Philippe Volter

Philippe Volter

Nacimiento : 1959-03-23, Uccle, Belgium

Muerte : 2005-04-13


Philippe Volter (nacido el 23 de marzo de 1959 en Bruselas en Bélgica, se suicidó el 13 de abril de 2005 en París), era un actor belga; hijo del escenógrafo Claude Volter y de la actriz Jacqueline Bir.


Philippe Volter


L'enfant de personne
Les gens honnêtes vivent en France
Henri Daussois
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un piloto estadounidense es derribado en una región de Bélgica por los alemanes. Herido, es ayudado por una mujer, cuyo marido se encuentra en el frente.
Madame Sans-Gêne
In August 1792, on the eve of the attack on the Tuileries, Catherine Hubscher, a laundress in Paris, met a sergeant and an artillery lieutenant who would become respectively Marshal Lefèvre and Emperor Napoleon I. 1810. Napoleon was about to marry Marie-Louise. Fearing the inconstancies and moral lessons of Marshal Lefebvre, the emperor asked her husband to keep her away from the wedding ceremonies. He is unaware that the hotheaded young woman has received a personal invitation from the Austrian embassy.
Posseteni ot gospoda
Kesten is a picturesque village on the border between Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece. A French sociologist named Franæois Denis comes to the village to study the risk of ethnic conflict in this part of the Balkans. He finds out that in a place situated only 100 kilometers from Kosovo there are Muslims and Christians capable of living in peace just as they have for hundreds of years. But what is far more interesting to this western visitor is meeting the local inhabitants: Vladimír, who fills all municipal posts from mayor to postmaster, a poet whose verse has never been published and who longs to see Rossellini's The Greatest Love one last time, and a smuggler who is willing to do anything for his mentally disabled brother. It's a fascinating and absurd, though harmonious, world where anything can happen - where even wine has flowed from the water taps...
Los cinco sentidos
Dr. Richard Jacob
Podeswa explora las relaciones humanas a través de cinco personas con una especial relación con cada uno de los cinco sentidos: gusto, olfato, vista, tacto y oído. Cinco historias, cinco sentidos. Todas ellas interconectadas a lo largo de tres días en los cuales una niña desaparece. Sus protagonistas son una voyeur; Richard, un oculista que pierde el oído; Ruth, una masajista viuda; Rona, una pastelera con un pronunciado sentido del gusto y Robert, un asistente doméstico con un desarrollado olfato.
Night of Destiny
Mr. Slimami is an Algerian retiree living in Paris who witnesses a murder while taking a walk one evening. He's spotted by the assailant, but Slimami manages to slip away before being caught. The victim turned out to be a prominent businessman, and police are soon searching for the witness as well as the killers. Slimami does not want to step forward, both as a matter of personal safety and because he prefers to let the French police handle their own affairs. His son Alilou, a budding journalist, openly decries the failure of the witness to come forward as a black mark on the Muslim community in Paris, unaware that the man in question is his father.
Tørst - Framtidens forbrytelser
Anthology film based on three short stories by Knut Hamsun, updated to modern times.
À chacun son tour
A German police commissioner investigates the murders of several Tour de France yellow jerseys.
Le pantalon
Lt. Guérin
Lucien is a young soldier in the French army during the First World War. Recently married and with a young daughter, his only aim is to get through the war unscathed and get back to his wife and daughter. But this world is turned upside down by a pair of trousers.
Noces cruelles
Charlotte dite 'Charlie'
Two teenage girls are rehearsing a scene from a play by Marivaux, a love scene, and from the first seconds, we know who will be the heroine, who will be Charlotte, the one who will, to summarize brutally, discover her homosexuality.
Tres colores: Azul
Real Estate Agent
En un accidente de coche, Julie pierde a su esposo Patrice, un prestigioso compositor, y a la hija de ambos, Anna. Al recuperarse de sus lesiones, Julie decide comenzar una nueva vida, independiente, solitaria y anónima, alejada de los privilegios que antes disfrutaba. En su propósito se cruza Sandrine, una periodista especializada en música que la persigue intentando probar que era Julie quien componía las piezas que hicieron famoso a su marido. También pretenderá entrar en su vida Olivier, el ayudante de Patrice, enamorado de Julie desde muchos años atrás, que la convence para terminar el «Concierto para Europa», una ambiciosa obra inacabada del músico.
Papa et rien d'autre
A widower fights to keep the custody of his daughter that his in-laws claim.
Basse tension
A hitman must fulfill a contract aboard a train. He faces great difficulties going to the sleeping car where sleeps the man he must kill.
La doble vida de Verónica
Alexandre Fabbri
Weronika vive en Polonia y tiene una brillante carrera como cantante, pero padece una grave dolencia cardíaca. En Francia, a más de mil kilómetros, vive Véronique, otra joven idéntica que guarda muchas similitudes vitales con ella, como su enfermedad y su gran pasión por la música. Ambas, a pesar de la distancia y de no tener aparentemente ninguna relación, son capaces de sentir que no están solas.
Simple mortel
A young man, a researcher in ancient languages, begins to receive strange radio messages in a language only he knows. The messages ask him for very bizarre missions. Eventually, he understands that he's just a pawn in an intergalactic game, and that the fate of Earth depends on him.
Three Years
Constantin Biochon
After the French defeat of 1870, Julia took three years to love Alexander, with whom she married for her fortune. Alas, when Julia wants to declare his love to her husband, the latter confesses to him that his passion is extinguished.
Cyrano de Bergerac
Viscount of Valvert
Cyrano es un brillante poeta y un hábil espadachín que expresa su amor por la bella Roxane a través de Christian, el apuesto soldado a quien ella ama. Cyrano es jactancioso y fanfarrón, de genio vivo pero a la vez ingenioso e irónico, noble y orgulloso. Pero esconde una herida secreta que le atormenta: su agudo sentido del ridículo, su fealdad y su susceptibilidad le han impedido ser amado por Roxane. Sin embargo, ya que su amada ama a otro, él ayudará a su rival escribiendo en su nombre apasionadas cartas de amor.
Dark Woods
In this gothic romance based on a 1950s novel by Robert Margerit, after a whirlwind romance, Violette, a Parisian girl, has married Gustave Dupin, a charming aristocrat, and returned with him to live on his country estate. There, she begins to discover that all is not as it seemed, and beneath her groom's charming exterior is an undreamt-of savagery. She forms an alliance with her husband's much saner brother Bastien which saves her in the end, but not before she must go on trial for the murder of her husband.
El maestro de musica
Jean Nilson
Joachim Dallayrac, un famoso barítono ya mayor, está en el ocaso de su carrera y decide retirarse. Además está gravemente enfermo. Antes de su alejamiento da clases a dos jóvenes talentos, Sophie y Jean.