Carol Burandt von Kameke


Whatever Happens Next
Director of Photography
A road movie about a dropout who leaves himself completely to chance. A parable about freedom, self-determination and the poetry of an undefined life.
Bist du glücklich?
After 13 years, Sonja and Marc have separated. The love was lost to them like other people a stick or hat. To sell their weekend home, the two embark on a final trip together. Along the way, they realize that by far not all is said and that they still feel connected to each other - despite all the injuries and blame. When the planned sale is delayed, they have to spend the night in their house. It is their last chance to find answers to all the questions that are better asked late than never.
End of the Season
Becker is a German ex-con trying to hold down a job as a night watchman, but a chance encounter with the man whose family Becker killed 18 years earlier sends his new life spiraling out of control.
Family Commitments
Camera Department Manager
A la feliz pareja gay David y Khaled les encantaría casarse públicamente, si no tuvieran a Aledrissi, el padre homofóbico de Khaled, la pseudo-ortodoxa madre judía de David, Lea, una posible paternidad y una galería insolvente.
A catastrophe wipes out almost all of humanity. A single girl appears to be the only survivor. Having managed to escape the ruins, she is now growing up in the woods. Could this last person on earth be a new beginning?
Director of Photography
Patrick feels absolutely lonely when he decides to search for his supposable genitor after the suicide of his mother. He doesn’t have a plan, a goal or hopes. He just wants to meet the phantom that he thinks is the reason for his mother’s death.
A Japanese business traveler is completely exhausted at a German airport. There, Mr. Oshima seems already to be expected by a businessman and his translator, from whom he spontaneously abducts himself to the foreign city. In his surreal odyssey through the night, however, he loses himself more and more, until he finally disappears without a trace and nothing remains of him as this story.
El hundimiento
First Assistant Camera
Berlín, abril de 1945. En las calles de Berlín se libra una encarnizada batalla. Hitler y sus fieles se han atrincherado en un búnker. Entre ellos se encuentra Traudl Junge, la secretaria personal del Führer. En el exterior, la situación se recrudece. A pesar de que Berlín ya no puede resistir más, Hitler se niega a abandonar la ciudad y, acompañado de Eva Braun, prepara su despedida.
Contra la pared
First Assistant Camera
Después de haber intentado suicidarse, Cahit, un turco-alemán de cuarenta años, alcohólico y toxicómano, ha sido ingresado en la planta de psiquiatría, pero no consigue acostumbrarse a dormir sin drogas ni alcohol. A Sibel, una guapa chica turca de 20 años que ha nacido en Hamburgo, le gusta demasiado la vida para ser una buena musulmana. También ella intentó suicidarse para huir de la cárcel de rejas humanas que su familia, muy creyente y respetuosa de las tradiciones, había levantado a su alrededor. Una vez frustrado su suicidio, sólo ve una posibilidad para liberarse de su familia: casarse con Cahit.