Roy Clements


The Devil Horse
Major Morrow
A boy's family is wiped out in an Indian massacre of a wagon train and he is captured. He befriends a wild colt. Years later, following his escape, he is recaptured by Indians who force him to fight their vicious devil horse . The horse looks somewhat familiar.
The Wages of Tin
aka Billy, the Ford Buster
Big Moments from Little Pictures
In this short, Will Rogers introduces and concludes the movie. And, then, he acts in different fake versions of highlights from famous movies--such as Douglas Fairbanks as ROBIN HOOD, the bull fighting scene from BLOOD AND SAND as well as a recreation of a KEYSTONE COPS short.
Uncensored Movies
A morals reformer returns from Hollywood to his small town, and shows his fellow citizens the results of his investigation.
Her Dangerous Path
Her Dangerous Path
The Double O
Happy Hanes, a ranch hand, comes between a crooked foreman and the new ranch owner Frances Powell. The foreman and his "half-breed" accomplice Cholo kidnap Frances.
The Double O
Happy Hanes, a ranch hand, comes between a crooked foreman and the new ranch owner Frances Powell. The foreman and his "half-breed" accomplice Cholo kidnap Frances.
Nobody's Fool
Unattractive and poor Polly Gordon, is taken to the college dance by eligible Vincent DePuyster only as part of a fraternity initiation. Suitors flock to her, however, when she inherits half a million dollars from her aunt, but she grows cynical and dismisses them.
The Tiger's Coat
The film begins in the southern California home of Alexander MacAllister (Lawson Butt) where he is confronting Andrew Hyde (Miles McCarthy) who is accused of crooked dealings. Alexander threatens to expose Hyde, and Hyde defies him to do his worst. A banker friend tells MacAllister, "Why don't you get married?" They are interrupted by an unexpected caller on that rainy evening, a young lady, Jean Ogilvie, the daughter of a Scotsman family friend from Mexico. He puts her up and later remarks that she has dark skin for a Scottish lass. "Mexican sun," she explains. "I expected to find an old man," Jean remarks to herself.
When a Woman Strikes
A story of the West in the days when the sheriff was more powerful than the mayor or governor. It tells of the sacrifices made by a sister for a brother and the virile, big-hearted nature of a stage-driver who is made sheriff and solves a mystery that hangs over the lives of two innocent people.
The Reckoning Day
During World War I, Jane Whiting, a bright young lawyer who is engaged to Senator Wheeler, is assigned by the district attorney to expose a gang of spies who are collecting money for the German government through the operation of a fraudulent charity organization. Wheeler's son Frank has fallen in love with Lola Schram, whose pro-German mother is forcing the girl to work for Frederick Kube, the head of the spy ring, but when Kube learns of the romance, he orders Mrs. Schram to break it off. When Lola finally confesses her activities to Frank, Kube kills her and then frames Frank for the murder. Meanwhile, Jane, through the help of Jimmy and Tilly Ware, has discovered Kube's headquarters and modus operandi
Versus Sledge Hammers
A count shows up in Snakeville to deliver a letter telling matronly Margaret Joslin that she has inherited a lot of money, so of course he wants to romance and marry her.
Slim the Brave and Sophie the Fair
Slim calls on Sophie, but has no more than gotten comfortably settled when Mustang arrives and is given all the attention. Very shortly Hiram, Sophie's father, comes downstairs and kicks Mustang out. Mustang returns with a note telling Sophie to meet him next day when the stage coach arrives and they will run away.
Sophie's Home-Coming
Slim receives a note from Sophie telling him that she will arrive on the five o'clock stagecoach the next morning, and for him to set his alarm clock so he will be sure to meet her. Mustang reads the note, and after Slim has gone to bed, substitutes another clock in Slim's room.
When Slippery Slim Bought the Cheese
Slippery Slim purchases a large piece of Limburger cheese. On the way home he stops to chat with Sophie, but Hiram, her father, chases him off the premises.
Sentimental Sophie
Slim and Mustang are rivals for the affections of Sophie, the cook at the O.K. Hotel.
When Slippery Slim Went for the Eggs
When eggs went up to $6 a dozen, Slim and Sophie try in every way to make their hen lay, but with no success. Mustang sees their efforts and decides to play a joke. One morning Slim receives a letter telling him that giving hens hot water to drink and putting salt on their tails will make them lay.
The Battle of Snakeville
The proprietor of the O.K. hotel is advertising for a "lady" cook. Meanwhile, a Chinaman is stealing all his trade. Sophie arrives in Snakeville and applies for the position. The proprietor engages her without a moment's hesitation.
Snakeville's Rising Sons
Mustang and Slim are on very friendly terms. The same may be said of their wives, and when Slim's wife warns him that it is Friday the 13th and beware of friendship, he scorns her.
Slippery Slim Gets Square
Pete decides to steal Slim's clothes, when he chooses to bathe in the creek before going to a dance with Sophie.
Snakeville's Blind Pig
Snakeville's men are forced to stay home and do the housework when the women decide to take over the town.
Sophie's Sweetheart
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete are suitors for the hand of Sophie Clutts, but she cares nothing for either of them.
Sophie's Fatal Wedding
Slippery Slim receives an invitation to attend the wedding of Sophie and Mustang Pete. He is brokenhearted, and when he goes to Sophie's home to plead with her he is locked out. He leaves a note telling her that he is going to shoot himself, but he loses his nerve.
Snakeville's Reform Wave
Slippery Slim and his wife, Sophie, drive to town. While Sophie does her shopping Slim sneaks over to the saloon to get a few drinks. Here he meets Mustang, so the two drink together. Slim has promised his wife that he will not take a drink as long as he wears a certain ring on his finger, so takes off the ring before each drink.
The Tell-Tale Hand
The Prosecuting Attorney
Tim Cantle, an evil-looking fellow, is drinking at a bar. The saloonkeeper's daughter enters, and Tim, slightly tipsy, tries to kiss her. She struggles to escape him. Broncho Billy enters and draws his gun. Tim flees. Tim gets his horse and rides away. As he approaches a house on a hill nearby, he sees Annie Fargo run out of her home, her father cursing her. Tim seizes and kisses her. She strikes him in the face and screams. Her father then comes out and drives Tim away. He sends Annie back into the house, following her with his gun. Tim swears vengeance.
Sophie and the Man of Her Choice
Slippery Slim and Sophie are deeply in love. Slim incurs the enmity of Hiram Clutts, Sophie's father, and Mustang Pete. They swear vengeance. Mustang writes a note to Slim, signing Sophie's name, asking him to meet her in a cemetery. Slim finds a band of men waiting clad in sheets. He flees and asks Sophie to save him.
Slippery Slim and the Impersonator
Slippery Slim, crossed in love, plots revenge with help from an unexpected quarter.
Snakeville and the Corset Demonstrator
Sophie, who boasts the most perfect figure in the world, attracts the attention of every man in town when she arrives in Snakeville to demonstrate corsets.
Slippery Slim, The Mortgage and Sophie
Slippery Slim, the Justice of the Peace, serves a notice on Hiram Clutts, threatening to foreclose his mortgage unless Sophie marries him the next day. Hiram agrees that Sophie shall marry him as he demands. Sophie tells Mustang of this and they plan to elope that night. Mustang calls for her in his buggy, but they fail to make their escape unnoticed by Hiram. He chases them with a shotgun, but is unable to catch them before they reach Slim's office. They disguise themselves and Slim, not knowing who they are, performs the marriage ceremony.
Snakeville's Peace-Maker
Mustang Pete receives a letter from his daughter, Sophie, who is away at boarding school, asking permission to bring some girls home with her to spend their vacation. Mustang flatly refuses. That afternoon he and Slippery Slim have a fight over a checker game, and to get "square" Slim advertises the fact that he will pay his ranch hands double the salary that Mustang will pay. As a result Slim gets all of Mustang's helpers. Mustang then writes to Sophie and tells her to bring home the girls if she cares to. The girls arrive the following day and Mustang has an abundance of help, all of Slim's helpers deserting him.
When Slippery Slim Met the Champion
Slim is elected to try to last three rounds against the world's champion boxer in order to win $100.
Slippery Slim Gets Cured
Sophie tries curing Slim's drinking problem by forcing him to drink ammonia, but it doesn't work.
Snakeville's New Waitress
Attendance rises at the Snakeville Hotel Restaurant when Sophie is hired as a waitress.
Sophie Gets Stung
Five of Snakeville's leading citizens are all determined to marry Sophie.
Sophie Finds a Hero
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete get into a duel over Sophie.
The Wooing of Sophie
Slippery Slim secures a marriage license in the hope of marrying Sophie.
The Snakeville Volunteer
Slippery Slim and Mustang Pete decide to join the Army.
Sophie Pulls a Good One
Sophie, a dentist, recognizes a patient as the bandit who previously robbed her during a stagecoach holdup.
Sophie Starts Something
Sophie leads members of the local Women's Temperance League to the local saloon with a plan for destruction.
Pie for Sophie
Two German musicians discover the citizens of Snakeville do not appreciate their music.
A Horse on Sophie
Sophie writes a note to her aunt telling her that she is undecided whether she will marry Slippery Slim or Mustang Pete, but says she will accept the one who buys the best-looking horse.
Slippery Slim -- Diplomat
Slippery Slim uses his position as postmaster in order to hold back all the invitations to Sophie's birthday party, except, of course, his own and that of the parson.