Robert Prince

Nacimiento : 1929-05-10,

Muerte : 2007-03-04


NY Export: Opus Jazz
Shot on location in New York City and starring an ensemble cast of New York City Ballet dancers, NY Export: Opus Jazz takes Jerome Robbins‘ 1958 “ballet in sneakers” and reimagines it for a new generation in this scripted adaptation. After winning an Audience Award at the 2010 South by Southwest Film Festival, the film aired nationally on PBS’ Great Performances series and was nominated for the Rose d’Or Award.
The Violation of Sarah McDavid
Sarah McDavid, an idealistic young teacher, takes a job in a rough high school where she is eventually attacked and raped in her classroom after school hours and decides to buck the school system in an attempt to make schools safer for students and teachers alike, against the advice of the school's principal, Dr. Keys, who tries to gloss over the hazardous conditions and the incident itself to avoid bad publicity and decreased enrollment.
The Seduction of Miss Leona
An unmarried, reclusive college teacher is torn between a married maintenance man who has been repairing her house and her former professor and lover.
The Gathering, Part II
Original Music Composer
Two Christmases have passed and widow Kate Thornton has taken over Thornton Industries and is wooed by a courtly financier.
La bestia de las nieves
Original Music Composer
Un antiguo campeón de esquí, Gar Seberg, vuelve junto a su esposa, a su viejo hogar en las Montañas Rocosas. Pero allí están desapareciendo turistas, brutalmente asesinados por un desconocido animal.
J.D.'s Revenge
Original Music Composer
Although notorious New Orleans gangster J.D. Walker is shot and killed in the 1940s, his spirit remains restless for three decades, until a hypnotist's supernatural nightclub act allows him to take over the body of a mild-mannered law student and seek revenge on those who got him killed.
Squirm: Gusanos asesinos
Original Music Composer
En una pequeña aldea de Georgia se está produciendo la peor tormenta eléctrica de su historia. Como consecuencia de esto, una torre de alta tensión se derrumba junto a una granja de gusanos. A partir de ese momento los gusanos se convertirán en devoradores de hombres, arrasando con todo lo que se encuentran a su paso.
The Desperate Miles
Original Music Composer
A disabled Vietnam vet sets out to prove that disabled people don't have to be helpless by starting a 180-mile trip in a wheelchair. On the way he finds his life is endangered by a deranged truck driver.
Los muertos no mueren jamás
La historia comienza en la penitenciaría del Estado de Illinois donde Ralph Drake está a punto de ser ejecutado por el asesinato de su esposa. La última voluntad de Ralph es que su hermano, Don, limpie su nombre y encuentre al verdadero asesino. Esta búsqueda le sumerge en el mundo de lo esotérico y está él solo, no hay nadie en quien pueda confiar. Pronto se dará cuenta que todo es un maquiavélico plan.
For the Use of the Hall
Original Music Composer
A penniless heiress, a disillusioned nun, the suicidal playwright they both love, a hapless art forger and the playwright's wife converge on the empty Long Island home of an aging matriarch and squabble among themselves about their relative success or failure.
Newman's Law
Original Music Composer
LAPD Officer Newman has not gotten the reputation of a straight arrow by avoiding conflict when fighting for right. In this police drama, his honesty is put to the test when he and his partner discover an international drug ring involving some of the department's highest ranking officers.
Nourish the Beast
Baba Goya is a loudmouth mother who goes through husbands and orphans like the Turkish coffee she makes in a dirty old soup pan. In Queens she presides over a household comprised of a childish orphan who happens to be a cop, an elderly gentleman who explodes every time somebody calls him grandpa, a dying husband and an errant daughter who cries all night. The husband, Baba's fifth, is already submitting an ad for her sixth. The cop catches a Japanese stealing cameras and chains him to a radiator, the daughter guiltily confesses she voted for Nixon and runs off, and the husband-who may not die after all-insists they must wait out Watergate for a Democrat.
Big Rose: Double Trouble
Un contratista adinerado contrata a dos investigadores privados para averiguar quién lo está chantajeando.
A Cry in the Wilderness
Original Music Composer
The father of a wilderness family gets bitten by a skunk, and fearing rabies, chains himself to a barn to protect his family should he go mad. He orders his son not to come near him no matter how persuasive or rational his appearance or argument. However, the creek dries up, indicating an upstream blockage and an imminent flood. Several trips upstream by the son have failed to locate the blockage and now Dad wants to be released...
Scream, Pretty Peggy
A sculptor hires young college girls to take care of his elderly mother and his supposedly insane sister, both of whom live in the old family mansion with him.
The Return of Charlie Chan
Original Music Composer
Charlie Chan comes out of retirement to investigate a murder case aboard the yacht of a wealthy Greek shipping tycoon.
Original Music Composer
After receiving word about a mysterious carcass/skeleton unearthed in the Arizona desert, a father and his daughter decide to remove it from the burial grounds for further study. Once they do so, they, as well as the town, are besieged by a colony of gargoyles living in some nearby caverns.
What's a Nice Girl Like You...?
Original Music Composer
A Bronx working girl is drawn into an elaborate extortion plot after being kidnapped by a gang of sophisticated con men who force her, because of her remarkable resemblance, to impersonate a wealthy socialite. Based on E.V. Cunningham's (Howard Fast's) novel, "Shirley."
A Great Big Thing
A 23-year-old Canadian wanders aimlessly throughout his wasted life.
Ya eres un gran chico
Bernard Chanticleer es un muchacho que ya ha cumplido los veinte años, pero su madre sigue tratándolo como si fuera un niño. Dispuesto a acabar con esta situación, el padre decide que su hijo se independice. Con este fin, lo obliga a abandonar la casa paterna y a trasladarse a una pensión; además, para que se gane la vida, lo contrata como empleado de la biblioteca de la que es director.
The story of a mentally handicapped middle-aged man and how he, and his elderly parents who must take care of him, manage to get along in New York City.
Strangers in the City
When their father loses his job, members of a Puerto Rican family struggle to survive in New York.