Binnur Kaya

Binnur Kaya

Nacimiento : 1972-04-19, Ankara, Türkiye


Binnur Kaya
Binnur Kaya
Binnur Kaya
Binnur Kaya
Binnur Kaya
Binnur Kaya


You Me Lenin
One day waves bring a wooden statue of Lenin to a small town by the Black Sea. The statue is erected in the town square by the Municipality with the hope that it would attract tourists to the town. As an official opening ceremony is planned with the participation of the Prime Minister and a Russian delegation, the statue gets stolen. Two police investigators from Ankara are assigned to find Lenin in twelve hours. Townspeople give an unexpected answer to the question «Where is Lenin?».
El dilema de Aziz
Sumergido en una crisis existencial, Aziz ya no soporta la monotonía del trabajo, a sus amistades ni a su familia bulliciosa..., pero finge que todo está bien.
You've Got Murder
Komiser Asuman
Istanbul Police Department homicide detectives encounter a murder nothing like they’ve seen before.Commissioners Emin, Salih, Asuman and deputy Alaattin begin investigating.But strange murders keep happening. They don’t have any evidence or any clues. Day by day, tempers flare and the police chiefs grow annoyed.As the murders keep piling up, the public’s interest rises. The pressure on Emin and his colleagues get intense. At last, the chief of police assigns “crime expert” Dizdar Koşu, who has recently come back from the US, to the team.Overwhelmed with panic, pressure and disdain, Emin and his friends try to solve the strangest series of murders with the most unusual methods.This fast race against time immediately turns into a tragicomedy.
Bizi Hatirla
Kaan (Tolga Tekin) has difficulty getting a higher position in his work where he has built a good career. While he was occupied with his wife, children and his work, he has pretty much neglected his father. Until one day he is obliged to take care of him.
¿Con quien bailas?
Selim, un joven médico que busca a su paciente número 100 para terminar su tesis, se encuentra con una hermosa joven, Aysel, quien ha intentado suicidarse en numerosas ocasiones. Como posible cura, la danza se convierte en su principal objetivo y, por coincidencia, se encuentran asistiendo a concursos bajo la dirección de la Escuela de Danza Sengül. Durante los preparativos de la competencia, se conocen más y se enfrentan a elegir entre dos opciones: amor o éxito.
Wedding Association
Ismail's son, Tarik returns to his village after long years of being away and announces that he is engaged to a Latvian woman named Nugesha and although he doesn't have the means for it, Ismail still wants to be the one who pays for the expenses of the wedding. Several problems ensue as he tries to make sure that there is enough money for the wedding.
Singing Women
Una de las islas en Estambul se ha dado una orden de evacuación a la espera de un terremoto. Decenas de personas huyen de la isla en un apuro. Pero algunos piensan lo contrario, y se niegan a irse. La vida día a día será más difícil en este clima apocalíptico para los que se quedan. Un grupo de mujeres en dificultades luchan con sus tribulaciones, uniendo reservas extraordinarias de energía, coraje, esperanza y fe. La película les sigue a lo largo de sus inspiradores, viajes humanistas en las distintas dimensiones de la existencia.
Mutlu Aile Defteri
Children of a retired colonel come together after their father falls from the rooftop. This constrained togetherness reveals their lies day by day.
Kumru Hemşire
Celal, lives an unhappy family life with his wife Sevilay and his child in a small town. Celal and his brother Cemal, running an electrician shop which doesn't go well. They are in debt. The only fun they have is going to the night clubs in Samsun. Celal's love for Sibel Ceylan who works in the night club, will cause him trouble. Celal's wife, Sevilay, saves her money, sent by her father who lives in Germany. She is unaware of the fact that Celal knows her secret.
Kampüste Çıplak Ayaklar
Parvati/Esin Hanım
The Little Apocalypse
Having lost her mother in the 1999 earthquake, Bilge and her family go on a vacation to the south. On the way to their rented house, she sees a series of visions. Things get worse when a small earthquake occurs, bringing back memories of her loss and releasing her inner demons.
Hayatımın Kadınısın
Turkan Soray(46 years on silver screen) and Ugur Yucel(21 years on silver screen) are starring at this conservative work of cinema. Yucel performs an admirer of a veteran stage singer. Back in his puppy hood, he used to go to her stage concerts when she was popular. On a lonely day at his sea front restaurant, he sees her for the first time since times immemorial. Carried away by her beauty, he pursues her closely for a couple months gathering her information. He finds out that she has retired from the boards, separated from her husband and has remarried. At the apartment where she and her second husband lives, he detects a vacancy for a rental unit. Then he moves in.
Mi padre y Mi hijo
Sadik es un periodista de izquierdas que vive en el Estambul de los años 70, pese a que su padre hubiese querido que estudiara ingeniería agrícola para poder trabajar las tierras que tienen en su pequeño pueblo en la costa del Mar Egeo. Los problemas políticos (un golpe de Estado el 12 de Septiembre de 1980), le obligarán a volver a su lugar de origen y a enfrentarse a su familia. Pero no irá solo, juntó a él viajará su hijo Deniz, quien conocerá por primera vez a toda su gran familia y a su vez irá creciendo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Bana Bir Şeyhler Oluyor
“Anlatacaklarım var! Vaaz vermek değil niyetim, duyduğumu söylemek. Söylemeye değer şeyler duyuyorum zira. Belki hayatı daha yaşanır kılmak için ya da belki sade, ama sade anlatmak için... Sen anlat dedi Tanrı bana, anlaşılsın diye değil, hiçbir mükafat istemeden anlat... Çünkü bir mükafattır artık bir anlatıcıya doğru düzgün anlaşılmak! Sen anlat dedi... Sen sade anlat! Umudu hatırlatsın diye umutsuzluğu, çareye yol açsın diye çaresizliği anlat... Ders verme dedi kimseye, çünkü hoca denmez öğrenmesini bitirene. Çırakları olan bir çıraktır usta, olsa olsa... Sen anlat dedi bana Tanrı, sen sade anlat.... “ Yılmaz Erdoğan, “Bana Bir Şeyhler Oluyor” oyununun kahramanı Hilmi Duran’a söylettiği bu sözlerle, yazar olarak neden böyle bir oyun yazmak zorunda kaldığını açıklamakla kalmıyor, aynı zamanda kahramanının da kimliğini ele veriyor.
Under Construction
Two construction workers from Istanbul yearn to escape to sunny Italy and find better jobs. In an attempt to save enough money to move, they unwittingly become involved in their boss's shady criminal dealings. With a little twist of unexpected events their lives turns out to be far from anything they have dreamed of.
Abuzer Kadayıf
After his pregnant wife killed by thinner addicts, Ersin Balkan, decides on to establish a school for children who are abandoned ad thinner addicts. Noticing that he can not afford a such thing with his salary, takes a new career and becomes a singer.
Diploma of Madness
Nur is a woman who suffers from bipolar depression with psychosis. While she stays in a mental institution she confronts with her life; her childhood, her parents and her marriage...Can she ever learn to love herself?