Anatoly Kot

Anatoly Kot

Nacimiento : 1973-06-05, Minsk, USSR (Belarus)


Anatoly Kot


El duelo del siglo
Igor Zaytsev
Algunas victorias deportivas van más allá de la consecución de un título. Algunas pasan a la historia. La película sigue el enfrentamiento más dramático y legendario de la historia del ajedrez: la partida de 1978 entre Anatoly Karpov, entonces campeón del mundo, y Viktor Korchnoi, su antiguo mentor y desertor a occidente. En esta batalla entre dos ajedrecistas excepcionales, un duelo de personalidades bajo una inmensa presión psicológica, lo que está en juego es incomprensiblemente alto.
Pasajero 666
Una joven doctora junto a su hija de 6 años viajan en un vuelo nocturno en medio de una terrible tormenta. En un avión medio vacío, y ante las inexplicables muertes de los pasajeros, ella comenzará a perder la conexión con la realidad y se verá obligada a revivir las peores pesadillas de su infancia
Buy Me
Katya, a young girl from a good family, a student of philology is awarded a grant to study archives in Paris but instead of heading to Paris she travels to the Arab Emirates to start international modeling career…
Николай Каманин
A story about the life of Sergey Pavlovich Korolyov, the lead Soviet rocket engineer and spacecraft designer.
La batalla por Sebastopol
Lyudmila Pavlichenko es una joven estudiante rusa que, durante la guerra, se vio obligada a alistarse en el ejército en el año 1941. La chica resultó ser una francotirador nata; su impresionante habilidad y destreza la hacen destacar entre hombres y mujeres por igual. Al ver en Pavlichenko una amenaza tangible, el alto mando alemán da ordenes de eliminar a la muchacha a cualquier precio.
45 second
The melodramatic life story of the modern urban intelligentsia. 45 seconds is exactly that short time during which the life of the heroes of the picture has changed. The main character, Tatyana Chernigova, is a successful business woman, a former fearless climber, and she is experiencing a difficult family drama: unsuccessful attempts to have a baby. The trouble does not come alone, and against the background of the heroine’s psychological experiences, a criminal detective tragedy is played out, according to witnesses and participants, she becomes the culprit ...
Protest Day
A day in the life of a typical character of Russian history, "the little man": a school teacher of Russian language and literature. An intellectual and his problems at the beginning of the 21st century. A day in the life of the country which Yesenin loved. About a country that still has hope...
My Dad Baryshnikov
Moscow, 1986, the heat of Perestroika. Borya is an average clumsy teenager who is miraculously admitted to the legendary Bolshoi Ballet School. The boy is convinced that he will become a ballet dancer like his father, Mikhail Baryshnikov. But is this father real or imaginary?
Виктор Потехин
A humble history teacher Alexander Lvov, happily married to Anna, a woman with a child. His adopted son, 8-year-old Vanka, has long become Alexander's family. But here comes back from the army paratrooper Vadim Kotov, who served under the contract, Anna’s ex-husband and Vanka’s father. He wants to get his son back. In men, a serious conflict is brewing.
La fortaleza de Brest
Un drama bélico que retrata las durísimas condiciones de vida de las tropas rusas, tras la invasión nazi de la Unión Soviética con su "Operación Barbarroja" en junio de 1941.
La defensa del Dnieper
La acción comienza en julio de 1941. Mientras los tanques alemanes avanzan hacía el interior de la URSS, el General Zubov es rescatado de las brutales garras del NKVD y enviado a organizar la defensa del sector de la ciudad de Mogilev, situada a orillas del Rio Dnieper, donde las fuerzas sovieticas están dispuestas a ofrecer una fuerte resistencia para impedir el avance las fuerzas invasoras hacia el interior del país. De forma paralela, la joven enfermera Zoya se verá directamente implicada en la lucha, al ser atacado el tren en que viajaba por aviones alemanes.
Бывшие сотрудники ФСБ организуют аттракцион, в котором инсценируется реальный захват самолета и освобождение заложников. Полковник Олег Соколов вынужден уволится из органов ФСБ вслед за своими товарищами. Объединившись со своими бывшими сослуживцами, он внедряется в окружение олигарха Осинского с целью разоблачения его преступной деятельности.
Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva
During WWII, Major Ivan Vasilyevich Pugachev fights at the front, but after being wounded he is taken prisoner. During the offensive of the Soviet troops, the Germans decide to eliminate the prisoners of war. Before the execution, General Vlasov arrives in a German concentration camp, who agitates to join the ROA. Pugachev and his comrades decide to escape.
Your Will Not Leave Me
The film takes place in 1951 in a large provincial city. The young wife returns from the resort, and after her comes the “spa card” from the man with whom she somehow walked along the shore, listening to the surf under the starry night sky. A husband receives a postcard ... He does not arrange a scene of jealousy and, experiencing pain inside himself, decides to write him an answer on behalf of Vera.
Последний бронепоезд
The Spot
A story about the life of several girls who came from outskirts of Ukrainian provincial town Makeevka to Moscow.
Я помню
Mysterium Occupation
Interlocking narratives, told out of chronological order, about partisans in the Second World War who are a band of nihilistic marauders, roaming the countryside and dispensing what they see as justice to those they consider collaborators with the enemy.
Melodrama based on the autobiographical screenplay by Svetlana Shafranskaya. A love story of a 12-year-old girl who goes on a tour with the theatre in which her father works. This love will bring her much trouble, disappointments and grief, but at the same time will awaken her soul, make her happier and wiser.
On the Nameless Height
The location is the Belarusian forests, close to the Polish border, during Operation Bagration in the summer of 1944. After a short pause, the Red Army is preparing to advance, but on one segment of the front there are two serious obstacles: an unnamed hill with unknown German strength, and a highly skilled German sniper, who is killing off not only Russian officers, but also all captured German officers before they can be interrogated. Because of this, the local commander, Major Inozemtsev, suspects that the hill is a trap, which the Germans are very eager to keep a secret.
More About War
Masha and Volodya are a couple in love who cannot live without each other for a day. In the midst of the war, and to maintain relations with young people is very difficult. There are a lot of difficulties and challenges that will be faced in love. They will learn the power of their feelings and test it with war.
Anastasiya Slutskaya
The action takes place at the beginning of the 16th century. The rich Belarusian lands that are part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, located at the intersection of trade routes, are attacked by Tatars. With rapid raids, the Crimean cavalry reaches all Belarusian cities without exception. The conquerors stormed the fortress, robbed, stole the population into slavery, leaving behind ashes. On the way, the troops of the Crimean Tatars, among the few who have not yet been defeated, stand up to the brave squad and brave residents of the city of Slutsk, whose defense after the death of the husband of Prince Semyon Olelkovich was led by Princess Anastasia Slutskaya.
The Burning Land
A young Jewish-American female singer is trapped in the USSR behind the enemy lines during the WWII...
The Fourth Wish
In August of 1944
The movie is set in Belarus, where a team of counter-intelligence officers is given only three days to find a German radio operator posing as a Soviet soldier, behind soviet lines, on the eve of a major offensive.
Dangerous Temptation
Is life perfect? It happens. When the spouses have strong, stable relations, connected not only by marriage, but also by the joint business that Tatiana received from her father, and her husband Mark manages all the affairs of the late father-in-law construction company. But if you look into the keyhole and take a closer look, the ideal will suddenly seem imperfect, and a hint of hatred will appear in love and decency. What can break a strong family bond? Passion or deceit? Treason or thirst for vengeance? And if high feelings and low human passions mix up, intertwine and drag on with a strong knot, which can be unleashed only by death?
Операция «Горгона»