Dr Jones
Hacia 1750, en Yorkshire, un chico debe hacerse cargo del cuerpo ahorcado de un vagabundo francés conocido como Jack Black, pero éste, aún con vida, lo secuestra. Así comienza un picaresco viaje de aprendizaje al que se sumará una niña huida del manicomio.
Harbour Master (uncredited)
Una carta que hace sospechar que una joven desaparecida ha sido asesinada lleva al sargento Howie de Scotland Yard hasta Summerisle, una isla en la costa de Inglaterra. Allí el inspector se entera de que hay una especie de culto pagano, y conoce a Lord Summerisle, el líder religioso de la isla.
Waiter (uncredited)
Michael conduce un Rolls Royce para los acaudalados americanos que están de vacaciones por Europa. Cuando conoce a Ellie, una encantadora jovencita americana, se atraen mutuamente y tienen un affaire. Pero son interrumpidos por una extraña y siniestra anciana, quien advierte a Ellie "vete ahora antes de que te hagan daño”
Cuando Simon no acude a la reunión anual con sus amigos, el Duque de Richleau y Rex Van Ryn comienzan a preocuparse. Pronto descubren que ha ingresado en una secta satánica, cuyo líder es el Duque Mocata, que utiliza a inocentes, a los que lavan el cerebro por medio de hipnosis, y luego sacrifican en honor al diablo. Aunque Richleau está dispuesto a evitar que mueran más inocentes, la tarea a la que tendrá que enfrentarse no será sencilla.
Investigando un asesinato y una serie de robos, un detective de Scotland Yard va a parar a la mansión de una rica y extraña familia que convive con un grupo de monjas. El detective sospecha que las monjas no son lo que aparentan.
Mr. Sandersen
II Guerra Mundial. En 1942, en la Noruega ocupada por los nazis, los aliados encuentran un documento que es la prueba irrefutable de que los alemanes están avanzando en la búsqueda de la fisión atómica. Con la ayuda de partisanos noruegos, un comando británico intenta sabotear las instalaciones alemanas dedicadas a la fabricación de la bomba atómica.
Ship's Chandler
Having pulled off the smallest ever train robbery, Little Walter and his crew decide to get out of London. The six of them set up business in a disused monastery off the Cornish coast, despite the fact that none of them really qualifies as a monk - least of all Walter's moll Bikini. Bit by bit, the quiet way of life starts becoming a habit.
Jenny Bowman es una cantante exitosa que, mientras que cumple un compromiso en el London Palladium, visita a David Donne para ver a su hijo Matt otra vez y pasar unos gloriosos días con él mientras su padre está ausente en Roma ,en un intento de alcanzar la familia que ella nunca tuvo. Cuando David regresa, Matt se debate entre su lealtad hacia su padre y su afecto por Jenny.
Mr. Brasted
Eight youngsters are cut off by the East Anglian floods in a farmhouse with no grown-ups to help them. The story tells how they deal with the situation until they are rescued.
Bobby Bachelor
Walter Pinner is the titular Punch And Judy Man plying his trade in the seaside town of Piltdown. Unhappily married to his social climbing wife, who gets him to perform at the 60th Anniversary celebrations of the town in front of all the local dignitaries, his hatred of snobbery comes to a hilarious head.
Mr. Freeman
During World War II, teenage boys in a small English town are consumed with jingoism and brutal war games, hoping dearly that the war won't end before they can fight in it.
Thieves disguised as soldiers plan to use a bomb scare as part of their plan to rob a bank.
Sam Spencer
A young woman going to her wedding is waiting for her fiancée, a hood in custody, who is allowed by the police to go to his wedding.
A woman with extra-sensory perception has a vision of a murder.
Sitiados por el avance japonés en Birmania, el capitán Langford (Stanley Baker) y sus exhaustas tropas británicas se refugian en un pueblo enemigo en medio de la selva. A pesar de las protestas de un anciano sacerdote (Guy Rolfe) y del corresponsal de guerra Max Anderson (Leo McKern), Langford ordena al sargento McKenzie (Gordon Jackson) que dispare a dos aldeanos inocentes, con el fin de "persuadir" a un prisionero japonés a entregar información vital. Cuando los japoneses recuperan el pueblo, su comandante utiliza las mismas tácticas de guerra que había usado Langford, con el fin de extraer información de los británicos.
Bank Cashier
Based on a novel by Nigel Tranter, The Bridal Path is a light-hearted look at the somewhat unfortunate results that can come of the continued marrying of fairly close cousins in a restricted and remote community. Set in the Hebrides off Scotland, the story tells how Ewan MacEwan leaves the isle of Eorsa in search of the perfect wife, but finally returns to marry Katie.
Mr. Bray
At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
Unassuming planning engineer David Webb finds himself on the Queen Elizabeth to New York with instructions to negotiate a high-powered loan. His lack of confidence means he is completely out of his depth, at least until he finds his personality changes every day during the hour the ship's clocks stop to make allowance for their westward passage.
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), Stella (Loren), una mujer que vive en Londres, lleva una desastrosa vida sentimental. A través de los años la llave de su casa ha pasado de unas manos a otras, pero su actitud con sus amantes ha sido siempre fría y distante. Sin embargo, cuando el capitán canadiense David Ross (Holden) llega a su casa a través de un viejo amigo, dentro de Stella nace un sentimiento nuevo y tan apasionado que llega a prometerle a Ross que él será su último amante. Pero en tiempos de guerra mantener las promesas puede ser muy difícil
Page Boy Bobby
Una chica pobre de Vermont recibe una herencia de su abuelo y se dispone a cumplir el sueño de su vida, viajar a Escocia. Conoce a un inventor, que la ayuda a encontrar alojamiento en Edimburgo, y a un noble local, que la confunde con una millonaria norteamericana...
Hotel Reception Clerk
Una chica pobre de Vermont recibe una herencia de su abuelo y se dispone a cumplir el sueño de su vida, viajar a Escocia. Conoce a un inventor, que la ayuda a encontrar alojamiento en Edimburgo, y a un noble local, que la confunde con una millonaria norteamericana...
Company Man
Victor Mature es un agente de narcóticos que persigue a un peligroso traficante. Dada la dificultad de la empresa, cambia de táctica y decide centrarse en su atractiva cómplice para llegar hasta él. Todo un reto también pues la tendrá que seguir por medio mundo.
The efforts of test pilot John Mitchell to make a better life for his wife Mary and their two children seem doomed to failure and he blames himself. At the Conway Aero-Manufacturing Company of Wolverhampton, Mitchell is to take the company's new rocket-propulsion transport plane up for tests, fully loaded and carrying two important passengers - Ministry official Crabtree and buyer's representative Ashmore. Mitchell learns from his boss, Reg Conway, that if Ashmore does not recommend the plane, the company will be out of business and Mitchell out of a job, since the plane is not even insured as the firm's entire capital is tied up in the plane. Aloft, an engine catches fire and the passengers and other crew bail out, but Mitchell refuses to obey orders to jettison the plane in the Irish Sea.
School Inspector
Dingle es el profesor de la escuela secundaria mas tolerante y querido. Cuando el autocrático nuevo director Frome comienza a imponer todo tipo de normas represivas, Dingle hace lo posible por defender a sus alumnos, pero sólo consigue que le despidan. Sus alumnos empiezan una cruzada para conseguir su readmisión y combatir la negativa del director de comprar los instrumentos que precisan para participar en el inminente festival musical.
Around the turn of the century, in England, alcoholic Uncle Willie is the bane of his family, of which his brother-in-law is the family spokesman. It is decided to let Uncle Willie buy a bicycle shop in order to impress Virginia van Stuyden, an American heiress in love with Frank. This pleases Uncle Willie's young nephew, Charles. Complications arise when stuffy lord, Sir George Probus, at whose home Virginia is staying, becomes shocked when she attends a carnival.
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Counterman (uncredited)
A young employee of the British State Department falls in love with the daughter of a top Russian diplomat, much to the panic of their respective countries' officials, who suspect espionage. The cast includes David Knight, Odile Versois, Theodore Bikel and David Kossoff.
Manager of Pearce & Mann
Un psiquiatra consigue atrapar a un ladrón que había entrado en su casa. A cambio de ser liberado, el delincuente se presta a servir de conejillo de Indias para que el doctor pueda investigar sus teorías sobre la rehabilitación de los pacientes.
Mr. Quin
A little girl accidentally breaks her mother's favourite ornament and goes hop-picking to replace it.
Hugh MacGregor
Después de la derrota de 1715 de los clanes, uno de los líderes de las tierras altas, Rob Roy MacGregor, escapa, se casa y, con el tiempo suficiente, se convierte en una gran molestia para George I.
Hailing Officer
Maggie es un carguero cuyo viejo capitán se empeña en mantener a flote, a pesar de que se encuentra en un estado ruinoso. (FILMAFFINITY)
En el año 1514, siendo rey de Inglaterra Enrique VIII, su hermana Mary Tudor se compromete con Luis XII, Rey de Francia, para sellar la unión entre los dos países. Pero la joven conoce a Charles Brandon, un apuesto y humilde abogado del que se enamora perdidamente.
George Jenkins
El primer día de libertad de tres mujeres que acaban de salir de la cárcel.
Plainclothes Detective
The story of a husband's implication in his wife's death, his stupid disposal of her body and the police enquiry which almost embroils him in a murder charge.
Detective Constable Brown
London policewomen handle rescues and larceny as they go about their work in Chelsea.
A.R.P. Warden
Aventuras de un buque escolta de convoy británico durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Al comienzo de la guerra al Capitán de Corbeta Ericson se le asigna el buque HMS Compass Rose con oficiales sin experiencia y hombres que acaban de salir de la formación militar. Tendrán que enfrentarse al mar invernal y a los temibles submarinos alemanes
In this delightful fantasy adventure, a mild-mannered writer of adventure stories for girls (Richard Hearne) finds himself presented with an intriguing proposition from an elderly fan (Margaret Rutherford). She suggests that they conspire to steal a secret whiskey formula from ruthless distillers, who themselves stole it from her family in years gone by. With the recipe back in hand however, it's not long before they attract attention from the Inspectors of Scotland Yard.
Hughie Aitken
The Brave Don't Cry aspires to the "feel" of a documentary, right down to the deliberate absence of background music. A mine in Scotland falls victim to a cave-in, trapping some one hundred workers. Rescue parties are formed as the tremulous families of the miners wait in agony. As in the actual incident upon which this film is based, the rescue is nip and tuck and times, but eventually successful. The faces of real-life Scottish mining folk are melded with the professional actors in The Brave Don't Cry, adding poignancy to this otherwise cut-and-dried film.
Dr. Snyder
When their hospital ship sinks in the South Pacific during World War II, military nurse Elizabeth Smythe (Linda Darnell) and Marine Michael Dugan (Tab Hunter) find themselves stranded — and soon enough, falling in love — on an idyllic tropical island. But when British pilot William Peck (Donald Gray) crash-lands on their cozy little atoll, Dugan suddenly discovers he has a rival in love.
The year is 1940 and Pilot Officer T.B. Baird arrives straight out of flight school to join a front line RAF squadron at the height of the Battle of Britain. After an unfortunate start and a drumming down from his commanding officer, Baird must balance the struggle to impress his Group Captain, regain his pride, fit in with his fellow pilots, and survive one of the most intense air battles in history.
The foreman
Showing the importance of a thorough induction.
Harry Stoper
When well-off aircraft designer Denning finds his daughter's current boyfriend is a nasty character he tries to buy him off, ending up hitting him and causing his death when he falls. Instead of calling the police he dumps the body in a lonely spot on the road to the North, making it look like a hit-and-run accident. Weeks later there is still no report of the body being found, and Denning starts to go to pieces. When he lets his wife into his secret the two start making enquiries, possibly making things worse.
Joseph Bainbridge the farmer
Efforts to move Britain into the modern age don't sit well with the people of the small village of Anderia Marsh, who have claimed a right (going back to Henry III) to evade government-imposed import duties and taxes. And when the government decides to curb this right, the whole village quietly rises up in a comical rebellion. After their vessel runs aground during a storm and is impounded by the British authorities, local smugglers must find a way of disposing of their contraband brandy cargo before it's discovered by the Customs Officers.
Sydney Stratton (Alec Guinness) es un joven investigador que, tras arduos esfuerzos, consigue inventar un tejido tan revolucionario que no se puede romper ni manchar. Sin embargo, a la alegría inicial pronto le sigue la decepción, pues tanto los empresarios como los trabajadores de la industria textil llegan a un acuerdo para impedir la fabricación y difusión del nuevo tejido. La razón es obvia: los primeros temen la ruina de sus empresas y los segundos la pérdida de sus puestos de trabajo.
Ex-Service Men Collector (uncredited)
Bulldog Drummond leaves retirement to help a Scotland Yard Sergeant catch thieves armed with radar.
'Wings' Cameron
True story of three British POWs and their attempt to escape from Nazi Germany
A classic Ealing comedy in which a young boy steals a magnet and becomes a hero.
Un norteamericano (Douglas Fairbanks Jr.) se da cuenta de que el monarca de un ignoto estado europeo ha sido reemplazado por un sosías.
The workers in a small plough factory take over the firm, but when a large order falls through, the old management come back to help out.
Mr. West
Nutbourne College, an old established, all-boys, boarding school is told that another school is to be billeted with due to wartime restrictions. The shock is that it's an all-girls school that has been sent. The two head teachers are soon battling for the upper hand with each other and the Ministry. But a crisis (or two) forces them to work together.
Joe the Burglar explains how he goes about his job for the benefit of the audience, providing a lesson in how to avoid being broken into.
Reported cases of sexually transmitted disease took a sharp rise during and after World War II, but as this film testifies, sexual license amongst soldiers on the frontline wasn't the sole cause. Back on the home front, for many women, like Joan from No. 19, loneliness or newfound independence acted as an incentive to extramarital promiscuity.
A modern-day retelling of Arnold Bennett's novel, in which a Treasury official with a reputation for fiscal prudence is left a great deal of money and has no idea how to cope with sudden personal wealth.
Detective at Garage
A British psychiatrist devises a devilish revenge plot against his wife's lover.
Mr. Robbins
Elderly crook Harry Denton, when challenged to prove he is "not past it," decides to kidnap Sheila Farlane, the 16 year old daughter of a famous actor. When Harry loses his nerve, Sheila won't let him give up.
Mr. Pearson
The stories of several individuals who consult a marriage bureau, including a peer of the realm, his butler, a lonely school teacher, a French girl on the run from a violent boyfriend, a country vicar, and a newspaper reporter, sent by his editor, to do an undercover story.
Dos niños sobreviven a una catástrofe naval y deben sobrevivir en una isla desierta. Adaptación de la famosa novela de Henry De Vere Stacpoole "El lago azul".
Mr. Pusey
A factory worke quits his job to become a motorcycle racer.
Mr. B
Two men, worn down by their dismal daily existence, decide to take action.
A short comedy about dentistry by the doctor and (at this point) amateur film-maker Richard Massingham.