Ivan Pravov


Сокровища республики
The Chain Reaction
An old pickpocket named "Cardinal", during the days of the International Festival of Youth and Students, decides to gather old “personnels” to prepare small and large thefts from the festival participants. During the "conference" it turns out that a complete "personnel crisis" has come. The ensuing meeting with the former bootlegger — Senka-Moroz, who broke with his past and found happiness in his family and honest work, leads the Cardinal to confusion and mental confusion. A conversation with Professor Muromtsev, a terminally ill person who nevertheless cares about the fate of others, shock the "Cardinal" and he takes the first but decisive step towards a new life, breaking with the criminal world.
One line
In the north of the Urals, the construction of a chemical plant has begun. Construction manager Pyotr Musatov appoints Anton Kitaev, the husband of his sister, a direct and honest man, a former front-line soldier, as a deputy. Anton soon realizes that Peter is a typical careerist, pursuing only selfish goals. Kitaev sharply criticizes the leadership. As a result, he breaks up with his wife, who supports her brother in everything. Moreover, rivalry in love is added to the confrontation in the work - Peter and Anton are in love with one woman ...
One line
In the north of the Urals, the construction of a chemical plant has begun. Construction manager Pyotr Musatov appoints Anton Kitaev, the husband of his sister, a direct and honest man, a former front-line soldier, as a deputy. Anton soon realizes that Peter is a typical careerist, pursuing only selfish goals. Kitaev sharply criticizes the leadership. As a result, he breaks up with his wife, who supports her brother in everything. Moreover, rivalry in love is added to the confrontation in the work - Peter and Anton are in love with one woman ...
Dominated by gold
In the house of goldmaker Tikhon Kondratievich Molokov, carnival is celebrated noisily, on a grand scale, with gypsies. Everyone drank pretty, and when the mayor tried to “seduce” the owner’s daughter Anisya, the girl’s father broke his nose. Frightened by the consequences of this incident, Tikhon Kondratievich decided to flee the city.
Stepan Razin
Don Cossack Stepan Razin boyars vowed revenge for his friends tortured torture. As head of the rebellious peasants, he becomes the leader of the whole army. With all the Russian land flock to him humiliated and oskorblennye.Tsar Alexey concerned the growing power Ataman. Church anathematizes Stepan collected in the march on Moscow. Regular king's troops manage to stop rebel forces near the walls Simbirska.Spodvizhniki perish, and the chieftain captured. Severe torture did not break the will of Razin.
Paths of Enemies
In a Kazakh village at the beginning of Soviet power, a wealthy kulak (landowner) voluntarily denounces his opposition to the new regime and hands over his large home to be a new school for the children of the villagers. But three people in the village have difficulty believing that their class enemy is now their friend.
Paths of Enemies
In a Kazakh village at the beginning of Soviet power, a wealthy kulak (landowner) voluntarily denounces his opposition to the new regime and hands over his large home to be a new school for the children of the villagers. But three people in the village have difficulty believing that their class enemy is now their friend.
El Don apacible
La película retrata, siguiendo la novela de Mijail Sholojov, los destinos de los cosacos del Don durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Civil en el Imperio Ruso. Grigory Melejov vive en una aldea de Veshenskaya. Está enamorado de Aksynia, pero debido a la insistencia de su padre, tiene que casarse con otra chica. Al descubrir su amorío con Aksynia, su joven esposa le abandona. Poco antes de la guerra, Grigory y su amada dejan también la granja. Mientras está en el frente de Austria, Grigory se entera de que el zar ha abdicado y se ha terminado la guerra. Se pone en camino para volver a casa en donde Aksynia le está esperando.
El Don apacible
La película retrata, siguiendo la novela de Mijail Sholojov, los destinos de los cosacos del Don durante la Primera Guerra Mundial y la Guerra Civil en el Imperio Ruso. Grigory Melejov vive en una aldea de Veshenskaya. Está enamorado de Aksynia, pero debido a la insistencia de su padre, tiene que casarse con otra chica. Al descubrir su amorío con Aksynia, su joven esposa le abandona. Poco antes de la guerra, Grigory y su amada dejan también la granja. Mientras está en el frente de Austria, Grigory se entera de que el zar ha abdicado y se ha terminado la guerra. Se pone en camino para volver a casa en donde Aksynia le está esperando.
The Last Attraction
A travelling circus troupe during the Civil War. A kommissar tries to transfer the wagon into an agit-prop van. The Whites conquer the town. The kommissar hides among the artists.
Mujeres de Ryazan
El filme cuenta la historia de dos campesinas, una tradicional y otra moderna, en un cóctel explosivo de melodrama y crítica al patriarcado que fue todo un éxito de audiencia en la época.