Alina tiene una hija de nueve años, Lilia; pero la esconde para no perder el trabajo. Lilia toca el violín y su madre, que no la puede llevar a clase, le pide a Jarek, un exnovio, que la lleve.
Carmen es limpiadora y Chris es un exitoso hombre de negocios. Cuando él pierde 158 millones de euros de sus inversores, es acusado de malversación y es buscado por la policía. Carmen le ofrece ayuda.
A young woman is found raped and bludgeoned to death. Her father can’t reconcile himself with her death, and even less with the fact that the murderer was never found. Half of his life he continues the search. Finally, after more than 20 years, as DNA-analysis becomes a factor in forensic medicine, new perspectives open.
A year ago, Katrin and Max got to know and love each other with the support of the phlegmatic bass dog Kurt. Should they now match their friends and marry? At first it doesn't look promising: Katrin is fighting for a job in London and Max is constantly gone, he seems to meet other women. The help of a second Christmas dog is needed to steer fate in the right direction.