First Assistant Director
Los tripulantes de diversas naves compiten por hacerse con comida, energía y tesoros. Cuando los integrantes de una de ellas, el Revelator, se topan con un artefacto alienígena llamado el Generador de Caos, deben hacer todo lo posible para evitar que caiga en manos del Capitán Jekel (Flanery), un antiguo compañero de viaje.
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.
Vince Vassar, an infamous Hollywood producer, thinks that the power he wields is limitless. But when he shuts his employee Sammy out of the multi-million dollar movie deal that Sammy brought him, the scorned assistant decides to eliminate Vince from the deal, and from every future one. Unfortunately, Vince's wife already has a plan for her husband's life and his money. Now a deadly web has been woven in which no one know who can trust whom.