Huyendo de París y del escándalo que amenaza perderle, Antoine Durrieux, médico brillante pero descarriado, va a encontrar en el barco que le conduce al exilio a Clara Greenhill. Una extraña àsión en la que el odio y el desprecio mutuo se confunden inexplicablemente con el amor, llegará a unir a estos dos seres, el médico hastiado y la mujer que Mirbeau llama "el hada de los cadáveres".
During a high school trip, a hostel landlady stops the girls' teasing only to force herself on their teacher. A small stage play turns weird by backstage shenanigans. A vice cop tries stopping a lusty bogus priest on the beach.
Two girls come to Amsterdam in search of interesting sex.
Une invitée de Witson
Annie, a beautiful young woman, lives in Saint-Tropez, France. On a trip to the seaside resort, the American writer Mark Redley meets the girl and is enchanted by her. He writes books on female behavior and freedom. He invites her to accompany him on a trip to Rio de Janeiro. Annie accepts and falls in love with the Brazilian city. However, she is still a girl traumatized by sexual abuse suffered in her childhood.
En el lejano país africano de Tagabombo ha muerto un aventurero millonario. Su ex esposa y un detective privado están más que interesados en su dinero.