Gerald Gibbs

Nacimiento : 1907-11-07, Surrey, England, UK

Muerte : 1990-01-23


Testigo hostil
Director of Photography
Cuando la hija del abogado Simon Crawford muere atropellada por un conductor que se dio a la fuga, el hombre jura vengarse, pero cuando aparece muerto un vecino, se convierte en el primer sospechoso, al descubrir que la víctima estaba implicada en la muerte de la chica.
Bindle (One of Them Days)
Based on the book of Herbert Jenkins, a comedy about a accident prone furniture remover and his mate.
La maldición del voodoo
Director of Photography
Un cazador blanco mata a un león sagrado, y, de vuelta a la civilización, se ve perseguido por una extraña maldición.
El Muñeco Diabólico
Director of Photography
Un hipnotizador y ventrílocuo actúa ante el público con una marioneta, cosechando considerables éxitos, ya que el muñeco habla y se mueve por sí mismo. En una actuación, asiste un periodista que intenta averiguar el truco que esconde el muñeco.
The Leather Boys
Director of Photography
An immature teenager marries a young biker but becomes disenchanted with the realities of working class marriage and her husband's relationship with his best friend.
Station Six-Sahara
Bajo un sol abrasador, cinco hombres de distintas procedencias e inquietudes conviven en pleno desierto del Sahara, permaneciendo al cuidado de una refinería de petróleo. A tal efecto, éstos han habilitado una suerte de campamento que les protege de las altas temperaturas durante buena parte del día. Kramer, de origen alemán, se postula como el líder del grupo, aunque su compatriota, Martin, discrepa a menudo de sus decisiones. Durante una noche, mientras se reúnen en torno a una mesa para jugar una partida de póker, un automóvil se estrella en el campamento. Al parecer, según declara al quinteto Catherine, la mujer que ha resultado ilesa del accidente, su ex marido Jimmy, que hacía las veces de piloto y guía por el desierto, pretendía que ambos murieran.
A Prize of Arms
Director of Photography
A criminal gang sets out to pull off the heist of a large army payroll.
The Devil's Agent
German actor Peter van Eyck stars as Droste, a mild-mannered businessman who was an intelligence expert during World War II. When Droste runs into his old friend Baron Von Straub (Christopher Lee), the two rekindle a friendship that was interrupted by the war. However, when Von Straub asks Droste to deliver a small package to a friend in West Germany, the befuddled Droste is set up for a series of complicated spy games.
The Boys
Director of Photography
A night watchman at a garage is found murdered, and four teddy boys are put on trial for the crime. Witnesses and suspects give differing accounts of the lead-up to the crime, and the truth emerges.
The Pure Hell of St. Trinian's
The fourth form monsters' latest trick is their best ever – they have burned down St Trinian’s school! As the girls stand trial, the police breathe a sigh of relief, but miraculously the judge's infatuation with a student means the school is freed. For the authorities, it means a new reign of terror as the girls of St Trinian’s regroup with gleeful anticipation.
Too Young to Love
Director of Photography
A court case ensues when a 47-year old man is caught with a 15-year old girl, and he claims he never knew she was so young.
Cover Girl Killer
Director of Photography
A madman is on the loose... killing fashion models that appear on the cover of magazines. The police start a manhunt in an attempt to capture the killer.
Left Right and Centre
Director of Photography
At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
This Other Eden
Director of Photography
A small town plans to erect a monument in memory of an IRA rebel killed during the 1920's. The son of the English Colonel who killed the rebel objects to this.
Further Up the Creek
Director of Photography
The sequel to 'Up The Creek' sees David Tomlinson return as bumbling navy boffin Lieutenant Humphrey Fairweather. This time he is skipper of the ship Aristotle and, together with his second-in-command, Fairweather wreaks havoc when he is ordered to deliver the Aristotle to its new owners in a mythical Middle-Eastern country.
The Man Upstairs
Director of Photography
The mental breakdown of a guilt-ridden man provides the drama in this fascinating psychological profile starring Richard Attenborough as a scientist who can't live with himself after he accidently kills the brother of his fiancee.
Blue Murder at St. Trinian's
With their headmistress under lock and key in her majesty's prison, the St Trinian's girls find themselves under the protection of the army. However, when the sixth form take a fancy to winning a trip to Italy through means fair or foul, the army discover this is one battle they can't win. Let loose in Europe, it is not long before St Trinian's have succeeded in endangering European relations.
Quatermass 2
Director of Photography
El profesor Quatermass descubre por casualidad, investigando un área de mucha actividad de meteoritos, una instalación gubernamental secreta rodeada de fuertes medidas de seguridad. Aparentemente el misterioso complejo se dedica a la fabricación de comida sintética, pero Quatermass llega a la terrible conclusión de que los extraterrestres están invadiendo la Tierra usando esta instalación como tapadera. Para salvar al país y al mundo entero de los invasores, Quatermass deberá enfrentarse a peligros terribles con un final incierto.
El hombre verde
Director of Photography
A las órdenes de sus misteriosos jefes de Oriente Medio, el relojero Hawkins es en realidad un asesino a sueldo que siente predilección por matar a sus objetivos con bombas. Tras liquidar a un dictador y a un millonario, recibe el encargo de asesinar a un político que se alojará en el remoto hotel The Green Man con su secretaria, con quien mantiene una relación secreta. Una vez allí el plan de Hawkins será descubierto por el vendedor de aspiradoras William Blake, quien intentará detenerlo.
Lo desconocido
Director of Photography
En una zona rural, se descubre una fuente de radiación potentísima, y el ejército junto con varios científicos acordonan la zona para investigar las causas de la radiación. Sin embargo, mientras están investigando, algo emerge del subsuelo y empieza a arrasar todo lo que encuentra a su paso, especialmente la energía eléctrica y radioactiva. El equipo de científicos debe ir contrarreloj para detener ese extraño y deforme fenómeno nunca antes visto por el hombre.
The Intimate Stranger
Director of Photography
Film producer Reggie Wilson is worried he may have a dual personality. Fleeing Hollywood, he finds himself in England and married to the studio boss's daughter after which he quickly rises through the studio ranks. Then the letters begin to appear from a lovesick American actress who wants to know why he has thrown her over.
Cloak Without Dagger
Director of Photography
A British Intelligence officer fails a mission during WW2. Years later whilst working in a hotel he bumps into an old flame who is desperate to discover what went wrong?
The Case of the Mukkinese Battle-Horn
Supposedly filmed in 'Schizophrenoscope', it concerns Inspector Quilt of Scotland Yard's attempts to retrieve a 'Mukkinese Battlehorn' stolen from a London museum. Along the way he meets characters not dissimilar to Eccles, Henry Crun and Minnie Bannister from The Goon Show. This attempt to adapt Goon humour to the big screen was written by Harry Booth, Jon Penington and regular Goon show co-writer Larry Stephens. It was then heavily rewritten on the filmset by Sellers and Milligan.
Hill 24 Doesn't Answer
In 1948, immediately before a ceasefire takes effect, four volunteers fighting for Israel are ordered to take Hill 24, overlooking the road to Jerusalem.
Room in the House
Director of Photography
Betsy Richards, a hard-working widow, tries to solve the domestic problems of her three grown-up sons.
Delayed Action
Director of Photography
Robert Ayres plays a moody author with a suicide complex. Ayres' melancholia plays right into the hands of a gang of thieves. For a lofty fee, they convince the author to confess to their crimes and then kill himself. Yes, you're way ahead of us: Ayres has a change of heart and decides that he loves life. Delayed Action was produced by Robert Baker and Monty Berman, the men behind the popular 1960s TV adventure series The Saint.
The Straw Man
Director of Photography
A newly married man is convicted of murdering a former lover in his apartment, and sentenced to hang. With a payout on his life worth 20,000 pounds, the insurance company sends an investigator to find out the truth.
Johnny on the Run
A Polish boy runs away from his unkind foster mother in Edinburgh and finds a new home in a lakeside village for orphans of all nations, after encountering trouble through his innocent implication in a robbery.
The Steel Key
Director of Photography
An adventurer investigates the theft of a formula for hardened steel, assisted by his girlfriend.
There Was a Young Lady
Director of Photography
A super-efficient secretary circumvents the schemes of smash-and grab gangsters.
Your Witness
Director of Photography
Adam Hayward is a successful New York City defense lawyer. One day he receives a cable that the British war buddy who saved his life at Anzio Beach is now in trouble with the law in England. Taking the advice of his secretary to go to England rather than wire money, Adam arrives in his friend's village to find him about to stand trial for the murder of the hired stable-hand, Lawrence.
Director of Photography
A story of two brothers, both writers of crime novels, one a fine, upstanding gentleman and the other a moody, neurotic, psychopath. The other is determined to create a 'faked' version of a perfect crime he intends to commit when an ex-convict visits them. They are both in love with their shared-stenographer-secretary.
High Jinks in Society
After foiling a robbery, Ben, a window cleaner is hired by Lady Barr-Nunn to guard her valuables. A comedy based on class divisions and snobbery.
Whisky a gogó
Director of Photography
Durante la II Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), un barco cargado de whisky naufraga en una isla de Escocia. Los isleños, que no han podido beber alcohol desde hace tiempo, empiezan a idear toda clase de estratagemas para burlar a las autoridades y apoderarse del cargamento.
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
Filme que a través de escenas combinadas entre seres humanos y marionetas, revive la historia imaginada por Lewis Carroll de una niña atrapada en un mundo extraño y maravilloso por igual.
No Orchids for Miss Blandish
Director of Photography
Filmed in England but set in New York, No Orchids For Miss Blandish tells of a sheltered heiress who is abducted on her wedding night by a trio of cheap hoods, in what starts out as a jewel robbery and turns into a kidnapping/murder when one of them kills the bridegroom. More mayhem ensues as the three kidnappers soon end up dead.
Loyal Heart
Director of Photography
This heartwarming British drama is based on Beth the Sheepdog, a novel by Ernest Lewis. The story concerns the efforts of various interested human parties to enter Beth in the All-England Dog Championship. When a farmer is unsuccessful in his efforts to purchase Beth for his own, he spitefully accuses the dog’s owner of sheep stealing.
Don Chicago
Director of Photography
Timid Don Chicago yearns to follow in the footsteps of his gangster mother, but is forced by the Mulligan Gang to leave America. In England, he tangles with a British police officer and high society.
The World Owes Me a Living
Director of Photography
When a British pilot is hospitalized after a plane crash, the woman he loves sits by his bedside and remembers, in flashbacks, key episodes from their life together.
Welcome, Mr Washington
Director of Photography
Based on a story by author Noel Streatfeild, the film trells the story of two sisters who are left penniless by their father's sudden death and lease their estate as an airbase to US forces in Britain to help the war effort. Both eventually fall for American servicemen.
It's in the Bag
Director of Photography
Gert and Daisy attempt to retrieve an old dress containing £2,000. They have to impersonate two thespians, and bring all sorts of trouble to a stage-play.
The Dummy Talks
Camera Operator
A ventriloquist is murdered during a theatre variety performance. A dwarf goes undercover as the dummy...
The Bells Go Down
Camera Operator
Comedian Tommy Trinder plays it straight in this tribute to the wartime AFS (Auxiliary Fire Service). The dedicated band who kept the fires of London under control during the blitz and fire bombings of WWII.
Mistaken Identity
A booking clerk is dismissed after a mistake, and confused with a millionaire in London.
The Coming of the Dial
Director of Photography
A film made by the British General Post Office (GPO) in 1933, promoting the automation of telephone exchanges.