Ondřej Zima

Nacimiento : 1974-03-03,


Grand Prix
Two new flatmates are not even looking for an exit from the lockdown - which becomes more of a backdrop outside the windows of a one-bedroom Prague apartment. Shot on an ever present handheld camera, the reality of the (non)passing time of the pandemic slowly reveals itself. As the protagonists mutually confess and unmask each other over past unfulfilled relationships, we witness how they naturally complement one another in the household. The look inward, at ordinary events, gradually transforms the apartment into an autonomous world of imagination and song. The film thus serves as a manifesto of creation as an escape from an otherwise closed-up world. With giddy exaggeration, the emerging friendship opens up more general questions of the human need for social interaction and sharing life.
Los tres deseos de Cenicienta
Executive Producer
Remake noruego de la película checa de 1973 "Tres deseos para Cenicienta" de Václav Vorlícek. Desde la muerte de su padre, Cenicienta vive con su cruel madrastra y su malcriada hermanastra, quienes la tratan como sirvienta en su propia casa. Durante una de sus escapadas diarias al bosque, Cenicienta impide que un par de hombres cacen, entre ellos el apuesto Príncipe del reino. Cenicienta y el Príncipe inmediatamente se sienten atraídos el uno por el otro, pero se espera que él encuentre una novia adecuada en el próximo baile real, al que Cenicienta no puede asistir. Equipada con una gran cantidad de coraje y fortalecida por sus tres bellotas mágicas, decide defenderse y determinar su propio destino. ¿Será capaz de liberarse de la tiranía de su madrastra y encontrar el amor verdadero?
Two Ships
Psychologist Eliska contacts musician Martin with a request for him to perform at an event on mental disorders. Their intense relationship ends with Eliska's suicide, which will resolve long-lasting pain without cause. She flew through Martin's life like a spaceship. She left clothes, things, a farewell letter. But also memories, dreams and eternal encouragement to play. She's still with Martin. Like a memoir, as a gratitude for the experience, like a muse.
Emma in Love
Passionate Emma and impulsive but introverted Tomáš fall in love. They are like two missing puzzle pieces coming together. But Emma's pornographic past inevitably catches up with them.
Un Cuento Sobre El Tiempo
Urban, un huérfano, sirve como aprendiz a un codicioso maestro relojero. Cuando Urban crece, se enamora de Laura, la hija del relojero, y quiere casarse con ella. Antes de que esto suceda, el maestro envía a su aprendiz al mundo con la tarea de buscar un reloj mítico que pueda advertir de la muerte. Nadie sabe si el reloj existe, pero si Urban no lo devuelve, Laura nunca será su esposa. El aprendiz de relojero emprende así un largo viaje lleno de dificultades, que deberá superar con valentía, destreza y buen corazón.
The Quartette
In a small Czech town, mother dependent Robert, his attractive girlfriend Simona, histrionic Tomas and extremely reserved History freak Funes, all dissatisfied with their lives, are members of the same string Quartet. As they rehearse for their next concert, they will get into a circle of eccentric situations and misunderstandings.
La profesora
Desde la llegada en 1983 de María Drazdechova, una nueva profesora, a un colegio en un suburbio de Bratislava, la vida de padres y alumnos se altera enormemente. El comportamiento corrupto de la profesora y el intento de suicidio de uno de los estudiantes hacen que el director del colegio convoque a los padres de alumnos a una reunión urgente. En ella se les pide que firmen una petición de traslado para la Srta. Drazdechova. Sin embargo, las altas conexiones de la profesora con el Partido Comunista hacen que todos se sientan amenazados.
Nowhere in Moravia
When not serving regulars at a pub in the middle of a sleepy northern Moravian village, thirtysomething Maruna spends time with hesitant Jura and naïve outsider Olin – or fighting with her imperious mother. Lightened with a touch of black humor, this laconic village drama is the directorial debut of the artistic director of Prague’s Dejvice Theater who gave the members of his ensemble a one-of-a-kind acting opportunity in film.
Detective Downs
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.
Historia real del ascenso y caída de Zyga, un joven polaco que quiere hacerse cargo de su vida tras la caída del comunismo. Pero, en este tiempo de caos y anarquía moral, se convertirá en un gangster.
Don't Stop
Prague, 1983. The communist regime, in a suffocating atmosphere ruled over by the secret police, imposes "normalization". Miki and David need some kind of motivation to carry on in the communist wasteland. They discover The Clash's album 'London Calling' and, of course, decide to set up a punk band. But playing punk during normalization in Czechoslovakia isn't the best idea, an opinion shared not only by their horrified parents. Many decisions made under the influence of cheap alcohol and compulsive music could be more fatal than they initially seemed. A story about the revolt of some 18-year-olds against authority, against social norms, against adult duties and responsibility. It is about the search for one's own models and values. Although based on personal experiences from the early 1980s, it could have taken place at any time and anywhere, and is more than likely taking place somewhere right now.
Don't Stop
Executive Producer
Prague, 1983. The communist regime, in a suffocating atmosphere ruled over by the secret police, imposes "normalization". Miki and David need some kind of motivation to carry on in the communist wasteland. They discover The Clash's album 'London Calling' and, of course, decide to set up a punk band. But playing punk during normalization in Czechoslovakia isn't the best idea, an opinion shared not only by their horrified parents. Many decisions made under the influence of cheap alcohol and compulsive music could be more fatal than they initially seemed. A story about the revolt of some 18-year-olds against authority, against social norms, against adult duties and responsibility. It is about the search for one's own models and values. Although based on personal experiences from the early 1980s, it could have taken place at any time and anywhere, and is more than likely taking place somewhere right now.
Okresní přebor – Poslední zápas Pepika Hnátka
Executive Producer