Anita Loos

Nacimiento : 1888-04-26, Etna, California, USA

Muerte : 1981-08-18


Anita Loos


The Women Who Run Hollywood
Herself (archive footage)
The first talkie was directed by Alice Guy, the first color film was produced by Lois Weber, who directed more than 300 films over 10 years. Frances Marion wrote screenplays for the Hollywood Star Mary Pickford and won two Oscars, Dorothy Arzner was the most powerful film director in Hollywood. And what do all of them have in common? They are all women and they have all been forgotten. Incredibly, it also took until 2010 for the first woman, Kathryn Bigelow, to win the Oscar for Best Director. Even if underrepresented women have always played a big part in Hollywood and it is this part of the film history left untold that this documentary sets out to uncover.
The Women
Remake del film de 1939 de George Cukor. La vida de Mary Haines es aparentemente perfecta: una preciosa casa en Connecticut, una maravillosa hija de doce años, un marido con éxito en Wall Street, un buen trabajo como diseñadora. Tiene, además, buenas amigas: Sylvia Fowler, que disfruta de su soltería como editora de la revista Cachet; Edie Cohen, una excéntrica madre, y la escritora Alex Fisher, una glamurosa lesbiana. La vida de Mary dará un vuelco cuando Sylvie se entera de que Crystal Allen, una dependienta de perfumería, tiene una aventura con el marido de Mary.
D.W. Griffith - Years of Discovery 1909-1913
In the span of five years, pioneering director D.W. Griffith delivered some 450 films for the Biograph Company at a rate of two or three films per week. One and two reels in length, these works showed the filmmaker inventing, borrowing, and perfecting techniques he later used to memorable effect in "The Birth of a Nation," "Intolerance," "Way Down East" and "Orphans of the Storm." Including Lillian and Dorothy Gish, Mary Pickford, Mack Sennett, Lionel Barrymore, Henry Walthall, and Mae Marsh. Among the 22 titles included on this landmark release are such widely recognized masterworks as "The Musketeers of Pig Alley," "The Battle at Elderbush Gulch," "The New York Hat," and "A Corner in Wheat."
Los caballeros se casan con las morenas
Una pareja artística de hermanas, Bonnie y Connie Jones, reciben una tentadora oferta para trabajar en París que finalmente aceptan. Por circunstancias de la vida, pronto se enteran que su madre y su tía un día triunfaron en la capital gala. Animadas por el éxito que ellas tuvieron antaño, deciden probar suerte, cosa que significará concentrarse en su trabajo y dejar las relaciones amorosas. Pero Connie se enamora de Charles, un amigo de su representante. ¿Pondrá este hecho en peligro su éxito en Francia? ¿O por el contrario Bonnie seguirá los pasos de su hermana?.
Los caballeros las prefieren rubias
Lorelei y Dorothy son dos cantantes que hacen un crucero desde los Estados Unidos a París. Una rubia y otra morena, con su belleza y encanto seducirán a todo el pasaje. Las dos tienen el mismo objetivo: casarse con un millonario. Pero hay un inconveniente: Lorelei tiene un novio, cuyo padre contrató un detective para que la siguiera.
Lazos humanos
Crónica de una humilde familia de inmigrantes irlandeses que viven en el barrio neoyorquino de Brooklyn a comienzos del siglo XX. El padre es un hombre amable, pero con problemas de alcoholismo; la madre una mujer luchadora, y la hija pequeña es una brillante muchacha que sueña con salir del barrio para emprender una nueva vida.
Me casé con un ángel
Anna ha sido secretaria durante 6 años en el banco del Conde Willie Palaffi, un conocido playboy de la ciudad. Ella todos los días le deja unas flores en su mesa, pero él no sabe que existe. "Whiskers" se da cuenta de que ella sería la perfecta esposa para Willie y la invita a la fiesta de cumpleaños de disfraces del jefe. La secretaria personal de Willie celosa, pues lo quiere para ella, le ayuda a conseguir un disfraz de ángel. Pero cuando llega a la fiesta disfrazada todos se ríen de ella.
Cuando ellas se encuentran
Mary, una escritora que está escribiendo una novela sobre un triángulo amoroso, comienza a sentirse atraída por su editor, que es un hombre casado.
De corazón a corazón
Tras la dolorosa pérdida de su hijo, Edna, una valiente mujer de Texas, decide crear un orfanato para ayudar a los niños más desvalidos y necesitados de ayuda; pero los ciudadanos más conservadores no verán con buenos ojos la creación de una institución de acogida para niños nacidos fuera del matrimonio. Edna luchará incansablemente para conseguir legalizar el orfanato.
Entre ladrones anda el amor
Dos ladrones de joyas, Gerald Meldrick y Anya Von Duren, buscan en la India el mismo botín: un maravilloso diamante que pertenece a una duquesa y está custodiado por un inspector de Scotland Yard. Anya utiliza sus armas de seducción para tener bajo control al inspector, pero tras la invasión de Bombay por los japoneses, todo se complica.
Susana y Dios
Susana está casada y tiene una hija, pero tras un viaje por Europa, comienza a sentir una ferviente vocación religiosa que le hará abandonar todo aquello que ha construido. Su marido Barrie intentará no perderla.
Extraño cargamento
Verne, un hombre encarcelado en la Isla del Diablo, intenta fugarse e involucra en la fuga a Julie, una chica de saloon, que lo delata a las autoridades. Pero Verne vuelve a intentarlo junto con otros presos, y en su huida se encuentra a Julie.
Otra reunión de acusados
Additional Writing
A Nick y a Nora Charles, un matrimonio muy excéntrico, les apasiona ejercer de detectives aficionados. Un día, la familia Charles, después de pasar un fin de semana fuera, regresa a su casa en compañía de un industrial de Long Island que sospecha que alguien quiere matarle, e inmediatamente su temor se hace realidad. Lo peor es que Nick está entre los sospechosos, pero Nora tiene sus propias ideas sobre el caso y se escabulle dentro de un club para buscar pistas.
Los hijos de la farándula
Additional Writing
Dos jóvenes se proponen triunfar en el mundo del espectáculo: son Mickey Moran (Mickey Rooney), talentoso músico y cantante, hijo de un artista veterano, y Patsi Barton (Judy Garland), una joven cantante
Un grupo de mujeres pasan la mayor parte del día entre salones de belleza y tiendas de ropa, siempre murmurando, con cotilleos y rumores. De repente, una de ellas descubre que su marido se ve a escondidas con una dependienta. Esta situación provoca un escándalo entre sus amigas, produciéndose diversas situaciones de celos, envidias y rumores. (FILMAFFINITY)
Una joven le promete a su padre que va a dejar el juego y las carreras de caballos, pero no puede mantener su promesa, ya que ha hipotecado su herencia por culpa de un conocido jugador por el que se siente fuertemente atraída.
Mama Steps Out
A Fort Wayne, Indiana housewife (Alice Brady) drags her husband (Guy Kibbee) and daughter (Betty Furness) to Europe for culture.
San Francisco
La cantante de ópera Mary Blake huye de la miseria y busca cobijo en Blackie Norton, un empresario de San Francisco que le proporciona trabajo. Inevitablemente, surge una estrecha relación entre ambos que es desaprobada por el sacerdote Mullin. Mientras tanto, nos aproximamos a la fatídica fecha del 18 de abril de 1906, cuando un terremoto arrasó la ciudad y provocó más de 3.000 muertos.
Flor de arrabal
El atunero Dutch se casa con Hattie, una trabajadora de la fábrica de conservas. Dutch es expulsado de su sindicato y despedido de su trabajo, por lo que Hattie roba una cantidad de dinero para él y termina en prisión. Finalmente, el atunero consigue un nuevo trabajo, frustrando un complot para dinamitar el muelle y comprometiéndose a esperar por Hattie.
Biography of a Bachelor Girl
Un pintor de retratos se reúne con un antiguo amor, cuando las inminentes memorias de ésta amenazan su carrera política.
The Girl from Missouri
Leaving Missouri to find a wealthy husband in New York City, Eadie Chapman becomes a chorus girl and soon entertains at the lavish home of millionaire Frank Cousins. Cousins proposes to Eadie, only to then commit suicide due to bankruptcy. Fellow millionaire T. R. Paige defends Eadie when the police question her for having Cousins' jewelry -- but when she becomes enamored with his son, Tom, Paige declares Eadie a gold digger.
Social Register
Chorus girl Patsy Shaw crashes a high-society party, meets playboy Charlie Breen, they fall in love, and are on their merry way to wedded bliss. However, Charlie's snobbish, ever-loving mama doesn't think that Patsy is worthy and sets out to prove it.
Tú eres mío
Ruby se enamora de Eddie, un joven que se dedica a estafar a incautos. En un episodio de chantaje fallido, Eddie sufre un ataque de celos y mata accidentalmente a un hombre.
Tú eres mío
Ruby se enamora de Eddie, un joven que se dedica a estafar a incautos. En un episodio de chantaje fallido, Eddie sufre un ataque de celos y mata accidentalmente a un hombre.
Rosa de medianoche
Una joven está siendo juzgada por asesinato. Durante la adolescencia, su lucha por salir de la miseria le costó una pena de prisión por robo. La falta de medios y las dificultades para encontrar empleo la llevan a involucrarse en los asuntos de la mafia. En un prostíbulo, conoce a un joven abogado, hijo de una prestigiosa y rica familia, que se enamora de ella.
Una noche en El Cairo
Melodrama con guión de Anita Loos. La acción tiene lugar en Egipto, donde una mujer americana se enamora de un rico mercader local. El choque de culturas resultará inevitable: ella es una mujer sofisticada y él un hombre de rudos modales.
La rubia del Follies
Blondie es una neoyorkina y Lurlene es su mejor amiga. Cuando Lurlene consigue un papel en un gran espectáculo de Broadway, también hace que Blondie forme parte del elenco. Pero esta amistad empieza a ir mal cuando Larry Belmont, el novio rico de Lurlene, empieza a fijarse en Blondie.
La rubia del Follies
Blondie es una neoyorkina y Lurlene es su mejor amiga. Cuando Lurlene consigue un papel en un gran espectáculo de Broadway, también hace que Blondie forme parte del elenco. Pero esta amistad empieza a ir mal cuando Larry Belmont, el novio rico de Lurlene, empieza a fijarse en Blondie.
La pelirroja
Lil trabaja para la empresa Legendre y hace que Bill se divorcie de Irene y se case con ella. Tiene un romance con el empresario Gaerste y lo utiliza para obligar a la sociedad a prestarle atención.
The Struggle
A young couple's marriage is jeopardized by the husband's descent into alcoholism.
Ex-Bad Boy
A man gets in trouble with his girlfriend when a beautiful movie star and her fiance come to his small town.
The Fall of Eve
The Fall of Eve
Los caballeros las prefieren rubias
A bordo de un trasatlántico, dos chicas intentan atrapar a uno de los solterones más ricos en América.
The Whole Town's Talking
Theatre Play
Chester Binney, a wounded war veteran, erroneously believes he is carrying a silver plate in his head and must avoid all excitement. He returns to his hometown, and there his former employer, George Simmons, attempts to arrange a match between Chester (who is to inherit a fortune) and his daughter Ethel. Ethel, however, finds Chester unexciting as a lover; and to enliven the affair, the father invents a lurid past for the boy by displaying a signed photograph of Rita Renault, a famous movie star. Rita, accompanied by her jealous husband, Jack Shields, arrives in the town for a personal appearance. By chance, Jack discovers the photograph of Rita, presumably the property of Chester, and when he sees his wife kissing Chester, a running fight ensues.
Camille: The Fate of a Coquette
A home movie version of the Dumas play. A young woman becomes a courtesan and tragedy befalls her. Appearances are made by many socialites of 1920s Paris and New York.
Learning to Love
A 1925 film directed by Sidney Franklin.
Dulcy, a devoted but scatterbrained bride, tries to improve her absent husband's finances by inviting two of his business prospects to dinner. Though at first thoroughly confusing the deal, she does get her husband a bigger share than he bargained for.The film is now considered to be lost.
Red Hot Romance
After his father's death, Roland Stone learns that his will stipulates that he must go to the South American country of Bunkonia and sell life insurance.
Red Hot Romance
After his father's death, Roland Stone learns that his will stipulates that he must go to the South American country of Bunkonia and sell life insurance.
Polly of the Follies
A romantic comedy, focusing on the love triangle between Bob Jones, Alysia Potter and Polly Meachum. Originally engaged, Bob and Alysia elope to Bowling Green, Connecticut, where they meet Silas Meachum, a campaigner against motion pictures, and his daughter, Polly. The eloping couple’s family arrive, chasing them, and persuade them to wait to get married. Polly goes to New York to join the Ziegfeld Follies, but is ultimately replaced by Alysia. As Bob consoles Polly, Alysia breaks off the engagement, and Bob and Polly may now marry.
Woman's Place
The Women's Political League decides to find a female candidate for mayor and their choice is Kay Gerson who, they figure, will win votes from the men because of her looks. But the town's political boss, Jim Bradley, counters with his own good-looking candidate, Freddy Bleeker, who he thinks will get the women's vote.
Mama's Affair
Eve Orrin is at the mercy of her possessive mother, who has a case of "nerves" every time her daughter tries to show a mind of her own. Mrs. Orrin and her friend, Mrs. Marchant, have determined that Eve will marry Mrs. Marchant's milquetoast son, Henry, and Eve is willing to go along with it just to placate her mother. But Eve herself finally has an attack of nerves, and she falls in love with Doctor Harmon, the physician called in to care for her.
Dangerous Business
A 1920 film directed by Roy William Neill.
Dangerous Business
A 1920 film directed by Roy William Neill.
The Branded Woman
A 1920 film directed by Albert Parker.
The Perfect Woman
Mary Blake can charm any man, young or old, with her winning ways -- except for the one she really wants. James Stanhope is a misogynist who won't give her the time of day.
The Love Expert
In this comedy, Constance Talmadge plays Babs, a girl who is thrown out of boarding school because she's more interested in studying romance than she is in studying books. The object of her affections is Jim Winthrop, but before they can wed, he has to find suitable mates for his two plain sisters, Dorcas and Matilda -- and Winthrop's elderly aunt, too. To speed things up, Babs takes it upon herself to find them all men.
The Love Expert
In this comedy, Constance Talmadge plays Babs, a girl who is thrown out of boarding school because she's more interested in studying romance than she is in studying books. The object of her affections is Jim Winthrop, but before they can wed, he has to find suitable mates for his two plain sisters, Dorcas and Matilda -- and Winthrop's elderly aunt, too. To speed things up, Babs takes it upon herself to find them all men.
In Search of a Sinner
Two Weeks
A Virtuous Vamp
A flirtatious young woman takes a job in a busy office, where her presence is terribly disruptive. None of the men in the office can concentrate on their jobs while her charms are on display. Of course, she sets her eye on the one man who seems oblivious to her.
The Isle of Conquest
A 1919 film directed by Edward José.
A Temperamental Wife
Getting Mary Married
Early feature from American cinema pioneer Allan Dwan, starring Marion Davies
Under the Top
Jimmie, a small-town boy, visits a traveling circus passing through town. he falls in love with Pansy, the daughter of the circus' tightrope walker, after he saves her from a gang of thugs...
Come on In
A patriotic but short American man tries without luck to qualify for the Army, but can't get in until a knock on the head raises a lump high enough for him to pass the height requirement. Meanwhile, his lady friend decides to become a Secret Service agent, though she is unable to keep the fact a secret, even from the German spies she hopes to apprehend.
Let's Get a Divorce
A bit too immature for marriage, Cyprienne allows her pretty head to be turned by an egotistical fop. The girl demands that her husband Prunelles grant her a divorce, but he devises a scheme to bring her back into the matrimonial fold.
Reaching for the Moon
A button factory worker has always dreamed that he was meant for better things, to be rich and famous and in "the company of kings". One day he discovers that he is indeed the only heir to the throne of a small European kingdom. However, there are forces at work who don't want him to survive to take the throne.
Down to Earth
A healthy outdoors-type follows the girl he loves to a resort for wealthy hypochondriacs. In order to prove to her and the other patients that their "illnesses" are all in their minds, he hatches a scheme to take them on a boat ride, then get them stranded in the wilderness, where he can show them that they can live without their pills, doctors and "cures".
Wild and Woolly
A rich Easterner who has always wanted to live in "the Wild West" plans to move to a Western town. Unknown to him, the town's "wild" days are long gone and it is an orderly and civilized place now. The townsmen, not wanting to lose a rich potential resident, contrive to make over the town to suit the young man's fantasy.
In Again, Out Again
A young man drowns his sorrows in strong drink when jilted by his girl. His drunkenness gets him thrown in jail, where he falls in love with the jailer's daughter. When released, the young man tries everything to get back into the jail - though when he is mistaken for an anarchist bomber, he finds himself facing not just jail, but execution.
A Daughter of the Poor
A young girl, Rose Eastmen lives with her lazy Uncle, who works as a janitor in a publishing house. Lacking education, both Rose and her Uncle are susceptible to the socialist ideas of writer Rudolph Creig. One day Rose encounters Jack Steven's the wealthy son of the publishing house, working on his car. She believes he is a common laborer, and begins seeing him. Through her exposure to Jack, Rose begins to realize the rich are not such an abominable people. Rudolph has also reached this conclusion after learning Steven's has published his book. Now with a hefty royalty check and success, Rudolph is able to marry Rose.
The Americano
Doug is an American mining engineer. Pres. Valdez of Paragonia wants him to reopen the country's mines. Doug is not interested ... until he sees the President's beautiful daughter, Juana. Valdez returns to Paragonia, but is deposed by Generals Sanchez and Garcia and locked in San Mateo Prison. The Americano arrives...
The Matrimaniac
A young couple attempts to elope, with the bride's irate father in hot pursuit. The train stops briefly and the young man dashes off to find a minister, but before he can get himself and the minister onto the train, it leaves, carrying his bride-to- be away. Now the young man, minister in tow, pursues his bride while her father and a horde of lawmen pursue them both.
The Children Pay
What will become of the Children in a home divided....
American Aristocracy
A young man fights to overcome a piratical arms smuggler and to win the heart of a rich man's daughter.
The Social Secretary
An attractive young girl struggles to hold a job as she deals with unwanted romantic advances from her boss.
Clásico del cine mudo que muestra a través de varios episodios históricos las injusticias provocadas por la intolerancia religiosa y social. La idea inicial de Griffith era narrar las sangrientas huelgas de 1912 en EE.UU. (un huelguista es acusado de la muerte de su patrón), pero después decidió rodar tres episodios más: "La caída de Babilonia, "La Pasión de Cristo" y "La noche de San Bartolomé" (sangriento episodio de las luchas entre hugonotes y católicos que tuvo lugar en París en 1572). De presupuesto y recursos desmesurados para la época -una sola escena reunió a 15.000 extras y 250 carros- aún hoy sigue asombrando por su espectacularidad.
The Half-Breed
Lo ("Agua durmiente") Dorman es un mestizo blanco-indio que desconoce quién fue su padre, del que solo conserva una cartera, perteneciente al blanco que forzó a la india, madre del mestizo. Lo Dorman, marginado por una sociedad racista, compite por el amor de la hija del predicador con el sheriff local...
The Mystery of the Leaping Fish
Coke Ennyday, the scientific detective, divides his time into periods of "Sleep", "Eat", "Dope" and "Drinks". In fact, he overcomes every situation with drugs: consuming cocaine to increase his energy or injecting it in his opponents to incapacitate them. To help the police, he tracks down a contraband of opium (which he eagerly tastes) transported within "leaping fishes", saving a "fish-blower" girl from blackmail along the way.
A Corner in Cotton
Peggy Ainslee, the daughter of a wealthy broker, tires of the empty life of society, and determines on a mission of charity and uplift in the poor quarters of New York City
His Picture in the Papers
Produced at the Reliance studio in Yonkers, New York, HIS PICTURE IN THE PAPERS solidly established Fairbanks as the American ideal of pop, vim, and vigor. Furthermore, the film brought him together with the two collaborators who were to play a profound role in the evolution of his screen persona: writer Anita Loos and her future husband, director John Emerson. The theme was, according to Emerson and Loos, "the great American love of publicity."
Shakespeare's tragedy of the Scots nobleman whose ambition leads him to betrayal, murder, and damnation.
At the Road's End
The young contractor scrapes acquaintance with the girl by petting her dog, and, having met her mother, insinuates himself into the old lady's good graces. But he cannot fool the dog, and so aggressive does the animal become that the girl's mother gives it to a passing farmer. The girl is forced to accept the contractor's attentions, notwithstanding that she has a favored suitor, a young man of the town. In desperation she runs away, intending to join her lover, but on the road she is overtaken by the contractor, who brings word that the dog has been badly hurt and may not live. Anxiety over her pet disarms her suspicions, and she enters the schemer's motor car. Her suitor sees her struggling with the abductor, boards a trolley car, and overtaking the automobile, leaps into it to fight for his love.
The Lost House
Scenario Writer
Before his niece and ward, Dosia Dale, comes of age, her uncle, who has spent her entire fortune, must think of a way to account for his actions. He proposes marriage, and when Dosia indignantly refuses him, he conspires with his evil friend, Dr. Protheroe, to do away with her. Declaring Dosia insane, the two men lock her up in the doctor's insane asylum, but she manages to drop a note from the window. Her plea for help is found by a reporter named Ford, who feigns insanity in order to gain admittance to the asylum. Dr. Protheroe becomes suspicious of Ford and locks him up with Dosia, whereupon Ford, knowing that his friend Cuthbert will notify the police if he and Dosia do not emerge safely by twelve, barricades the door and waits. In a furious battle with the police and the militia, Dosia's uncle and Dr. Protheroe are killed and the house set ablaze, but Ford and Dosia escape, leaping from the roof into a fire net below. All danger passed, Ford and Dosia become engaged.
The Sisters
Scenario Writer
May and her younger sister, Carol, live in a small town. May is the more lovely of the two, but Carol is wooed by Frank, a country boy. George, a city man, comes to town on a visit, falls in love with Carol and wins her away from Frank. Carol is pleased with his attentions and poor Frank is brokenhearted. Calling one day to see Carol, George meets May and falls madly in love with her, and finally runs away with her and they are married. Carol, in despair, turns back to Frank and they are married, and a year later a baby is born.
For Her Father's Sins
Laura Bell runs away from her country home to the city, where she becomes a clerk in a department store. Her brother, Frank, follows her to New York, but is unable to place her. He becomes interested in a settlement house and obtains a position in social service work. Mary Ashton, daughter of the proprietor of the store where Laura works, is shocked to find that her father pays his clerks starvation wages.
A Lesson in Mechanics
Scenario Writer
Ruth Wilson, daughter of a wealthy landowner, receives a visit from her country sweetheart, Joe Merriam. who is a motorboat enthusiast. Unknown to anyone but her brother Frank, Ruth is an expert at fixing auto and motorboat engines as the estate is on the bay and Ruth has the use of two launches. With Joe she goes for a boat ride but the engine breaks down and he is unable to fix it, and afraid that it would lower his opinion of her if she should repair the engine, she lets him call another boat to tow them back to the wharf. Merriam, while in love with Ruth, cannot bring himself to propose, fearing that she would be too ornamental for a farmer's wife, and half of his visit passes while he attempts to make up his mind.
The Hunchback
"The Hunchback" earns a scanty living as a tinker, traveling from house to house, but on account of his deformity, there is no one who cares for him. Although a great lover of children, they flee at his approach. Taking pity on a little girl whose doll has been broken, he spends all his earnings to replace her plaything, and in consequence, the people with whom he boards, order him out. Tired and despairing, he gets, unobserved, into a freight car, and is carried to a western mining town. There the wanderer finds friends in a miner and his little girl. An accident renders the little girl fatherless, and the hunchback brings the child to womanhood. As the years pass the cripple grows to care for his ward, but when he tells her of his love, he finds that it is not returned. The girl falls in love with a young prospector, and the jealous hunchback seeks to take his life, and then weakens in his resolve. Later the prospector is in deadly danger and the hunchback decides to let him die.
The Gangsters of New York
Biff Dugan, the eldest son of a poor family living in a tenement on the squalid East Side of New York, leads a gang of hoodlums, among whose members is his brother Porky. Their sister Jess is a consumptive whose health was ruined in a sweatshop. During a melee in a mission run by reformer Henry Davis, the Dugan gang encounters Billy Drew and his sister Cora, newcomers to the city. Porky saves Cora from the unwelcome attentions of Biff's rival, Spike Golden, and the two fall in love. Later, when Spike is killed in a gang war, Biff is wrongfully convicted of the murder and executed in the electric chair. Porky, who served a short term in prison for his part in the crime, comes back to the city to find that Jess has died and Cora has returned to the country.
Oh, Sammy!
Romance blooms between two Jewish employees in a sweatshop.
A Cure for Suffragettes
Caroline Spankhurst and her suffragette brigade conclude to stop at nothing, so in their dauntless enthusiasm they forget their babies peacefully reposing on the sidewalk. The babies fall into the hands of the traffic squad, ordered to keep clear streets. A small-sized riot is taking place, but every mother's a suffragette so why cry "Help?"
The Lady in Black
Behold in this film the villain up to his dirty work again, but if you watch the persistent young hero carefully, you will see him gallantly rescue the lady in black about to be burned at the stake, while at the same time he saved the fair heroine from the mad ambition of her father about to marry her to the dastardly ex-governor of Utah.
The Widow's Kids
In spite of their oversupply of energy, their Pa-to-be just doted on the kids. The fascinating traveling salesman, who won away their fickle Ma, did not, but through the widow's deception, the kids won the parent of their hearts.
Pa Says
First Pa said Theodore was a lizzy-nizzy. He let that go, but when Pa said he was too sporty because he spent a nickel for a ticket for a voting contest for the fairest girl in town, Pa's daughter, of course, then Theodore decided to settle Pa. He played at being a lady. Then Pa said he might not be as young as he used to be, but Ma came along. So Pa said all on the sly, "Go to it, Theodore."
Highbrow Love
Fred was no highbrow, but in spite of all her primness and learning, he fell for Mary's undoubted charm. One day he was handed this communication: "Dear Freddie: I am going to Box Springs to be quiet and alone with by beloved Samuel Johnson, Lovingly, Mary Highbrow." Jealous rage stirred Fred's bosom for his new found rival. He followed, blood in his eye. Mary, the highbrow, however, explained matters to both Fred and Blacksmith Johnson, but Fred at the time was a little worse off for his experience.
The Power of the Camera
Two convicts escape from the city jail and manage to elude their pursuers for quite a while, by contriving a fake motion picture machine and posing as picture producers. But, like many of us, they become over-confident and are finally apprehended by the guard.
The Telephone Girl and the Lady
D.W. Griffith short intercuts two different stories before mixing them together at the end. The film focuses on a telephone girl (Mae Marsh) who leaves work for her lunch break at the same time as "The Lady" (Claire McDowell) goes to a jewelry store to pick up some priceless jewels. When the telephone girl returns to work she gets a phone call from the house of "The Lady" as a robbery (Harry Carey) has broken in and is trying to steal the jewels.
The New York Hat
To fulfill a dying mother's bequest for her daughter, the town pastor purchases the daughter a stylish hat, and gossip spreads through the town.
My Baby
When the double wedding takes two daughters away from the old man at once, the youngest, now the only one left, in outraged spirit promises never to leave her father, but soon she too is departing for a new home. Then comes a cold hard fact of life. The son-in-law claims his right to make a home alone for his wife. In his bitterness and anger, the father denies them both the house. Several years later the lonely old man meets at the gate a babe in arms. When he learns whose baby it is, heart hunger craves another sight, and sought, brings with it the only natural result.
The Musketeers of Pig Alley
A man recognizes the thief who had previously robbed him as one of the men involved in an unrelated mob shootout.
The Saving Grace
Scenario Writer