Dragos Potop


Alice T.
Production Director
Alice (Andra Guti) es una adolescente adoptada que tiene una relación tensa con su madre adoptiva, Bogdana (Mihaela Sirbu). Un día, en medio de una discusión acalorada con Bogdana, Alice confiesa que está embarazada y que quiere quedarse con el bebé. La confesión tiene un fuerte impacto en Bogdana, ya que en el pasado ella trató de quedarse embarazada, sin éxito.
The Paper Will Be Blue
Production Manager
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.
The Paper Will Be Blue
Line Producer
Out of enthusiasm, a Militia soldier abandons his platoon and decides to fight for the cause of the Revolution. His Lieutenant and the rest of the crew look for him during the confused night of 22-23 December 1989.