizing the UB and its collaborators. Communist authorities will do whatever it takes to track down the "enemy of the people's power."
generał Stanisław Tatar
Generał Nil is a Polish historical film, based on the life of general Emil August Fieldorf, pseudonym "Nil". The film was directed by Ryszard Bugajski and was released in 2009.
Henryk Holder
Captain Witold Pilecki was a Polish intelligence officer during WWII who volunteered for a Polish resistance operation to get imprisoned in the German Nazi Concentration and Extermination Camp Auschwitz-Birkenau in order to gather intelligence and enable the Polish government-in-exile to inform the allies about the ongoing Holocaust in occupied Poland. The film also tells the story of Witold Pilecki’s fate at the hands of the Communist government after the end of WWII. The film is a reconstruction of the trial which took place in Warsaw during the communist regime in Poland. Captain Pilecki described his investigation as more cruel than his stay at Auschwitz.
Ojciec "Turbo"
Two friends make a bet. One of them - an A student and a computer genius Marcin - under the terms of the dispute must be received five days of complete submission to his clever friend Turbo - and he, in turn, guarantees him the easy money and attention to a long-legged beauty.
"Mały", człowiek "Dzikiego"
Kuba, a young cartoon artist who works as a waiter at sophisticated parties, falls in love with beautiful Noemi and accidentally gets involved in gangster affairs
"Dziobaty", wysłannik konkurencji
Bohaterem filmu jest 50-letni biznesmen Tomasz Adamczyk, który chce zrezygnować z prowadzenia interesów w branży winiarskiej i poświęcić się swojej pasji życiowej filozofii. Pomysł ten nie przypada do gustu jego wspólnikowi. Do tego wszystkiego Tomasz ulega wypadkowi i zostaje wzięty jako zakładnik przez miłośników produkowanego przez siebie wina.
Dowódca antyterrorystów
"Baba", ochroniarz Bagińskiego
Two broken, police, destruction of property by arson with an explosive charge, stealing a car. Not bad for one night! Such is the balance of Alex's eighteenth birthday - the main hero of the film.
policjant, znajomy Maćka
Entertaining movie about the early days of Polish stock exchange in the beginning of 80's. Young TV reporter is sucked into the inferno of easy money, deception, crime, sex and drugs. Sometimes like Kieslowski's moral tales, sometimes like Pasikowski's brutal fables, even sometimes like "Once upon a time in America". Fantastic creations of Baka as Maks and Majchrzak as Rekin /the Shark/ - evil incarnated.
Two friends recall the PRL. After serving time in jail, they took up an illegal currency exchange. Cheated by partner - they decide to take revenge. Preparations take many months, but the action ends differently than it was planned.
dowódca posterunku
L'homme au Couteau
In the beginning of the Second World War, Germans, Austrians and persons without nationality living in France are sent to the concentration camp of Les Milles by France government. Commander Charles Perrochon is the responsible for this camp and he promises to the leaders of the prisoners to protect them from the Nazis. When France is invaded by the Germans, Commander Perronchon will disobey orders and his superiors trying to save these men. He gets a train, a ship and money from USA to send about eight hundred of these prisoners to the safety of Casablanca, in Marrocos.
Wawro, podwładny Bienia
Franz Maurer, a compromised cop, former officer of the criminal department of the Warsaw's police, is released from prison where he was doing time for his brutality and murders. He is awaited by Nowy, a former police colleague. Franz tries to go straight starting hard work in a steel mill. Nevertheless, he must leave the factory as a criminal with an uncertain past when he doesn't join the strike organized by the workers' union. At the same time, a merciless war continues in former Yugoslavia. Wolf and William, two high rank officers, come to Poland in order to organize a network selling and smuggling arms to Yugoslavia by way of Albania.
Oskar Schindler, un hombre de enorme astucia y talento para las relaciones públicas, organiza un ambicioso plan para ganarse la simpatía de los nazis. Después de la invasión de Polonia por los alemanes, consigue, gracias a sus relaciones con los nazis, la propiedad de una fábrica de Cracovia. Allí emplea a cientos de operarios judíos, cuya explotación le hace prosperar rápidamente. Su gerente, también judío, es el verdadero director en la sombra, pues Schindler no tiene el menor conocimiento industrial.
Wawro, oficer SB
In good old days Franz Maurer and his partners from secret police used to live like kings. Now, they all must adapt to new post-communist environment where they are scorned and losing all the privileges. Some, like Franz, are like ordinary police fighting against drug dealers. But Franz would soon find that some of his friends are on the other side.
Multiple recidivist Tadeusz Wilk out of jail thanks to an amnesty. He has no idea where to go and what to do with themselves. Post lays down back behind bars.Wolf meets Celine and tells the woman that she is his mother. Mysterious, strangely behaving stranger arouses more and more anxious new parents
ubek "Czesiek" aresztujący Antoninę
Durísimo retrato de la opresión política. Krystyna Janda encarna a una actriz de cabaret que mantiene relaciones con altos oficiales militares. Esos encuentros la hacen sospechosa y la policía secreta la encarcela. Mediante una interrogación brutal, se convencen de que el breve encuentro entre la actriz y un comandante del ejército ha fomentado un complot contra el gobierno. A lo largo de la película se muestran a los extremos que llegan los interrogadores para extraer lo que creen que es la verdad... Prohibida inmediatamente tras su estreno en Polonia, la película fue lanzada internacionalmente en 1990 en el Festival de Cannes, donde Janda logró el premio a la mejor actriz. (FILMAFFINITY)
Piotr Ujma
Thais, an Egyptian courtesan, is converted to a life of a penitant by Paphnutius, a holy man. She is taken to a convent in the desert and lives her life in the care of the abbess there. But Paphnutius is changed by the vision of Thais and becomes obsessed with gaining her love and retrieving her from the spiritual world for himself.
Kazimierz Sosna
Set in 1952, the story follows events around the "Peace Run", a propaganda 3-day marathon for peace. The winner is to be presented with a new motorcycle by the country's president. Chief organizer is a ruthless manipulator who will stop at nothing to make sure that the right man wins. There are two runners, Budny and Stolar, who are participating in the race for different reasons.
Strzelec "Orzeł"