Nanni Balestrini


Acto de contrición
In this painful melodrama, an aging mother (Claudia Cardinale) attempts to cope with the progressive deterioration of her grown son due to his drug addiction. At first only manipulative, in addition to stealing from her he eventually becomes abusive and violent, and she must take strong measures if she is to save her own life, much less his.
La quinta jornada
Milán, revuelta anti-austriaca de 1848. Cainazzo (Celentano), un delincuente de poca monta, y Rómulo (Cerusico) un panadero, se ven envueltos en los disturbios del momento. Asisten a reuniones en las que entran en contacto con los personajes más heterogéneos: agentes dobles, gentes sedientas de sangre, aventureros sin escrúpulos. Y como no desean ser marginados, participan de forma oportunista en la rebelión. Pero en medio de tanta injusticia y violencia, Rómulo reacciona instintivamente.
No Stop Grammatica
A happening that lasted 12 hours in the Feltrinelli bookshop in Rome. The soundtrack (background weaning) was put together by the crowd, recomposing, without listening to them, pieces of magnetic film that had been distributed around. There are almost all the painters, directors and actors of the Roman avant-garde.