Diana Garay


Sin regresos
Karina and Emilia are two young novices who live in a religious order. Emilia has a deep and strong vocation while Karina is a youthful rebel who hides from justice behind the doors of the convent. Once she notices the police is increasingly closer, Karina asks Emilia to help her orchestrate an escape.
Director of Photography
En México son asesinadas nueve mujeres al día, y según datos de la ONU, seis de cada diez han sufrido violencia en algún momento de su vida. Este cortometraje documental aborda los distintos niveles de violencia contra las mujeres, comenzando por las microviolencias que se han normalizado; desde el acoso callejero, hasta los delitos más graves como el feminicidio.
Ariela, una judía tradicional, conoce a Iván, un joven que no es judío con quien comienza una relación secreta a pesar de sus creencias familiares. Esta nueva experiencia le permite a Ariela explorar el mundo que estaba fuera de la burbuja de su comunidad. Ariela es descubierta y amenazada. Mantener su relación significaría dejar su vida como judía y perder para siempre el contacto con su familia y amigos.
Takeda is a film about the universality of the human being seen thru the eyes of a Japanese painter that has adopted the Mexican culture.
Distancias Cortas
Fede is an overweight man, who finds it difficult to move around his own house. One day he finds in photography a way to change his life forever.
El regreso del muerto
The Return of the Dead is a story about human condition and repentance. This documentary is the story of a tormented man, Don Rosendo, who has been haunted by his past and in the dawn of his life tries to find a sense for his existence. This story happens at the Mexico-USA border, in a transitory hostel.
Color Timer
The story of a family marked by tragedy gives rise to a reflection on memory, emotional ties, family secrets and the difficulty for new generations of knowing and accepting life events.
My Friend Bety
Bety was Diana's childhood friend. They grew up together, attended the same school, share the same friends. But Bety is in prison now and Diana wants to understand how her friend got there, so she decided to make a documentary about her friend.