Lillian Hall-Davis

Lillian Hall-Davis

Nacimiento : 1898-06-23, Mile End, London, England, UK

Muerte : 1933-10-25


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Lillian Hall-Davis (23 June 1898 – 25 October 1933) was an English actress during the silent film era, featured in major roles in English film and a number of German, French and Italian films. Born Lilian Hall Davis, the daughter of a London taxi driver, her films included a part-colour version of I Pagliacci (1923), The Passionate Adventure (1924), Blighty (1927), The Ring (1927), and The Farmer's Wife (1928), the latter two both directed by Alfred Hitchcock, who at the time considered her his "favourite actress." She had a lead role in a "lavish production" of Quo Vadis (1924), an Italian film directed by Gabriellino D'Annunzio and Georg Jacoby. Hall-Davis also appeared in a comedy short film made in the Lee DeForest Phonofilm sound-on-film process, As We Lie (1927), co-starring and directed by Miles Mander. Hall-Davis did not make the transition to talkies; in 1933 her "sharp career decline and health problems" prompted her to commit suicide by turning on the gas oven and cutting her own throat at home in the Golders Green area of London. She was 35.


Lillian Hall-Davis


Many Waters
Mabel Barcaldine
An elderly couple reminisce about the romantic adventures of their youth.
Her Reputation
A woman plans to boost her public profile by getting a divorce. She enlists the help of a male friend to act as co-respondent leading to a series of mix-ups and her eventual decision not to get divorced.
Just for a Song
Norma Wentworth
A jealous agent uses a girl singer to break up a double act.
Tommy Atkins
A cleric enlists on learning he loves his brother's sweetheart, saves his life, and finds he is really an Earl.
Wolga Wolga
Princess Zaineb
La mujer del granjero
Araminta 'Minta' Dench
El granjero Samuel Sweetland (Jameson Thomas) acaba de perder a su esposa, y tras haber casado a su única hija, ha quedado solo con su leal ama de llaves, Araminta (Lilian Hall-Davis) y con su ayudante Churdles Ash (Gordon Harker). Pensando entonces en volver a casarse, Sweetland hará una lista de los mejores prospectos que podría encontrar entre sus conocidas y su propósito, desde entonces, será conquistar a alguna de ellas.
The White Sheik
Rosemary Tregarthen
In the Sahara a British Riff chief weds a captured girl to save her from the tribe.
El ring
Jack es un boxeador de segunda fila, novio de Nelly. El campeón australiano Bob Corby, que oculta su verdadera identidad, está enamorado de la misma muchacha. Bob desafía y pelea a Jack, al que derrota ampliamente. Pero, para poder estar cerca de Nelly, Bob contrata a Kack para entrenar con él. No pasa mucho tiempo sin que la chica corresponda a los intentos amorosos de Bob. Movido por los celos y el deseo de venganza, Jack reta Bob a combatir en el Albert Hall.
The life of the Celtic Queen Boudica (Boadicea) and her rebellion against the Roman Empire.
The Prey of the Wind
A pilot crashes and a beautiful countess of a castle nearby nurses him to health.
Roses of Picardy
In France, and ex-lieutenant returns to find his sweetheart is caring for a baron's blinded son.
Mrs. Villiers
A chauffeur becomes an officer and later cares for his master's widow and child.
Liebe macht blind
Die drei Kuckucksuhren
Gladys Clifton
Lord Ernest Clifton lives with his beautiful wife, Gladys, at Easton Lodge. He has lost immense wealth in the lap of his uncle's death. One day Lord Clifton receives a mysterious package with an even more mysterious letter from his uncle. Three cuckoo clocks that strike only once a month should show him the way to find the second part of the pot of gold buried somewhere. Ernest's thirst for adventure only awakens and waits for the first cuckoo clock to mark the room number of a hotel in Cairo, where the second cuckoo clock hangs.
Der Farmer aus Texas
Express Train of Love
Silent romantic comedy set on a train.
Quo Vadis?
"The Roman Banquet, the golden glories, the unrivaled luxuries, the wine, the dance, the song, the beautiful women, the sumptuous splendors that taxed a barbaric world for a night of feasting and revel-- Re-created for your entertainment in the most colossal drama produced", reads an ad in the Daily Argus of New York. Unione Cinematografica Italiana's lavish production of the oft-told tale stars Emil Jannings as Nero.
The Eleventh Commandment
Marian Barchester
An actress thwarts a blackmailer by taking the blame for her sister's compromise. Based on the play The Pillory by Brandon Fleming.
The Passionate Adventure
A rich man leaves his wife, poses as a coster, and saves a factory girl from a crook.
The Unwanted
Maraine Dearsley
A colonel's bastard son pretends his cowardly brother died a hero.
The Wonderful Story
Kate Richards
A paralytic dominates his brother and wife until their child reforms him.
Little Women
Beth March
Jo March and her sisters Meg, Beth, and Amy live in a happy family in Concord, Massachusetts. Jo yearns to be a writer, and through the course of the years, finds much within her own family.
A Royal Divorce
Emperor Napoleon divorces his wife to marry an Austrian Queen and have an heir.