Albert Valentin


24 horas en la vida de una mujer
La historia cuenta veinticuatro horas de una pasión, la que siente Alicia por un joven vividor y jugador empedernido. Cansada de su vida anodina, Alicia decide dejarlo todo y seguir a su corazón.
Maciste, gladiador de Esparta
En la Roma de las persecuciones religiosas, Maciste se enfrenta contra César para liberar a un grupo de cristianos que el emperador planea dar como alimento a los leones del circo.
Maciste, gladiador de Esparta
En la Roma de las persecuciones religiosas, Maciste se enfrenta contra César para liberar a un grupo de cristianos que el emperador planea dar como alimento a los leones del circo.
El último gladiador
Roma, año 41 DC. El emperador Calígula (Charles Borromel) conquista Bretaña y hace esclavo al bárbaro Glauco (Richard Harrison), llevándole a la capital con la intención de verle morir en la arena frente a los gladiadores. El bretón resulta ser un guerrero excepcional que conseguirá acabar con todos y escapar, liberando también a sus compañeros de encierro. Pero las aventuras de Glauco no han hecho más que empezar; aún tendrá que afrontar muchos combates antes de poder liberar a su mujer, Hena (Marilú Tolo) y volver a Bretaña.
El último gladiador
Roma, año 41 DC. El emperador Calígula (Charles Borromel) conquista Bretaña y hace esclavo al bárbaro Glauco (Richard Harrison), llevándole a la capital con la intención de verle morir en la arena frente a los gladiadores. El bretón resulta ser un guerrero excepcional que conseguirá acabar con todos y escapar, liberando también a sus compañeros de encierro. Pero las aventuras de Glauco no han hecho más que empezar; aún tendrá que afrontar muchos combates antes de poder liberar a su mujer, Hena (Marilú Tolo) y volver a Bretaña.
Good King Dagobert
Mr. Pelletan's rascal son Bébert son got another F for playing in class. His punishment is an essay on the Merovingian king Dagobert. All they know is he had eight wives and reunited Francia. The ignorant knave's irreverent imagination turns that into a harem and a ludicrous war without armies, loaded with anachronisms, in a race against rival king Charibert for the crown of Reims. The king's right hand, archbishop Eloi, the later patrons saint of carpentry, is portrayed as an inventor.
Goliath y la esclava rebelde
El gobernador de Lidia, Marzio, aconsejado por su general, Goliat, firma un pacto de alianza con Alejandro el Macedonio en guerra contra Dario, rey de los persas. Alejandro antes de marchar contra los persas, le pide a Marzio que cuide de la bella Kory, que sucesivamente se promete a Goliat. Artaferne, el primer ministro de Marzio, corrompido por Dario, envenena al gobernador y acusa del delito a Kory. Goliath, que sale en defensa de la chica, es arrestado. Pero gracias a la ayuda de algunos amigos consigue escapar de la cárcel y organiza una rebelión contra Artaferne.
El sacrificio de las esclavas
Baltasar, usurpador de Babilonia, oprima a la ciudad con violencia y atrocidad. Nipur, el legítimo heredero al Trono, criado en el exilio y educado por Cyrus , rey de Persia, regresa a su país con el propósito de recuperar el cetro que le dejó su padre, y para traer de vuelta el orden y la justicia a Babilonia. Durante el viaje Nipur libera a Tamira, una chica judía que va a ser sacrificada a la diosa Itar por los hombres de Baltasar. Habiendo descubierto el escondite de Tamira, Baltasar captura con facilidad a Nipur y lo encierra en el cárcel. (FILMAFFINITY)
The Changing of the Guard
During WW2, it's not wise to be a mayor chosen by the fascists with the Americans' impending arrival.
Murder at 45 R.P.M.
Danielle Darrieux stars in this French thriller as a singer having an affair with her accompanist. When her husband dies in an automobile accident, the two lovers suspect each other of having murdered him. Soon after, they receive 45 rpm records with the dead man’s voice, threatening to come back.
A Woman Like Satan
Matteo Diaz es un adinerado hombre casado que, a pesar de querer a su esposa Maria Teresa, satisface sus placeres con otras mujeres dado que Maria Teresa es paralítica. Su mujer, resignada, acepta esta situación porque está segura de los sentimientos de su esposo y sabe que nunca lleva estas aventuras más allá de lo casual. Todo cambia cuando en una fiesta Matteo conoce a una arrebatadora muchacha llamada Eva Marchand, por la cual perderá el juicio y hará imposible que pueda contener los violentos deseos que ella despierta en él. Para terminar de agravarlo, Eva le rechazará, pues Matteo representa todo aquello que ella más odia.
Based on Cornell Woolrich's 1940 story, "Cinderella and the Mob"
The Case of Poisons
Madame de Montespan, the Maîtresse-en-titre of Louis XIV, has been in disgrace since the King set eyes on a younger beauty, Marie-Angélique Scorailles. Having had enough of the situation, the rejected mistress decides to visit La Voisin, a woman known as a fortune teller, a doctor, a midwife and who is also said to arrange black masses and sell poisons. Some time later Marie-Angélique, now Duchess of Fontanges, dies mysteriously aged only twenty...
Nana or Nanà is a French-Italian film by Christian-Jaque starring Charles Boyer. It is an adaptation of Émile Zola's novel Nana.
Madame du Barry
The daughter of a seamstress, Jeanne Bécu could hardly imagine she would later become one of the most influential women of the Kingdom of France...
Madame du Barry
The daughter of a seamstress, Jeanne Bécu could hardly imagine she would later become one of the most influential women of the Kingdom of France...
The Affairs of Messalina
A story, set in Rome of 44 A.D., concerning the amorous and political intrigues of the evil Empress Messalina, the wife of the Roman Emperor Claudius, and her eventual hounding to death.
The Strange Madame X
Irène is the unhappy wife of a wealthy publisher, Jacques Voisin-Larive, who cares about her no more than a beautiful piece of furniture. Her meeting with Étienne, a young cabinetmaker with whom she falls in love, turns her dismal existence upside down. Not wanting to reveal her condition to her lover, she pretends to be a modest maid, employed by the Voisin-Larive. At the end of a weekend spent with her lover, Irène discovers that she is pregnant. The fragile balance of their existence is suddenly broken. Taking the initiative, she reveals her affair to Jacques and tells him about her desire to divorce. But her husband has no intention of giving her back her freedom...
Au p'tit zouave
Au p'tit Zouave, a café, sees a colorful clientele from working-class Paris. An assassin will shake up the daily life of the regulars.
L'échafaud peut attendre
A trio of criminals gradually become entangled in theft and crime. Serge is arrested, his mistress, Hélène, and his accomplice, Michel, both become lovers, try to exonerate him and use false fingerprints first, then after Serge's conviction, gloves covered with the same fingerprints of the prisoner.
L'échafaud peut attendre
A trio of criminals gradually become entangled in theft and crime. Serge is arrested, his mistress, Hélène, and his accomplice, Michel, both become lovers, try to exonerate him and use false fingerprints first, then after Serge's conviction, gloves covered with the same fingerprints of the prisoner.
The Secret of Monte-Cristo
One of Alexandre Dumas's most popular adventure novels is "The Count of Monte-Cristo". What is little known is that the famous writer made up neither its plot nor its characters. Dumas actually heard the true story of a man named François Picault during a stay at a private mansion and only adapted it into the novel everybody knows . Picault (who in the book would become Edmond Dantès) was about to marry the beautiful Marguerite (Mercédès in the novel) when he was denounced by three jealous friends who falsely accused him of being a spy for England. Picault was placed under a form of house arrest. In his prison, he made friends with an Italian abbot. When the man died, he left his fortune to Picault whom he had begun to treat as a son. On his release, Picault, who had become wealthy, was able to pursue his ruthless revenge on the three men who were responsible for his misfortune.
Life of Pleasure
An aristocrat instigates divorce proceedings against his son-in-law, a commoner and the ex-owner of night club "La Vie de Plaisir".
EL cielo nos pertenece
Pierre y Teresa comparten la misma pasión por la aviación. Con coraje y obstinación ellos sacrifican todo por el éxito de su empresa, batir el record mundial femenino de aviación de distancia en línea...
The novelist Loïc Limousin knew the turbulent past of Marie-Martine and he extracted the material for a novel from which the young girl risks paying the price. After the drama that had thrown her in prison, she met a brave boy ready to make his life with her. Will the scandal separate them?
À la Belle frégate
It's a sailors' story; they often sail away and when they return, the first thing they do is searching girls in the harbor. One of them -Jean- is shy and he does not know how to go with women. One day, he meets Yvonne and falls in love with her. But, alas, she prefers his good friend René. Another suitor, Pierre, owns the "À la Belle frégate" a café where Yvonne works as a waitress. Madam(e )Juliette, pretends she helps Yvonne and tries to make her an "entraineuse"(hostess) for less-than -handsome guests. But the girl knows better and will choose one of her suitors.
The House of the Seven Maidens
A widower is in trouble with money, and has seven daughters to marry. A creditor, a timid suitor, is unable to make up his mind.
Sins of Youth
Scenario Writer
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
The Mondesir Heir
Bienaimé, a modest postman, in love with Janine, the village postmistress, does not know that he is the illegitimate son of the old Baron de Mondésir. The Baron dies and in happy amazement, Bienaimé finds he is the sole heir to the deceased's estate. But he should be careful, for two crooks, Waldemar and Erika, are after his newly-acquired wealth.
Nightclub Hostess
The young Suzy is a nightclub hostess in a cabaret in which Frehel is the star. Because one night she gets propositions from a rich widower who would like to have her as his girlfriend, Suzy wishes to leave this place, where she has no future, for a better one. Abandoned by her protector, a young hoodlum named Robert, she gets the occasion to get away from it. She decides to go on vacation on the Riviera and stay at the Chateau des Cedres, the former residence of a noble family that has been transformed into a bourgeois guest house by the baroness Saint-Leu. Shy and elegant, in her modest suit, Suzy stays there under the name of Suzanne Michelet and soon makes new friends among the young people of very wealthy families.
Strange M. Victor
Outwardly, Monsieur Victor would appear to be the model citizen. A respectable Toulon shopkeeper, he has a devoted wife and is courteous and considerate to all who know him. However, beneath this veneer of respectability hides a notorious receiver of stolen goods, who trades with hardened criminals. Victor manages to keep up his double life without any difficulty until the fateful day when one of his partners in crime threatens to expose him. Fearing a scandal, Victor kills the crook in a moment of panic, using a shoemaker's tool. Naturally, the murder is blamed on a local shoemaker, who is sentenced to ten years' hard labour. Seven years later, the former shoemaker reappears in Toulon, having escaped from prison. The first person to recognise him is Monsieur Victor...
The Great Temptation
The son of a naval commander faces his first heartbreak when he falls for the young American woman who is destined to become his father's new wife.
El fantasma va al oeste
Assistant Director
La familia de un hombre de negocios lo convence para que compre un antiguo castillo en Escocia, lo desmonte pieza por pieza, lo traslade en barco hasta América y allí lo reconstruya de nuevo. Pero con el castillo viajará también un centenario fantasma que ha aterrorizado durante siglos a sus propietarios.
Les dieux s'amusent
Alternate-language version of Amphitryon (1935).
Toi que j'adore
July 14
Assistant Director
A light, comedy romance about a cab driver named Jean and a flower girl named Anna that takes place in Paris during the Bastille day celebration of July 14th.
Boudu salvado de las aguas
Boudu es un vagabundo que se tira al Sena con intención de suicidarse, pero un librero Parisiense, Edouard Lestingois le rescata y le acoge en su casa. Boudu es adoptado por la familia, que intenta convertirlo en un señor respetable.
Viva la libertad
Assistant Director
Dos presidiarios deciden llevar a la práctica un plan para fugarse. Pero, cuando están a punto de alcanzar la libertad, son descubiertos. Uno de ellos decide sacrificarse por el otro, que llegará a convertirse en un gran empresario.