Jasmin Lord
Nacimiento : 1989-11-06, Stuttgart, Germany
The young Colombian Luz gets a coveted position as a housemaid with a diplomatic couple. Finally, she will earn enough money to support her family in Bogota. Arriving with great expectations in faraway Germany Luz discovers a dark abyss behind the perfect facade.
The young Colombian Luz gets a coveted position as a housemaid with a diplomatic couple. Finally, she will earn enough money to support her family in Bogota. Arriving with great expectations in faraway Germany Luz discovers a dark abyss behind the perfect facade.
A multi-episode movie based on the skit TV show "bullyparade".
An idyllic town in the Alps. Here Marianna spends her Easter holidays with her children. Her husband, a showmaster, could not travel because of his job. Zazy lives in the same place and teaches dressmaking there. She is not really happy with that, she would rather go into show business. Together with her friend Tomek she dreams of a life in luxury. In the tailoring Zazy meets Marianna, who has become friends with the owner of the store. When he does not return after a trip with Marianna, Zazy senses the chance to make her dream of a TV career come true.
sexy Mädchen
Cuatro hombres, traicionados por el banco, se unen para vengarse
Jennifer Japs
Charlotte es una diseñadora de bolsos casada con un arquitecto que trata de encontrar tiempo libre. Pero cuando encuentran ese hueco para estar juntos, a ella le diagnostican esclerosis múltiple.
Samantha Franklin
Lynne y Howard Harper están a punto de embarcar durante seis meses en un viaje por el Caribe para tomarse un descanso. Es el viaje de sus sueños, pero unas semanas antes, Howard empieza a comportarse de un modo extraño. Todo está preparado pero Howard tiene que viajar inesperadamente a Nueva York por una cuestión de negocios y se olvida el móvil en casa.
Evita Ferreira
La joven Eva viaja a Inglaterra después de fallecer su madre, con el fin de buscar a su padre Ernest Holmes. Éste, años antes había vuelto a su país, para divorciarse de su esposa Louisa, pero nunca regresó. Al enterarse de que su padre ha fallecido también, Eva contrata a un abogado para intentar recuperar su herencia, para lo cual tendrá que enfrentarse con la esposa de su padre y sus hermanastros.
Sandra Lappe
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".
El asesino en serie "Nachtschlitzer" mantiene la ciudad conteniendo la respiración. Con la policía siempre un paso detrás del asesino, solo el DJ de radio Doc Rock puede sacarlo de su escondite