Fernando Álvarez Rebeil

Fernando Álvarez Rebeil

Nacimiento : 1987-03-29,


Fernando Álvarez Rebeil is an actor and producer, known for El pulso de la tierra (2018), Sueño en otro idioma (2017) and Loving South (2017).


Fernando Álvarez Rebeil
Fernando Álvarez Rebeil


Noche de Bodas
Lucía and Nico, the couple of the century, are about to say yes... although not with each other. It turns out that they both decided to get married on the same day and in the same place, but with other people.
Una historia de amor y guerra
Lic. Ruvalcaba
This outrageous comedy stages a soap opera of epic proportions, as one corrupt property developer faces trial for Mexico's violent history. The fourth feature from Santiago Mohar Volkow, Una historia de amor y guerra centres on real estate baron Pepe Sánchez-Campo, whose mega-mall development brings him into conflict with local guerrillas. For once, bribery and a call to Daddy might not be enough to save Pepe – a character more grotesque than the telenovela unfolding around him. Trying to sabotage Pepe's marriage to Constanza, her cousin and lover Teo records Pepe cheating. The resulting chaos precipitates in a burlesque bloodbath involving treachery, talking animals, colonial history and bartering in the afterlife.
Estoy todo lo iguana que se puede
In a humble coastal tropical compound, amidst a total eclipse of the sun, an unexpected guest arouses the broken dreams of a family that has lost its guardian figure, overshadowed by the cosmic loneliness where they were left to their faith.
Una Mano Bajo La Nieve
Fabian, a fisherman from the beaches of northern Mexico, spends his days working on a boat under the sun, but his life takes a turn when terrible news arrive.
Hijo del dueño de la mina / Ladrón de motocicleta
A metacinematic reflection on the nature of representation and the ongoing drug war in Mexico, Nicolás Pereda’s Flora revisits locations and scenes from the mainstream 2010 narco-comedy El Infierno, exploring the paradoxes of depicting narco-trafficking on film—its tendency both to romanticize and to obscure. To screen is both to project and to conceal.
Ernesto ha encontrado una forma peculiar de conocer gente y ganarse la vida: provocando accidentes de tráfico.
Dos hermanos, Luisa (Luisa Pardo) y Gabino (Lázaro Gabino Rodríguez), acuden a visitar a sus padres a un remoto pueblo mexicano. La familia queda fascinada con el novio de Luisa, Paco (Francisco Barreiro), actor como ella, porque él es famoso y sale en la conocida serie "Narcos".
Asalto Chido
The day has finally come André and Jose, two best friends will try to get the budget to achieve their film. The way they will choose to made it is not clearly the best one. Taking the easy way without previous knowledge it will make them doubt on more than one occasion.
Esto no es Berlín
A las puertas de la Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 1986, Carlos, un chico de diecisiete años, está más interesado en escuchar música y admirar a Rita, la hermana de su mejor amigo, Gera. Su vida monótona termina cuando la banda gótica de Rita les introduce a un club nocturno clandestino, "El Azteca". Ambos quedarán embelesados con este mundo de performances, ambigüedad sexual y drogas. Sin embargo, en esta exploración de sus nuevas identidades, también se pondrá a prueba su amistad.
Clases de historia
Vero tiene 60 años y tiene cáncer. Su vida transcurre entre la negación a iniciar un tratamiento, la monotonía de su trabajo como maestra y su seco matrimonio. La rutinaria vida de Vero cambia cuando conoce a Eva, una estudiante de nuevo ingreso.
El pulso de la tierra
A couple visits a ranch in the middle of the desert searching for something that makes them reconnect with each other. Their presence in that place will contact them with the pulse of the land so that they can encounter their most primary instincts.
El pulso de la tierra
A couple visits a ranch in the middle of the desert searching for something that makes them reconnect with each other. Their presence in that place will contact them with the pulse of the land so that they can encounter their most primary instincts.
El pulso de la tierra
A couple visits a ranch in the middle of the desert searching for something that makes them reconnect with each other. Their presence in that place will contact them with the pulse of the land so that they can encounter their most primary instincts.
Donde nace el agua
Julia is a single mother who takes care of Camila, her 10 year old daughter who suffers from a borderline disorder. After experiencing a crisis where Camila gets hurt, Julia makes a decision which will change her relationship with her daughter and with herself.
The Thin Air
Sonia and Mateo embark on a road trip with the excuse of mending the cracks in their relationship. Traveling along the highway and riding an emotional rollercoaster, they’ll soon find out whether there’s more friction and aggression in the world around them or deep inside them as a couple. There’s always a final straw.
Oso Polar
Luis Andres
Heriberto da un relevo a una reunión escolar a dos amigos (Flor y Trujillo). En el camino, descubrimos que fueron sus peores matones.
Otras personas
Fernando, and his friend Ana should know better than to try to make his exgirlfriend jealous.
Sueño en otro idioma
Un idioma milenario agoniza: sus dos últimos oradores, Evaristo e Isauro (años 70) tuvieron una pelea hace 50 años y no se han hablado desde entonces. Martin, un lingüista, emprenderá el desafío de reunir a los dos viejos amigos y convencerlos de que vuelvan a hablar para que pueda obtener un registro del idioma. Sin embargo, escondido en el pasado, en el centro de la jungla, yace un secreto escondido en el lenguaje que hace difícil creer que el corazón de Zikril latirá nuevamente.
Vive Por Mi
Una noche, tras la notificación de un muerto por accidente de tráfico, tres personas reciben la misma llamada de emergencia: la oportunidad de obtener el ansiado trasplante de riñón que esperan. Este primer y fortuito encuentro será el inicio de los lazos que se crean entre los tres. Un mes es el tiempo que transcurre entre dos accidentes que marcan sus vidas y cruzan sus destinos, obligándoles a enfrentarse a la vida y a redimir cuentas con su pasado.
Tiempo sin pulso
Bruno (19) siente un profundo rechazo a su sexualidad. Martha, su madre, insiste en celebrar el cumpleaños de Esteban y no así el de Bruno por coincidir con la fecha del accidente en el que murió su primogénito, dos años atrás.
Una noche antes de irse a estudiar al extranjero, José sale de fiesta con Milena, su mejor amiga. Al concluir la noche, sucederá algo que cambiará su relación para siempre.
Las tinieblas
Una tóxica y densa neblina cubre el bosque manteniendo un eterno ocaso. Argel y sus dos hermanos han pasado su vida encerrados en el sótano de una vieja cabaña. Cuando su hermano mayor desaparece misteriosamente, Argel comienza la búsqueda que lo llevará a descubrir los secretos y misterios más oscuros que tanto su padre como este bosque esconden.
Ana and Leo, are marked since childhood by a sudden event: the suicide of their father. Separately, they take life as they can, without removing the feeling that anything can become as disposable as plastic.
Omar y Esperanza regresan a Monterrey tras una estancia doctoral en Quebec. Haciendo esfuerzos económicos y emocionales por permanecer en México, surge una oferta de trabajo en San Antonio, Texas. Ante el clima de inseguridad y terror que reina en las carreteras del norte de México, Omar tendrá que conducir por los caminos fronterizos y enfrentar su inconcluso pasado, su violento presente y el inerme futuro de su familia y su país.
After many years, Julian returns to the house where he grew up. He finds a closet that takes him back into the one of his most painful memories, one caused by his father.
El sonámbulo
Simón, Jorgito and Paula, do nothing but wait for a hard breakup to end to get on with their lives. Paula’s ex-husband wants to come back home, but something opens their eyes to a brand new day.
El Incidente
Dos historias paralelas sobre personajes atrapados en espacios ilógicamente infinitos: dos hermanos y un detective atrapados en unas escaleras infinitas, y una familia atrapada en una carretera infinita... durante 35 años.
Two friends doggedly build a mysterious artefact in the forest, the function of which remains unclear until the very end. INSIDE starts with a shot of a burnt tree stump in a forest. Materials are gathered. What are the various branches, stones and pieces of grass for and what will the silent activities lead to? INSIDE slowly uncovers an act of human solidarity. The camera hovers around two boys, ramping up the tension, and is supported by an excellent soundtrack.
Las lágrimas
Fernando and Gabriel are two brothers living in a broken home. The anger and sadness that fill the house forces them to escape for a weekend into the woods. Gabriel will witness his eldest brother's self-destruction.
Another Empty Space
In the winter of Berlin, two former lovers meet for the first time since the breakup.
El eclipse
El Eclipse shows the frustration and hopelessness of a family who has lost its father. Located in the south-coast of México during a total sun eclipse, the drama narrates the conflict of a family during an unexpected visit; a man rents a room in the house of the family that is conditioned as a restaurant for the few clients who visit the beach on Sundays.