Avery Hopwood


Den grønne heisen
Den grønne heisen (English: The green elevator) is a 1981 Norwegian comedy film directed by Odd-Geir Sæther, based on a play by Avery Hopwood, and starring Rolv Wesenlund and Øivind Blunck.
The Bat
Theatre Play
A sinister criminal known only as "The Bat" attempts to locate a fortune in stolen securities supposedly hidden in the rambling mansion owned by spinster Cornelia Van Gorde.
Las garras del murciélago
Theatre Play
La escritoria de novelas de misterio Cornelia Van Gorde ha alquilado una casa que no hace mucho tiempo fue el escenario de unos horribles crímenes por un psicópata conocido como "El murciélago"
Painting The Clouds With Sunshine
Theatre Play
Tres chicas de revista deciden buscar marido en Las Vegas, y de ser posible, millonario.
Getting Gertie's Garter
Dennis O'Keefe, newly married to lovely Sheila Ryan, is in a jam. O'Keefe's former girl friend, exotic dancer Marie McDonald, has in her possession an expensive, jeweled garter given to her by O'Keefe in his bachelor days. McDonald intends to show the garter to O'Keefe's suspicious wife, so Our Hero must retrieve the embarrassing accouterment without tipping off the missus.
Der Mustergatte
Theatre Play
Heinz Rühmann plays the "model husband" who, when his bored wife threatens to leave him, embarks on an adventurous night.
Vampiresas 1933
Theatre Play
En plena época de la Gran Depresión, Dick Powell es un compositor de canciones que se rebela contra sus adinerados padres para poder casarse con la corista Ruby Keeler. Musical de la Warner con espectaculares coreografías de Busby Berkeley. Obtuvo excelentes críticas.
Esta es la noche
Theatre Play
Un campeón olímpico de jabalina monta en cólera cuando se entera de que su mujer está coqueteando con otro hombre. Esto llevará a una serie de situaciones comprometidas que se desarrollan en ciudades tan sofisticadas como París y Venecia.
I marry my husband
Su noche de bodas
Una estrella del cine marcha de vacaciones y acaba haciendo amistad con un extraño compositor de canciones.
The Bat Whispers
Theatre Play
Infamous burglar "The Bat" commits a daring jewelry theft despite heavy police presence. Soon after, a bank theft occurs, which may be the work of the criminal as well. Meanwhile, Cornelia Van Gorder has various people arrive at her old mansion, including her niece, Dale, a bank employee, and police detective Anderson. When guests start turning up dead, Cornelia begins to suspect that The Bat may be lurking around the estate.
Her Wedding Night
Theatre Play
Norma Martin (Clara Bow) is an American movie star in France trying to avoid the attention of men. Going to visit a friend in Southern France, she finds herself "married" to a playboy song writer Ralph Forbes (Larry Charters) she hadn't yet met. Some of his lady friends then show up. Some very good sequences, but also some flat spots. Her "husband's" house is very Hollywood deco and some of the costumes are very good.
Gold Diggers of Broadway
Theatre Play
Three Broadway chorus girls seek rich husbands.
El jardín del Edén
Toni Le Brun sueña con ser cantante de ópera, pero el único trabajo que consigue es como corista en un club nocturno. Después de rechazar las insinuaciones de un cliente rico, Toni y la costurera del club son despedidas...
The Bat
Theatre Play
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.
The Best People
Theatre Play
Bertie and Marian Lenox are children of a wealthy family, and their mother intends that they marry "within their class". They, however, have different plans--Bertie is in love with chorus girl Sally O'Neil and Marian loves Henry Morgan, the family chauffeur. The family finds out about the impending marriages and determines to stop them. Complications ensue.
Why Men Leave Home
El matrimonio de John e Irene Emerson parece comenzar con buen pie, pero John no tarda mucho en mostrarse gradualmente menos afectuoso. Irene se siente desatendida y pasa cada vez más tiempo con sus amigas; John, a su vez, se convierte en presa fácil del engatusamiento y las artimañas de su secretaria, Jean Ralston. Después de asistir a un espectáculo, John llega a casa impregnado del perfume de Jean, e Irene le pide el divorcio. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Gold Diggers
Theatre Play
Stephen Lee doesn't want his nephew Wally Sanders to marry chorus girl Violet Dayne, because he believes all chorus girls to be ruthless gold diggers, always chasing after the men's money. Violet's friend Jerry La Mar decides to 'gold dig' Stephen, to show him what a nice and unselfish girl Violet is, but then she realizes that she's really in love with Stephen Lee....
The Little Clown
Theatre Play
Mary Miles Minter is the title character. Pat (Minter) is a little orphan who has been raised around the circus. Her foster father is Toto the clown (Neely Edwards). Toto hopes to marry Pat until the day the circus comes to a Southern town and she meets handsome Dick Beverley (Jack Mulhall). Beverley falls in love with Pat and takes a job as trick rider just to be near her. Beverley's aristocratic parents (Winter Hall and Helen Dunbar) find out about his new job and insist that he come home. Two of the five reels survive.
Sadie Love
Theatre Play
Society miss Sadie Love has just wed Prince Luigi Pallavincini when she gets a phone call from Jimmie Wakely, a suitor she has not seen in a year. She allows him to come by and declare his love but doesn't bother telling him she has just gotten married. Without giving it much thought, she decides she likes Wakely better and runs off with him.