George Hosek


The Face of Mercy
Director of Photography
Since his election to the papacy, Pope Francis has inspired millions by urging us to embrace Mercy, ultimately revealed in the face of Christ. Now comes an extraordinary new film on this powerful message that brings hope, healing and forgiveness to a broken world. Narrated by Jim Caviezel, The Face of Mercy explores the history and relevance of Divine Mercy in our turbulent times. (Released 2016)
Wild Ride
This film is based on a true story, and set in the affluent world of Kentucky thoroughbred horse racing; a close-knit society with a fiercely protected reputation as the guardians of this, "the sport of kings."
Cube Zero
Second Unit Director of Photography
Precuela de "Cube". Rains se despierta en un laberinto de habitaciones perfectamente cúbicas. Lleva un extraño uniforme gris y un código de barras tatuado en su mano. No recuerda nada, ni su nombre. Pronto encontrará otros prisioneros del laberinto que están en su misma situación. A medida que se van desplazando por los cubos, irán muriendo uno a uno en las trampas que irán encontrando. Rains tiene un admirador secreto. Se trata de Wynn y forma parte del grupo de observadores cuyo trabajo es controlar al grupo de prisioneros. Se siente atraido por ella e intentará hacer alguna cosa para ayudarla. En el universo del cubo, nadie está a salvo. Los observadores son observados y los prisioneros huyen en busca de una salida que no saben donde les llevará.
Director of Photography
Greg Sanderson is helping his wife, Jan, to recover from a nervous breakdown and revive their strained marriage. Their privacy is interrupted by the arrival of Greg's stunning and mysterious sister, Laura. Jan's paranoia deepens as she suspects that Greg's and her sister's relationship is too close. In her desperation, she confides her fears to the landlord but his weird reaction only creates more confusion.
The Graveyard Story
Director of Photography
After a rich man discovers a grave of a little girl, some unknown force drives him to discover the circumstances of her death. He hires a private eye to do so, and discovers more than he ever imagined.