Kindall Charters


La mujer que camina delante
Waiter in Sleeping Car
Narra la historia de Catherine Weldon (Jessica Chastain), una mujer que se mudó de Brooklyn a una reserva india en Dakota para ayudar al jefe Sioux, Sitting Bull, a intentar mantener las tierras para su pueblo. Weldon escribió cartas al gobierno federal en nombre de Sitting Bull y vivió en la tierra durante varios años con su hijo.
No Reservations
Construction Crew
"No Reservations" is social commentary inspired by true-life events, giving a hypothetical look at what life would be like if the roles in Standing Rock were reversed. Protests erupt as an upper-middle class Caucasian neighborhood attempts to thwart the construction of a pipeline from an Indigenous Corporation.
Bad Building
Native Ghost
The Desmond - the building's pleasant sounding name hides a troubled past. The high rise has a long history of fires, murders, madness and even colonial era genocide upon the site. The towering building has stood empty for the better part of a century and even squatters dare not enter it's fortress like walls. But now Johnny Craig, the host of the popular TV paranormal investigation show 'America's Most Haunted' is planning to do a prime-time special from inside The Desmond. With no known way in, or out, Craig has contacted a group of urban explorers to help him and his film crew enter the building. But when Craig and his team set foot inside The Desmond the events that caused the building to be abandoned in the first place begin to repeat.
The Embargo Project
Five Indigenous women filmmakers from across Canada challenge one another to make a film under a set of restrictions tailored to each filmmaker.
First Indian
Canadá, verano de 1898. Un grupo de colonos alemanes viajan hacia el norte en carros cubiertos, con caballos de carga y sus pocas pertenencias a cuestas. Los siete viajeros partieron desde Ashcroft, la última estación de ferrocarril. Junto a su líder, el extravagante empresario Wilhelm Laser, esperan encontrar una fortuna en las minas de oro de Dawson, descubiertas recientemente. Sin embargo, ignoran los peligros a los que deberán enfrentarse a lo largo de un viaje de 2,500 kilómetros. Víctimas de la incertidumbre, el frío y el cansancio comienzan a menguar sus ánimos y no dejan de producirse conflictos. Su viaje los conduce hacia las profundidades de un desierto amenazador. (FILMAFFINITY)