Ivano Davoli

Nacimiento : 1931-09-17, Correggio, Emilia-Romagna, Italy

Muerte : 2010-09-09


Orders Signed in White
After a phone call has been intercepted (an industrialist is going to receive a huge amount of money from a foreign bank), Mafioso Luca Albanese is assigned to set up a big robbery. He and his gang (three men and three women) then hide-out in a remote mountainous region, but soon at each other's throats. Moreover, someone is killing Albanese's men one by one, leaving white paint on the victim's faces...
Siete orquídeas manchadas de rojo
Un asesino mata a dos mujeres dejando como firma una media luna de plata en sus cuerpos. Un joven empieza a investigar el crimen cometido y se alía con el marido de una de las mujeres. La policía investiga sin éxito mientras que la pareja de hombres comienzan a seguir pistas que les llevan a descubrir que la media luna plateada corresponde a un joven americano del cual se ha perdido la pista. La pareja se irá acercando a la verdadera personalidad del asesino mientras éste seguirá matando, cada vez con mayor violencia.
The Long Shadow of the Wolf
During the Second World War, the Germans hunt an Italian partisan who is trying to blow up a chemical weapons laboratory.
Should a Schoolgirl Tell?
Turnlehrer Karl-Heinz Hahn
Schoolgirl Josefine learns from an early age to use sex to gain advantages. The school's gym teacher is arrested and accused of indecent behavior but the court dismisses the case when Josefine uses her female charm on the jurors.
Dirty Angels
Husband of Lea
An old pornographic photo and anonymous letters are sent to two men and a woman, who now enjoy a respectable social status, accusing them and questioning things they have done in their lives. Unique and amazing Morricone score
The Angels from 2000
Un toxicómano siente un profundo afecto por una joven estudiante que le recuerda a su primer amor. Un violento enfrentamiento entre bandas le hace comprender lo delicado de su situación, pero muere cuando decide desintoxicarse.
Secret Diary of Fanny
Written and directed by Sergio Pastore in 1969. Il diario proibito di Fanny is an anthology film starring Giovanna Lenzi as four different women, all named Fanny. The film touches upon all the hot-button issues of 1968: illegal immigrants from the Eastern bloc, the Prague Spring, the Italian star cult and even abortion.
A... For Assassin
After a rich mine worker dies in mine accident, his heirs gather in his house to hear the reading of the will.
The Three Faces
Davoli - Journalist (segment "Il provino")
Italian comedy film made of three segments directed by Michelangelo Antonioni, Mauro Bolognini and Franco Indovina. First segment: Il Provino; second segment: Gli amanti celebri; third segment: Latin Lover.