Nóra Tábori

Nóra Tábori

Nacimiento : 1928-06-15, Timisoara, Romania

Muerte : 2005-11-23


Nóra Tábori


Ámbár tanár úr
Pénzt, de sokat!
Dragon and Slippers
Matilda, a boszorkány, Góliát házvezetőnője
Csalással nem!
Captain of the Forest
Erdő elnökasszonya, Dorka nagymamája
This entertaining film highlights the importance of integrity, justice, and appreciation for the environment. The compassionate and wise Captain is the hero, who is trying to stop long-time troublemaker and master of disguise Zero the Cat as he plans his biggest coup ever. Helping the Captain along the way are the bright Constable Eleméri Ede and seasoned secret agent Góliát. The resourceful Gólíat succeeds in locating Zero's hiding place, where he overhears part of Zero's newest plan. Although unable to get all the details, Gólíat reports to the station and it becomes clear that stopping Zero will be quite a challenge.
A padlás
Mamóka, öreg nénike, aki mindent tud az emberekről
Professor Vidor Minorka's Great Day
Hungarian family film.
Just a Movie
Péter anyja (voice)
Péter tries to make a film on "Swan-Lake". At the weekend, shooting stops and the staff goes home. Péter leaves for home with his wife, Judit, but as he catches sight of a girl at the station, he cannot resist the temptation and gets off the train.
The Palisade Street Kidnapping
Róza néni, Károlyi anyja
White as Snow
A farcical retelling of Snow White. Disillusioned Snow White isn't all that pretty or cute, her friends dwarfs aren't all that hospitable, her evil stepmother is an alcoholic and prince charming likes the ladies too much.
The Philadelphia Attraction
Sajek's mother
As a last chance in his career, the young acrobat with a broken leg, Sajek Oszkár, attempts to obtain the wonderful secret from the retired old artist, Uncle Binder Lipi, a secret which was a world hit.
Misi Mókus kalandjai
An Afternoon Affair
Vera is an engineer and a young divorcée. She is pretty, lonely, and has a boyfriend, Tamás, whom she is dating secretly on a certain day of the week at the week-end house of one of their friends, as Tamás has a family and does not intend to divorce his wife. Vera would like their relationship to be publicly acknowledged.
A tranzitutas
id. Sorsné
A fürdőigazgató
Green Walnut
The Pendragon Legend
Mrs. Burt
Bátky János a 20th century intellectual studies the secret of the Rosicrucians in London libraries during the day and in the evening takes pleasure in the "decent" everyday joys offered by the fair sex. He gets involved in the wildest ghost-story in the mysterious Wales castle of the Pendragons, where Earl of Gwynnedd from the 18th century is making experiments to prove his ancestors' slogan, "the resurrection of the body". In the meantime St. Claire, a beautiful, demonic woman and her companions try to kill him for the huge legacy.
Good Evening, Love
The film adapts a true story from the beginning of the 70s.
Kidnapping - Hungarian Style
Three people skilfully kidnap the company director, who never takes the responsibility, takes sleeping pills and spends his time feeding ornamental fish. The kidnappers turn out to be no other than the Engineer, the Technician and the Worker, who only wanted to avoid bankruptcy this way.
A Hanákné ügy
A Cozy Cottage
Directed by Tamás Fejér
A Rainy Sunday
A new teacher arrives at the secondary grammar school. The girls are all crazy for the handsome, blonde young man, except for the most excellent pupil, Balázs Ági. Yet Pali starts paying his attentions to no one else but her.
Crime at Dawn
Mrs. Marschalkó
Private inspector Hável happens to travel on the train which is attacked at Biatorbágy. His attention is drawn to a suspicious man, and in the next few days he confirms that it was indeed him who committed the crime. Yet the police accuses not the lunatic Marschalkó but the communists. Summary justice is declared.
Red Ink
Erzsi, Ács felesége
Most of her colleagues take Mária, the new teacher to be a communist party-worker, only Irma and the drawing teacher Zoli treat her kindly. Mária starts working with great enthusiasm, and her class learns to love her in a short time.
Pillar of Salt
In 1944, Feri Margittai escapes from the front, but his mother sends him away from home.
A Strange Mark of Identity
Imre, secretary of the illegal communist party arrives in Budapest secretly in 1942, in order to start the newspaper of the party in the fight against war. Not even his own mother can see him.